View Full Version : Paint vs Dye

December 2nd, 2004, 08:56 AM
I have a project that I want to do and I have the case that I want to use but the issue I have run into is that the case's outer shell is not metal, it's plastic. It was a Dell case but it's fixin' to be a modified. Here is a question I have, for anyone with USEFUL information; the plastic on the case is textured, and I don't really care if it stays textured or not, but will be better to sand and paint the plastic or to dye the plastic? If anyone has done any such modification and has some pictures, I'd appreciate if I could view them.

Thanx guys, and girls if the case my be.

December 2nd, 2004, 08:58 AM
for anyone with USEFUL information;

i take offense to that...


December 2nd, 2004, 09:33 AM
Seriously, I ld try painting it first with some of that Fusion paint. I've painted 2 cases so far that were mostly plastic, and they both turned out fine with that brand of paint...you should try it.

December 2nd, 2004, 09:48 AM
I'll give it a try this weekend on the dell rings I removed from the sides - that way if I screw it up , who cares. lol

December 5th, 2004, 10:44 AM
If you are wanting to stay with a standar color, i.e. black or red.

Vinyl dye works wonders on plastic, and you have to try really hard to screw it up.

I've painted many of my drives with vinyl dye to match them to my black front facia, and it matches them to the point you think the plastic was that color in the first place.

But if you are wanting to go with a custom color, paint may be the way to go, although you can get vinyl dye custom mixed, though it gets a bit pricey.

December 6th, 2004, 03:11 PM
Painting the plastic requires more prep work, but I think it looks better than dye. Zen is right though, its really hard to mess up if you're using dye.

