View Full Version : and im back....

November 27th, 2004, 04:19 PM
A big wuzzzup to all you guys, been a while since ive seen a few of you guys. I know I got to know a few of you back when i was playing regularly on the lamerc server back in january. Ive gotten to know a few more of you on SWG, you might know me as Ajev, the pretty pretty princess...Just letting those of you i had a great time with back in the day that im back and ready to be owned by you sometime :)

[uGa] Saint
November 27th, 2004, 04:27 PM
sup homey, had fun on the server a couple of nights ago with you. If you havent been around since January then you missed my stint as the cool and suave la_merc_saint, to sum it up, Latech and me had some social issues to work out, like who would sleep at who's house, finally I decided I had my heart broken too many times and decided it was time to move on... *tear*

lol, anyways, welcome

November 27th, 2004, 05:21 PM
Haha, Saint. Anyways WELCOME!!!

(And I'll skip my story...for now...)
