View Full Version : Yasser Arafat

November 10th, 2004, 09:03 PM
They just broke in on CBS - Yasser Arafat has passed away...

November 10th, 2004, 09:06 PM
It will be interesting to see the outcome of this in the political sense. The middle east has never been a very peaceful place...and I don't really expect this to change...but it will be interesting to see who garners control of the PLO now...and how much more, or less, militant they are.

May he rest in peace...

November 10th, 2004, 09:19 PM
I just wish CBS had chosen NOT to tell me about it DURING THE LAST FIVE MINUTES of CSI:NY!!! When you only get 4 channels you savor what you have!

November 10th, 2004, 09:43 PM
I know the guy is dead... but... YAHOO!!! Anyone that finacnes the killing of innocents deserves to die. And the irony is that he didn't die as a martyr, he died of natural causes. PLO complains about Israelis rejoicing in his death, what about 9/11 when Palestinians danced in the streets. Let the f'er rot!

November 10th, 2004, 09:58 PM
I still say I wish he'd waited 5 minutes to die - I still don't know why that guy was dead in his bed with one leg cut off on CSI :(

November 10th, 2004, 10:02 PM
wohoo! now peace may have a chance in the middle east!

November 10th, 2004, 10:06 PM
I know the guy is dead... but... YAHOO!!! Anyone that finacnes the killing of innocents deserves to die. !

Please tell me you know the history of Israel? We made Israel in the 1950's when we took it from Palestine, it is not an opinion, it is a fact. Even President Bush has said it was a mistake and would like to fix the problem there. President Bush has spoken about it on many times and has Received harsh criticism for it. Palestine has been fighting for its freedom for 50 years now, I thought everyone knew that? No wonder they hate us, we helped take there country away and we also supply Israel with weapons to help kill them. It is one of the most embarrassing things we have ever done. Again, this is not opinions, this is stated facts.

[uGa] Saint
November 10th, 2004, 10:11 PM
ntuser is right... plus im worried they wont be able to replace him with someone who will have influence over the suicide bombers... you say peace has a chance... i say there's a chance for increased attacks and skirmishes... well, moreso than usual. bleh.

November 10th, 2004, 10:25 PM
three words: Big Red Button!

November 10th, 2004, 10:37 PM
If they start giving us trouble follow this equation.
Extreme heat+sand=glass
And rocks are cheaper than bullets

November 11th, 2004, 06:19 AM
ntuser, I don't recall saying anything contradictaroy to what you stated. Want some more facts? Arafat has been bankrolling several terrosrist grops (including Hamas) with money from the US instead of using it to aid the Palestinian people. Another fact, Israe was not creatd by ths US, it was a group of countries( (mainly the UN). ANother fact- Arafat is responsible for the non-existence of a Palestinian state, going back to the Camp David accords under Clinton and Bush's roadmap to a Palestinian state. And don't kid yourself about what they fight for. Their long term goal is to destroy Israel. But hey, I wasn't debating any of the "facts" you put forth. I'm just glad that scumbag Arafat is about to push up weeds.

November 11th, 2004, 07:34 AM
Yep User and Saint ya need to check out a story that was released by the man who, most people say new Arafat the best, he interviewed him like 500 times or something, I will try to find the link, but the jist of his story was that with out the Palestinian uprising Arafat had nothing...he alone was the one to shoot down the peace accord with Clinton, all othere Palastinian leaders had approved it, along with Isreal..A sepereate Palastinian state can only be obtained without Arafat, the terrorist, in the mix.
Keep up with the facts and you can not go wrong :p:

November 11th, 2004, 08:43 AM
He Death Was Set Up C.I.A Spys Killed Him

November 11th, 2004, 08:47 AM
Actually the problem started towards the end of WWI. The Turkish Ottoman Empire went away and several Arab teritories were placed under British control.. (The League of Nations Covenant Article 22 is what led to the Territories being under the administration of GB).. All but one became independent states. In 1917 the British government issued the "Balfour Declaration" which expressed support for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people". The migration started from Europe at that time... Then during the 1930's with the Nazi bs the numbers swelled... Now in 1947 the UN decided there needed to be two seperate states..One Arab and One Jewish..see the (Resolution 181 (II) of 1947) Israel proclaimed its independence.. During the war in 1948 Isreal took over 77% of the of the territory of Palestine...blah blah blah... anyway... I'm glad to see he's gone.. I just hope some sort of peace can be worked out over there...

oh yeah... and I'm not trying to seem like an expert on the subject, i just decided some time ago to do a little research... i just wanted to know a little more about what happened..(and prove a point) The above is a small piece of one particular document.. it can be found at http://www.un.org/Depts/dpa/ngo/history.html There are plenty more sites with more info, I just happened to have that one bookmarked to settle an argument with a friend a while back... :)

November 11th, 2004, 11:18 AM
Although Arafat is gone, there will NEVER be peace in the Middle East...However, I hope that his predecessor will not follow in Arafat's footsteps(financing terrorists, rejecting peace talks, etc.).

November 11th, 2004, 02:40 PM
man we watch this tv show in class every morning called channel 1 and he was all they talked about and i was like......the guy was financing terrorists to kill US! umm hello buh bye!

