View Full Version : All i want for Christmas:

December 8th, 2004, 01:31 PM
I made a post similair to this in x-mas of 02, was alot of fun and good laughs, so here goes another try:

All i want for X-mans is.. (please note some of these are repeats as i did not get them that x-mas)

-All guns would be taken off the server and the knife would be only choice.
-Techno Music would replace all sounds in CS
-Map cycle would be- Fy_Party Cs_city_assault Fy_Party Cs_city_assault Fy_Party Cs_city_assault
-CFH would get his own personal jet so he could fly everyone to LAN's
-Corona's cell phone would be able to actually connect to my phone
-Drax would settle down and become a preacher and have 12 kids
-LA_Tech would go off an a great adventure, write about it and become a famous author.
-Sweetgirl would learn how to change her custom title so that she is no longer a "Posting Madman"
-Dirge would run for president
-Saint would run agiast him, his slogan would be "omg omg omg vote for me omg omg omg omg!!" ;p
-sweedish would pick a race sabre would pick a country (hehe)
-captain would become this famous biker, then do comercial shoots for training wheels.
-End to realease a huge online role playing game consisting of stick people.
-Onji would get a personall assistant to handle all the damn phone calls he gets at work. (while im trying to ask important questions about WoW and websites and video games!!)
-Toby would learn how to log off instant messangers ( like i can talk hehe)
-Suntrails would get a t-shirt that says, "Im hot and i deserve Chocolate"
-SgtJeff would get promoted to a higher rank
-Mercy would only get big bags of PO TA TOES
-Snipers avatar would change, IT STILL FREAKS ME OUT!!
-apoc would have to talk like a little girl for a month
-goose would finnaly get to be the top bird in the "V" formation

there are sooo many more things i could go into.. help me out and make some fun comments about people i havent included... (fun, behave!) All i really want for x-mas is for everyone to have a great holiday season!!!

December 8th, 2004, 02:04 PM
lmao good ones H

December 8th, 2004, 02:07 PM
all i want for christmas is:

- swedish to make some meatballs
_ Iccey to quit bugging me when i play cs "lemme play"
- someone to make diesel quit calling me names.
--sweetgirl to invite everyone to her house and she cooks. :)
- Goose to stop eating the pink insulation
- the age at the next lan to be 15 0r 0lder so i could go.

thats what i want for christmas. weeeeeeeeee.

byw good ones }{

December 8th, 2004, 02:24 PM
-Andy to have some Patte'..lol
-Everyone to get one Spark prayer
-Techtator to get a little mustache under his nose
-Toby to get a minnie me to assist him
-everyone to get Source so they will not play 1.6 anymore
-Apoc gets a passworded computer ;)
-Nutria to get dental insurance
-CajunTech to get het iron britches so Tanya will stop chewing him a knew arse :p:
-new bras for Widow :)
-Brandon gets to eat some oysters ;)
-RP and Jeff get in the tofu of the month club

December 8th, 2004, 02:30 PM
now see? thats the x-mas pwning spirit!

December 8th, 2004, 02:46 PM
-Andy to have some Patte'..lol
-Everyone to get one Spark prayer
-Techtator to get a little mustache under his nose
-Toby to get a minnie me to assist him
-everyone to get Source so they will not play 1.6 anymore
-Apoc gets a passworded computer ;)
-Nutria to get dental insurance
-CajunTech to get het iron britches so Tanya will stop chewing him a knew arse :p:
-new bras for Widow :)
-Brandon gets to eat some oysters ;)
-RP and Jeff get in the tofu of the month club

I'd like to get two new....wait, I already got those. Okay, then I'd like Diesel's wish for me to come true!!!

December 8th, 2004, 04:28 PM
What's wrong with mah teeth... they are spaced apart perfectly and bright pretty yellow.

[sG] Dutchman
December 8th, 2004, 05:10 PM
-UHH I don't know what I want :(

hmmmmm............................................ ...... got one cs:source better yet a girlfriend ahhh yes just amagine that hmmmm *goes into a day dream*......

December 8th, 2004, 06:30 PM
I'm hurt H, you left me off the wish list.

December 8th, 2004, 06:37 PM
You could have atleast wished me to not sleep in any odd places this year.

I wish for H to remeber UBER DELETE! (Besides, Dirge needs a running mate, hello, do I not oooze of GOP)

December 8th, 2004, 07:18 PM
lol elect me and my running mate uber!

December 8th, 2004, 08:08 PM
I want a new collective bargaining agreement :(

December 8th, 2004, 08:12 PM
You can be my sec of state!

December 8th, 2004, 08:50 PM
-Drax would settle down and become a preacher and have 12 kids

LMFAO!! think that'll happen one day, pfffttt! Now on the other hand, i could have 12 children, who knows :dunno :)

December 8th, 2004, 08:51 PM
Hey Dutch, I got the hookup for a girl, holla.

December 8th, 2004, 10:16 PM
Hey Dutch, I got the hookup for a girl, holla.

FYI, Dutchman is 14 years "young". I think all 50 states and most trailer parks would find that illegal. lol

Again, singles chatlines seem interesting if you can't go out and meet people irl.

December 8th, 2004, 10:19 PM
FYI, Dutchman is 14 years "young". I think all 50 states and most trailer parks would find that illegal. lol

Again, singles chatlines seem interesting if you can't go out and meet people irl.
i doubt dutchman would mind...lol

December 8th, 2004, 10:19 PM
-Sweetgirl would learn how to change her custom title so that she is no longer a "Posting Madman"

I did, boon..........like 6 months ago!! I have been "posting MADAM" since then. :rolleyes:

December 8th, 2004, 10:20 PM
yeah }{ - pay atttention or sweets will slap ya!

December 9th, 2004, 02:16 AM
i tottaly just read what i wanted to then.. lol..

and andy you where in there!! your text must have just been ubarly deleted!?!? Sorry i just couldnt get everyone in the post.

