View Full Version : For all you deer hunters

November 23rd, 2004, 10:46 AM

W0w, carry an extra hand gun with ya is all i can say.. hehe

November 23rd, 2004, 11:35 AM
The guy was from minn... and we thought Southern rednecks where trouble... i wonder if recial issues where the reason.. but still.. you dont shoot 6 people for calling you names. Who knows what really happend, maybe the guy just snapped.

November 23rd, 2004, 11:52 AM
Hold him accountable if he can't muster up any kind of sound reason to open fire on 8 plus people. More than likely he accidentally shot at one of the family memnbers and the others went at him in frustration and a fire fight insued. Either way I think he'll be hard pressed to come up with any kind of plausible excuse. HANG HIM!

November 23rd, 2004, 11:56 AM
bah I think the guy was on the PETA payroll and was out to protect Bambi from the maraduing hunters. Who in the heck hunts with an SKS?!?! Where is that legal (other than Afghanistan)?

November 23rd, 2004, 12:12 PM
thats a good point dirge.. but they said he was in someone elses tree stand. In our newspaper they said the owners were talking to him telling him to get down, but then he started to shoot. I dunno of any of the hunters were shooting back, but said this guy was in the army, so he knew how to shoot. The crazy part was the police were waiting for him to leave the woods to capture him. Turns out 2 other hunters helped him leave cause he got lost with a broken compass, but the 2 other hunters had no idea what happened..

November 23rd, 2004, 01:25 PM
thats a good point dirge.. but they said he was in someone elses tree stand. In our newspaper they said the owners were talking to him telling him to get down, but then he started to shoot. I dunno of any of the hunters were shooting back, but said this guy was in the army, so he knew how to shoot. The crazy part was the police were waiting for him to leave the woods to capture him. Turns out 2 other hunters helped him leave cause he got lost with a broken compass, but the 2 other hunters had no idea what happened..

See what doesn't make any sense is that he didn't just keep on shooting people, the other two hunters helped him out and he didn't do a thing to them, where as he went off on the other group. I again am not makeing excuses, but like the story stated mabey he was pushed into it be racial comments or something else I'm sure given time a clearer picture will be painted and right now all we can do is specualte.

Who in the heck hunts with an SKS?!?! Where is that legal (other than Afghanistan)?

Well in most states that have a rifle season, the only stimpulation is that it must be a center fire cartridge. Which that gun is, as well as any other smi-automatic rifle such as a 30-06 or a 243. I have a cusin that hunts with one, I don't know why but he does.

November 23rd, 2004, 01:53 PM
He ran out of bullets... that's why he quit shooting.

Yammer Hammer!
November 23rd, 2004, 02:02 PM
I'm pretty sure that 6 people weren't shooting at him. He is a nut case not matter how you look at it. There is no way in hell a group of 6 people are just going to start shooting at 1 man for being in a deer stand on their property, but if im wrong, there is no way in hell that all those 6 hunters would miss shooting him. just a thought....

November 23rd, 2004, 02:08 PM
The thing that disturbs me is that the local news says he started shooting at the group, got down off the stand and actually turned his double sided hunting vest from the orange to the camoflauge so they couldn't see him and hunted the group down as they ran away from him through the forest. The police found the bodies all throughout the woods.

November 23rd, 2004, 02:12 PM
See what doesn't make any sense is that he didn't just keep on shooting people, the other two hunters helped him out and he didn't do a thing to them, where as he went off on the other group. I again am not makeing excuses, but like the story stated mabey he was pushed into it be racial comments or something else I'm sure given time a clearer picture will be painted and right now all we can do is specualte.

Well in most states that have a rifle season, the only stimpulation is that it must be a center fire cartridge. Which that gun is, as well as any other smi-automatic rifle such as a 30-06 or a 243. I have a cusin that hunts with one, I don't know why but he does.

The stories I have seen said the killer was out of ammo by the time the other hunters helped him out of the woods. Who knows if he would have had more if he would have killed them too. And the hunting rifle is illegal becuase of the number of rounds it can hold. Having a 25 round clip is a no-no as I understand it.

November 23rd, 2004, 02:28 PM
This is just horrible. I'm sure we in the hunting community are going to take heat from anti-gun supporters...:(

And racism is not a plausible reason to murder others. What could they have possibly said to make him shoot the first and the second group?

The fact that HE HUNTED THE OTHERS DOWN means that the guy was crazy. And yall are right. He probably would have shot those who helped him if he hadn't been out of ammo.

His choice of gun kind of makes me think he went out there knowing what he was going to do. A semi-automatic SKS?!

This whole thing sounds like a Jason flick, but with a gun. :(

November 23rd, 2004, 02:32 PM
Who in the heck hunts with an SKS?!?! Where is that legal (other than Afghanistan)?


November 23rd, 2004, 02:36 PM
LOL Evidently! Did he bring it over with him?

November 23rd, 2004, 02:37 PM
BTW, an SKS doesn't have a detachable clip. It SHOULD be a 5 round top loading fixed mag. If it took a 30 rounder it would be an AK47.


November 23rd, 2004, 03:49 PM
The news here brings out that he was on private property, the guy thats owned the property told him to get of his land, the man got po'ed came back with an automatic weapon and just started shooting the people. At least thats what they brought out in the Morning news here on the radio,

November 23rd, 2004, 03:58 PM
The news here brings out that he was on private property, the guy thats owned the property told him to get of his land, the man got po'ed came back with an automatic weapon and just started shooting the people. At least thats what they brought out in the Morning news here on the radio,

That's what they're saying up here, too acid. He was in a deerstand on private property and the owners asked him to leave. Apparently they were only a few miles away from a large area of public land where the guy could have gone to hunt.

November 23rd, 2004, 07:48 PM
cfh I read on the net where you can buy after-market clips that hold 20 rounds.

November 23rd, 2004, 09:10 PM
Well bottom line is the guy did wrong no matter if there racial issues or if he's just a nut job.

The sad thing is there is 6 dead people and 6 families that have loved ones that are not going to be with them.

November 25th, 2004, 09:02 PM
He Was High And Saw Deer So He Shot And Was Proud Of His Kills?

November 25th, 2004, 09:49 PM
Maybe if they would have run out and got an interpreter so that he could understand them, they could have explained the purpose of hunting is to kill the deer not the guys running around in camo.
