View Full Version : Condom Wars

-FA- ManiacalClown
November 14th, 2004, 11:12 AM
*bangs head on table*


November 18th, 2004, 02:04 PM
keep banging harder?

Looks like a one-sided editorial if I ever saw one. The guy complains about an transition to state's rights? come on... He convieniently neglects that much of the "obscene" material subject to review now was being used on children as young as the third grade. If this guy really wants to complain, start by demanding an audit of the so-called HIV charity accounting books and see where the money really goes and how much actual education they do. And remember, education starts in the home, HIV is not spreading through the suburbs or malls, it was, is, and continues to be primarily spread through the gay community, drug users, and third world countries.

November 18th, 2004, 02:12 PM
that is an assinine column. someone obviously sore about the outcome of the election....he probably has HIV to.

November 18th, 2004, 03:02 PM
that s just ridiculous. besides how do they believe abstinence is not the best way to not get aids? hahah idiots

-FA- ManiacalClown
November 18th, 2004, 03:33 PM
And remember, education starts in the home, HIV is not spreading through the suburbs or malls, it was, is, and continues to be primarily spread through the gay community, drug users, and third world countries.

Two out of three ain't bad.

November 18th, 2004, 03:36 PM
"And those abstinence-only programs, researchers say, actually increase the risk of contracting AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)."

WTF? That's like saying you increase your chances of dying in a plane crash by never flying at all. Wow, I'm with you Sniper.

And condoms aren't fool-proof! The manufacturers state that they're only 70 percent effective!

Sex education IS important, but you can't just throw money(and condoms) at it! Being a student still in high school, I know exactly what would happen if condoms were passed out.

:crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby :crybaby

[uGa] Saint
November 18th, 2004, 04:02 PM
....he probably has HIV to.

obviously the article is biased, but thats sorta uncalled for... imho.
