View Full Version : Half-Life2 Unlock Times and Dates...

November 6th, 2004, 04:17 PM
Taken from Steam's Forums

HL2 Set to Release Same Time Across World

quote:The question that has been on everybody's lips is at what time will Steam unlock on the 16th or at what time can I buy HL2 from retail? HL Fallout member War_Buddy has sent in some interesting news on this subject, reporting from Vivendi Denmark.

The word is that not only will HL2 be released on the same date across the world, but also the same time. Vivendi are forcing retailers to only start selling HL2 at midnight Seattle time (GMT-8), with taking into account time zone differences. The reason being is that Vivendi are planning to release HL2 across the worldwide simultaneously, for both retail and steam.

We have created a list of the release times for HL2 from each time zone around the world according to Greenwich Mean Time.
Source: www.hlfallout.net

Ok, VALVe's timezone is -8GMT or Pacific Time. They're located in the State Of Washington.

* It's 10:15PM, November 5th -8GMT. (At the time of this post...)
* HL2 Will not be playable until November 16th 12:00AM
-8GMT Time (That's Pacific Time in the US)

Figure out which GMT Timezone you're in to understand when YOU should be able to play HL2.

Use the Search feature instead of spamming.

(Times are estimates)

Here are the timezones w/ the provided release time:

* -12GMT || 8:00PM (Nov 15th)
* -11GMT || 9:00PM (Nov 15th)
* -10GMT || 10:00PM (Nov 15th)
* -9GMT || 11:00PM (Nov 15th)
* -8GMT || 12:00AM (Nov 16th) (VALVe's Time)
* -7GMT || 1:00AM (Nov 16th)
* -6GMT || 2:00AM (Nov 16th)
* -5GMT || 3:00AM (Nov 16th)
* -4GMT || 4:00AM (Nov 16th)
* -3GMT || 5:00AM (Nov 16th)
* -2GMT || 6:00AM (Nov 16th)
* -12GMT || 7:00AM (Nov 16th)
* 0GMT || 8:00AM (Nov 16th)
* +1GMT || 10:00AM (Nov 16th)
* +2GMT || 11:00AM (Nov 16th)
* +3GMT || 12:00PM (Nov 16th)
* +4GMT || 1:00PM (Nov 16th)
* +5GMT || 2:00PM (Nov 16th)
* +6GMT || 3:00PM (Nov 16th)
* +7GMT || 4:00PM (Nov 16th)
* +8GMT || 5:00PM (Nov 16th)
* +9GMT || 6:00PM (Nov 16th)
* +10GMT || 7:00PM (Nov 16th)
* +11GMT || 8:00PM (Nov 16th)
* +12GMT || 9:00PM (Nov 16th)

November 6th, 2004, 04:46 PM
w00t...good find m@l!!!

November 16th, 2004, 05:59 AM
OMG.. I have play H2 morning this game looks very good...did not play very long have to go to work.... I wanted to stay home and call in sick..... want to stay home play all day....... :(

November 16th, 2004, 06:07 AM
omfg Tech! AHHH SCARRY Avater!
lol ima buy the box this afternoon and lunch, then call in with a horrible illness, like, i think im gettin the flu, "huuuuuuuuuuuughhh" w00t, cant wait!

November 16th, 2004, 06:26 AM
I started dl'ing the files this morning. Question... It said it was dl'ing HL: Source files, is this different from HL2?

November 16th, 2004, 06:43 AM
i am playing now. OMG!

November 16th, 2004, 06:43 AM
HL Source is the original HL on the source engine.

And, I've been playing HL2 all morning...and OMG!...it's awesome. IMHO...

November 16th, 2004, 07:11 AM
I unlocked it and saw the intro screen..it was awesome..lol
will play it when I get home.

November 16th, 2004, 08:27 AM
I'm at work..... can not play... work ####### I play it when I get home...... :)

November 16th, 2004, 09:03 AM
it sux i saw the intro when i unlocked them this morning... and then i had to go to class.. and im going nuts.. i was so excited in class i almost fell out of my chair... ;alsdjf;alksjf;laksjdf adf WANT TO PLAY ;lkjasdfl;jkasdfl;j slkajds... soon as i get out of class and submit a project im going to play... dont have to go to work tonight so ill be playing all day w00t


November 16th, 2004, 10:22 AM
i played for about 40 min this morning, i was like *DROOL*, then i had to go to work, wont get home until 8:30, then turn around and have to be to work again at 8:00am the next day, sux, but at least wednesday night after 5 its all mine....weeee

November 16th, 2004, 11:52 AM
man what a game! ive been playing since about 7:30 this morning, i'm only stopping now for a lunch break, then i'm going back in lol

November 16th, 2004, 12:03 PM
its really that good? But I don't want to spend money *pouts*. I know there are different deals ect, but which one is the best for the buck?

November 16th, 2004, 12:07 PM
I will prob get this one..

1. "Bronze" -- $49.95
-- Half-Life 2*
-- Counter-Strike: Source

November 16th, 2004, 01:09 PM
yeah that's all you need