November 12th, 2004, 08:32 AM
Interested in the mindsets of some of Arafat's supporters?


November 12th, 2004, 10:27 AM
Good link, I don’t see any thing wrong with it, because half the things said there are lies, lies, lies, to bad you can’t see it either. Again you failed to,” LOOK UP YOUR FACTS,” as you stated to me before. The only Radical agendas I see are the ones being pursed by the Israeli government. They are using Tanks, Helicopters, and Bombers against people with rocks. I wonder where they got all those high tech weapons, oh yeah we gave them to Israel. President Bush has on many occasions warned Israel to stop its incursion into Palestine, to stop bulldozing entire neighborhoods, to stop bombing Red Cross aid camps. There is no honor in steeling land from people and that is exactly what Israel is doing. I find it to be one of the most cowardly things taking place in the world right now. I can not understand any one who would stand behind a country that kills woman and children and then has then nerve to not understand why suicide bombers try and kill you back.

By the way that flyer posted on that web page says it all. If you are going to post facts, try and find some that are little less bias, this web page is obviously not a real news source, and it is just trying to push its own Radical agenda. Any web site that wants to stop others from expressing there own views is aligning its self with Communism. That web page is filled with so much one sided views it makes me sick.

November 12th, 2004, 11:24 AM
Just because it attacks your opinion, NTuser, does not mean its bias. IT'S A NEWS STORY. All it did was inform us of what happened. And why are you on their side anyways? Those Arafat-supporting students were in the wrong, no matter what is going on in the Middle East.

November 12th, 2004, 11:32 AM
Israel was established long before the Palistine country even existed, but then again you would have to go to the Bible for that history lesson.

November 12th, 2004, 12:53 PM
heh It's a shame to see all of that energy wasted on a worthless cause. Yeah, Palestinians are "reacting" with suicide bombers, okay... And that webpage was a journalistic documentation of some demonstrations. I don't see where the lies,mlies part was. Your hyocrisy knows no bounds with some of your statements about one-sided views. Not to mention you scream "lies" and continute to veer off topic on your own imaginary tangents founded in la-la land. You don't even bother to tell much about yourself other than that your facts are grounded in myth rather than reality. gg very compelling arguments and points made... :rolleyes: Quick go get angry, burn an American and Israeli flag weep for terrorist scum bags like Arafat, Pol Pot while reliving such glorious events as the Khmer Rouge.

November 12th, 2004, 01:36 PM

November 12th, 2004, 02:08 PM
Snake ur facts are wrong big daddy...see my post.... LMAO @ Dirge! Ya friggin killin me man!! KILLIN ME!! ROFLMAO!

November 12th, 2004, 02:20 PM
heh It's a shame to see all of that energy wasted on a worthless cause.

Worhtless cuase? Genocide, killing, injustice, sorry if those things are so beneath you.

[QUOTE=LA_MERC_Dirge]Your hyocrisy knows no bounds with some of your statements about one-sided views. Not to mention you scream "lies" and continute to veer off topic on your own imaginary tangents founded in la-la land.

It is you who has veered off topic by posting that artical, not me, it is you who wants to believe that your web page is correct when all I see is Racism and fear. That is not news, that is propganda.

You don't even bother to tell much about yourself other than that your facts are grounded in myth rather than reality. gg very compelling arguments and points made... :rolleyes: .

Your lack of respect of my views is the real tradigy here. Your little "rolleyes" gesture lacks maturaty and your referancy to "la la land" is way out in left field.

Quick go get angry, burn an American and Israeli flag weep for terrorist scum bags like Arafat, Pol Pot while reliving such glorious events as the Khmer Rouge.

How dare you resort to communism with your flag burning ideas. I love this country and all Americans in it. When I see injustice done, when I see children killed, I react. I am sorry if you do not care about that, but hey it is your opinion and that is fine. I am a Christian and will not be silenced or even swayed by your negative views.

November 12th, 2004, 02:29 PM
lol, wow this joker is funny..its ok to kill Isreali children, but if a Palatinian child dies...oh no....seems wishy washy there John..er NTUser
dont get your panties in a knot when you were called out

November 12th, 2004, 02:36 PM
They are using Tanks, Helicopters, and Bombers against people with rocks.

Once again John, check your facts, sorry that is getting really funny,
you failed to mention the ak47's, rpg's, and explosives... Those little wonderful balls of joy known as terrorist don't spontaneously combust.
Oh wait are you refering to the sight we see on tv with the kids throwing rocks at the dozers to keep the terrorist out...ahh I see how you get your ...um...facts ;)

November 12th, 2004, 02:42 PM
Your lack of respect of my views is the real tradigy here. Your little "rolleyes" gesture lacks maturaty and your referancy to "la la land" is way out in left field.

lol The only tragedy here is your treatment of the English language. But I guess maybe you can't see the keyboard through your seething rage? Of course maybe that would explain why your version of history is skewed as well. Oh well, back to my control of the masses working towards the common good, oh wait Communists don't burn flags... Unless it's to keep them warm.
