View Full Version : vid. card install

November 24th, 2004, 04:00 PM
Ok..got the new card via fed ex. On an hp how do I get into the bios running xp to disable the onboard video adapter? Im assuming I have to do this, After I put the new card in, started to boot, went to the xp loading screen and then just hung up with a black screen. And of course I got no instructions in a language I can understand, spanish german chinese, but no English, retards :( Sorry about seeming clueless but I have no experience with hp. :violin

November 25th, 2004, 08:57 PM
Ummmmm f8 to get into ya bios and look up Vga drivers and disable it or enable it.....

[uGa] Saint
November 25th, 2004, 11:26 PM
yea, i dunno what to tell you, I had to do the same thing two years ago with my HP but i really dont remember what the heck i did, best bet is to just snoop around your bios until you can enable your video via the agp (or pci depending) rather than it being onboard... hope you figure it out, :)

November 26th, 2004, 05:51 AM
We got it fixed, thanks!

November 26th, 2004, 07:09 AM
well one way you can just make the new video card the primary is by
1)Turn off Computer.
2)Switch computer back on.
3) Turn off computer again, but this time, plug in your video card.
4)Turn your computer back on and go to your settings in "properties".
5)Under the settings, there should be a little box that has the "Factory Vid Card, and the new one you have pluged in".
6)Click the "new video card". And "Make Primary". Download and install all your new dirvers. Reboot computer and it should now be your primary screen. Hope that helps, thats the way i had to do muh old one.

November 26th, 2004, 07:32 AM
Thx all:) Everything be workin and im outta the dog house thanks peeps :)

November 26th, 2004, 09:29 PM
do you realize how many people i see buy new vid cards, take them home, put them in thier computers and then come back computer and all saying they aren't getting any video - but they are still plugging thier monitor into the onboard vid, and the bios disabled it automatically when the new card was put in.

the worst thing I've seen is when this old woman INSISTED that i install 128mb of ram in her Gateway EV700 monitor...I almost NEVER convinced her that her monitor was not her computer...then she got mad saying i should have told her to bring in her "modem"...sheeze - i love idiots!

November 26th, 2004, 11:09 PM
the worst thing I've seen is when this old woman INSISTED that i install 128mb of ram in her Gateway EV700 monitor...I almost NEVER convinced her that her monitor was not her computer...then she got mad saying i should have told her to bring in her "modem"...sheeze - i love idiots!

HUmmm... Sounds familiar ...LOL

November 26th, 2004, 11:24 PM
HUmmm... Sounds familiar ...LOL

Yeah - it reminds me of way back when i started in computer retail, at FlorencePC - before ACS even...when I had a woman call in one day asking how much our modems were...I told her they started at $19.95...she was like NINETEEN DOLLARS AND NINTY FIVE CENTS????

and I was like ... yeah??!!!???
she was like, I'll be right down...

she gets there eventually, and says she wants one of our $19.95 modems, so I go pull her one of those crappy Lucent Winmodem 56K units off the shelf, and she was like...NO, I want a WHOLE modem, and I was like this IS a whole modem...

She ment a "Computer"...

November 27th, 2004, 01:11 AM
ohhhhhhhhh THAT'S what u meant!!

November 27th, 2004, 05:21 AM
My favorite customer words are "Modiums" (a cross between 'modem' and 'ammodium') and "Mega-Chimps"...and I have NO CLUE what that was supposed to be.

November 27th, 2004, 06:27 AM
My favorite customer words are "Modiums" (a cross between 'modem' and 'ammodium') and "Mega-Chimps"...and I have NO CLUE what that was supposed to be.

Ahhhahahahah.. dude, everyone should know its the Chimp Processing Unit (CPU) that gets help from the Mega Chimps! to run the computer!!
lol you guys crack muh up

November 27th, 2004, 07:21 AM
I love it when people call a whole computer by part name..cpu, hard drive, modem....trips me out.
