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Yammer Hammer!
December 2nd, 2004, 06:22 PM
hey guys what happened to respecting other people's opinions? If you really think about it, I was going on facts I never said anything that I didn't know, or anything that wasn't true. Oh i guess its cause im not a LA_MERC. darnit.

December 2nd, 2004, 06:42 PM

Yammer Hammer!
December 2nd, 2004, 06:44 PM
I'm being threatened in the Holtz vs. Spurrier thread. Just giving my thoughts. o_o

December 2nd, 2004, 06:54 PM
If you don't like what is on tv... change the channel. Don't egg on arguments... it is like you are only asking for people to attack you. Hopefully I didn't offend you here but if I did... I won't be bothered by it if you attacked me. Just walk away from fights... it is the big thing to do.

Yammer Hammer!
December 2nd, 2004, 07:32 PM
A big thing to do would be talk things out with people. I got banned from the server because none of the La Mercs knew me. thats pretty pathetic. And im about to get thrown off here because none of the la mercs like me. I've broken no rules. But whatever hey I don't run this. You guys have the last say in everything OBVIOUSLY. I'm sorry we have difference of opinions.

December 2nd, 2004, 07:33 PM
what chu talkin bout willis? sorry, i like that kid. whats his first name? i know his last name is coleman.

oww, found it. its garry coleman

December 2nd, 2004, 07:37 PM
Swed he has your first name which is Booooon :)

December 2nd, 2004, 07:41 PM
Yammer get a clue or go buy one and leave...we do not like nor appreciate your kind around here...
please look at the sigs of some of our forum members and go play there..and chat all you want to them..kk..now c ya latter.

December 2nd, 2004, 07:44 PM
OK try this... When you go to someone's house you don't know you don't start arguements, you play nice and make nice conversation, kinda feel out the person. When you get to know the person(s) you can then joke and agree to disagree on things. I think you just got off on a bad note with us and a lot of the guys are taking offense to what you are saying. They are not sure if you are joking or serious. My suggestion is try to be nice and stay away from arguments for a while... and no sarcastic or offensive posts.

Bo -#It-
December 2nd, 2004, 08:19 PM
This is funny. I haven't said anything in any matters but they want to ban my account. Nutria should be promoted or running this clan cause that is the way things should be said and dealt with. My hats off to you.

My opinion Nutria, which I hope i get your thoughts on, is that the post on holtz and spurrier was made to bring up arguement. If the persons that posted in the POST didn't want outsiders' opinions they should of posted it in their respectful members forums. Not public. Nutria you are right about YammerHammer setting his self up for Attack. Thats how he argues and he is good at it (my opinion).

Since i'm not up to date on the post but i remember someone bashing Spurrier or bashing Holtz one or the other. Both coachs are very good, they wouldn't be Head coaches if they sucked (for instance RON ZOOK :) ) again (my opinion). Nobody should be judging either man cause they don't KNOW them. I don't agree with either ones football habits. (holtz being conservative) (spurrier being RUN THE SCORE UP). But unlike most fans i don't just think about myself and the thrill of seeing my team WIN. I see that the football program is decreasing. With Spurrier as the coach it will bring better players to USC and also more money to the school.

Final comment - If you start a post like Spurrier vs. Holtz what do you expect, everyone to agree with you? or a debate?

Even the presidential debates get heated guys.

O, one more thing some of you English Majors please correct my spelling and grammar, my English prof. will be happy if I learn some new things before class. When ur Emotions run High ur grammar will die! Think about it.

rubber BANNED man

December 2nd, 2004, 08:25 PM
I'm only going to make one post and then I promise to not make another one, unless provoked. Yammer, I'm sure you're a good guy, ok, maybe I stretched that a little, but anyway. You were banned from the server - ok, and the purpose for you staying on our forums is what? To kill time? If you ask me, it's about as worthless as a screen door on a submarine.

Oh i guess its cause im not a LA_MERC. darnit.
Comments like this aren't helping you any.

I'm being threatened in the Holtz vs. Spurrier thread
No where in that thread is there a threat; there is a warning from an admin that if you get out of line again you'll be gone. I'm sure that's not a threat - it's a promise.

Remember, you are at our house, and we make the rules. We have general rules that pertain to everyone and then as they arise, personal rules are added. Just like at my house, no one is allowed in my shop but the exception is my brother in law is allowed. So I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about. You have made several "enemies" here with your "attitude" and your persistence. Drop it and let it go. Keep your nose clean and just chill. If you don't like the rules of the house, you have the option of leaving. If you break the rules of the house, we have the option of removing you. I'm not trying to sound like a bully 'cause I'm not - I'm just being as nice about my bluntness as possible.

Yammer Hammer!
December 2nd, 2004, 08:27 PM
Nutria im nice to everyone in the server when i play there thats why you guys all start talking to me when i play in there and you dont know who i am. dont make it out like i just came up in this server and started being a jerk for no reason. You aren't going to manipulate things and make it out like im the bad guy. its me against every la merc im not going to win. its just funny how you guys run this oligarchy. ya'll can take stabs at me or any other regular in the server, and we have to brush it off, cause if we dont and we get into an argument we get kicked and sometimes if we piss you guys off enough because of what yall said in the first place then we will be banned. oh well : /

December 2nd, 2004, 08:56 PM
Yammer you were threatened because you're attitude was and evidently is bad. But that wasn't it, you strayed from your "argument" and started belittling people. That will not be tolerated here. And your short term memory can't seem to grasp why you were banned from the server. And then you try to come back. Same thing on the closed thread. You're arguing about someone's sports knowledge because they don't agree on people pronouncing Clemson?!?! And you berate/belittle them? And then you start a NEW thread and claim you're not doing anything wrong? Oh yeah, and you do this in the forums that the member you were talking down to is a member? Get a clue man.

Thread Closed.

Warning: DO NOT start another thread about this subject OR continue your disrespectful ways here. Check the rules of conduct for guidance.
