View Full Version : hey infection

November 8th, 2004, 02:47 PM
dude did u notice.......all that smack u were talking about ur snipers score in the arcade went out the window. hehehehehehehehe i beat the boss.

man have fun beating that one.

i mean no offense by this post. i only want u to beat my score so ill have a reason to play that game again.

November 8th, 2004, 03:08 PM
One senseless and pointless post deserves another...

I'm goign to cut my fingernails tonight.

November 8th, 2004, 03:27 PM
I think i'll cut my Toenails tonight 'cause I cut my fingernails lastnight.

November 8th, 2004, 04:03 PM
Oh my gosh .. THAT'S WACK!

November 8th, 2004, 04:15 PM
One senseless and pointless post deserves another...

I'm goign to cut my fingernails tonight.

you can actually find nailclippers? at my house you can NEVER find em.

sorry just adding a pintless post in the pointless thread.

oh yeah, heres a horde of santas helpers for no good reason other then they look funny.
:xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7 :xmas7

November 8th, 2004, 04:23 PM
I'm about to go to guitar practice.

And I'm ready for Christmas!!
:xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6 :xmas6

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
November 8th, 2004, 04:23 PM
yeah, i never remember posting in the forums about my scores in the arcade.. but whatever gets you high...

November 8th, 2004, 04:44 PM
im bored so its time to write a story.

so it was a friday night and :) had nothing to do. so he called his homie :bigok and did some :drunk3 and some :ldm . at the bar they met :mardigras and they all did some more :beerchug. on the way home, :bigok was getting some :ldm from :mardigras so :) was like :shootme: "im the :H not him" then :) was all like :drunk1 :stpat3 :drunk3 and started to :stick and :shoot: . and :bigok was like :tears :tears. at the end of the night :mardigras left :bigok and hooked it up with :) because :bigok is a :loser1 . THE END

November 9th, 2004, 07:49 AM
LMAO!!!! Swedish you have way to much time on your hands!!!!!!!

[uGa] Saint
November 9th, 2004, 08:35 AM
hahahah, thats awesome!!! lol, man swedish, you need to get a job quick... maybe as a madlib writer. Just take out the images and put in blanks and you got yourself your first one already.

oh yea, and my boss said he was having a bad day, and I said he should be thankful for what he has, he responded with "well its not like my family member died or anything, but its still pretty bad... well, I bet someone's family member died somewhere today..." At this point I cut him off cause we had just received an email that one of our partners children died in Iraq and that everyone was staring at him. He sat down and hasnt talked since. just continueing the randomnes...

November 9th, 2004, 08:37 AM
Wow...that's horrible...

November 9th, 2004, 08:59 AM
I had 2 Mt dews today at work.. they cost me 50c each.. I'm also about to quit.. anyway.. its nice to have one of these threads once in awhile.

November 9th, 2004, 09:50 AM

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
November 9th, 2004, 10:22 AM
just.. spam

November 9th, 2004, 10:26 AM
I haven't had caffine of any kind in over 3 years now, so I'll stay clear of the Mt. Dew for fear of having a heart attack. lol

November 9th, 2004, 10:41 AM
I would have a heart attack without caffine!!!

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
November 9th, 2004, 11:20 AM
so how about them colts?

November 9th, 2004, 11:23 AM
I have a basketball game today. WoOT

I saw these guys play at the pre-season tournament this last weekend, so it should be smooth sailing. ;)

[uGa] Saint
November 9th, 2004, 12:33 PM
i thought i ran over a pidgeon on the way back from work but when i turned around and looked there was no smooshed bird, so i guess i didnt.

November 9th, 2004, 01:39 PM
spam is gross. actually ive never had it. is it really ham? if it is ham then whats the sp part of the name stand for?

November 9th, 2004, 01:40 PM
spiced ham food product...

It's actually ok - no worse than Treet - pretty good fried up in a pan and placed on a hamburger bun w/ all the fixins...

Also good fried up w/ some Grits for breakfast.

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
November 9th, 2004, 01:56 PM
what is the meaning of life...

November 9th, 2004, 01:56 PM
LOL ive never had grits either! i asked about grits once and somone said it was like nasty parts of fried up chicken. or was that chitlins (spelling?). i have never had any of it.

November 9th, 2004, 01:56 PM
I'm still trying to figure that one out Infection!

November 9th, 2004, 01:57 PM
Sweet Dish!
Chitlins are hog intestines, and Grits are finely ground up corn that's boiled - it's a hot cereal - kind of like Cream of Wheat (if you've ever had that)

November 9th, 2004, 01:59 PM
Some Chitlin history http://www.moo-oink.com/ChitlinHistory.htm found with a random google search...

November 9th, 2004, 02:21 PM
*throws up* thanks man. grits sounds ok, but im gonna have to pass up the chance to eat a huge steaming bowl of hog intestines.

November 9th, 2004, 02:24 PM
actually the only reason i did this is because i had no other means to get in touch with him is because fer some reason i forgot about pm's and + all mine seem to get ignored or something.

November 9th, 2004, 02:28 PM
so people actually eat a whole bowl of cooked pig guts? i know hot dogs are made outta bad stuff too, but this just sounds 50times worse. you kids in the south are crazy

November 9th, 2004, 02:28 PM
lol Well that would answer the question you pose in your sig!

November 9th, 2004, 02:29 PM
shut up dirge.........


November 10th, 2004, 11:28 AM
I've had chitlins a few times - never really liked them boiled - I like them much better fried...Haven't had them in years, and have no desire to have them again...

Grits on the other hand, I'm having me a big bowl right now :) Some salt, black pepper, butter and a few dashes of Texas Pete hot sauce...mmmm, mmmm, good!

November 14th, 2004, 01:32 PM
I watched 7 movies I had never seen before this weekend: Rocky, Big Fish, The Perfect Score, Envy, The Alamo, The Recruit and The Day After Tomorrow.

I thought Big Fish, Recruit and Day were good...the others sucked.

(more totally useless info)

November 14th, 2004, 01:36 PM
daruis miles plays for portland (where i live) and he came in to the theater (where i worked at the time) to watch a movie while the perfect score was out (wich he was in) but he went to see barbershop instead. funny huh?

November 14th, 2004, 01:43 PM
Makes sense...why see a movie that you star in? You already know what happens!

November 14th, 2004, 01:54 PM
yeah, that and the movie looked pretty crappy. this guy was so freakin tall. im 6'3" and this guy made me look kinda small.

November 14th, 2004, 02:25 PM
Yeah, LaTech, Big Fish is pretty good. I haven't seen the other two yet tho.


I'm going to take some days off of school to go deer hunting tomorrow and Tuesday. Woohoo!

November 14th, 2004, 02:29 PM
I'm going to take some days off of school to go deer hunting tomorrow and Tuesday. Woohoo!

I'm going to take some days off of doing nothing to go beer hunting. woohoo!

November 14th, 2004, 02:46 PM
I'm taking off work on Tuesday to play HL2

November 14th, 2004, 03:36 PM
LOL! I am taking a few days off myself. What to do? What to do?
