View Full Version : Pre and Hulk's incredible adventure!!!!!

November 5th, 2004, 11:21 AM
OK, as some of you know, I used to live in Texas (Killeen to be exact, right by Fort Hood), and I rather enjoyed the year I spent there. Well, Wednesday Matt (V8 | Incredible Hulk) and I went to see my friend Laura in Temple (right below Waco) and we had a nice day. On the way home, however, we pulled off the interstate to eat, and we were on some silly dirt road in the middle of nowhere. We ate, then we tried turning around, and got stuck right off the road in some dirt. A woman drove by and gave us some wood so that Matt could try to get it under the tires. After trying that for an hour and proving it wouldn't work, a man in a 4x4 truck comes along and asks us if we want him to pull us out, to which Matt quickly replies no. So the man heads off, telling us good luck as he leaves. It had been 2 hours we'd been stuck in that spot, and another car is coming up the road. He stops and manages to help us get the car 30 feet further, but still not yet back on the road. He asks if we want to go to his house, as his uncle has a truck and can pull us out. I looked at Matt and told the guy we would do it ourselves because Matt's being an arse and doesn't want his car pulled out. It's dark now, so Matt finally realized his car was only getting out of that ditch if it was pulled, and agreed to go. (Smart man, isn't he? Only realizes things two hours too late.) Anyway, with this crazy guy driving 100mph down this bumpy dirt road, we get to his house and find out he's a drug dealer (nice surprise, eh?) and he's seriously mean to his sister (or who I could only assume was his sister). Well this guy's Grandma tells us to call a wrecker, so Matt does, and then that sister chic gets her uncle to take us back to our car. Only thing is, we can't find it because the first crazy guy was going 100mph and his uncle is going 20. So after 45 minutes of trying to find the car, the wrecker guy calls us and tells us he found it, and by this time the uncle, Matt and I had already found our way back to it, and we get there only minutes later. The guy pulls his car out and we're finally home free, but not before paying this guy 65 friggin dollars just to pull the car out, when (if Matt had listened) we could have already done it 3 hours before, and free. So, that was our great adventure, and BTW, Texas now sucks.

November 5th, 2004, 11:32 AM
That is some pretty crazy scary adventure!! Glad you guys made it home safe and sound though!

November 5th, 2004, 11:41 AM
Here's the deal for pulling someone out of a ditch; unless I know you, no matter what, it's $50 per pull and I'll hook to my truck but you hook your end to whereever you want. Because when I pull, I'm not going to be responcible for whatever breaks.

But I am glad to see you made it out ok and got home safe.

November 5th, 2004, 11:43 AM
lol goose u so craaaaaaaaaazyyyyyyyyyy

November 5th, 2004, 11:49 AM
Yes, the goose is very crazy!

November 5th, 2004, 12:01 PM
Pulling a car out of a ditch is easy. You can also do it without damaging the car. Most 4x4 owners now have toe straps (i Do) and you go under the car and wrap it around the axle itself away from all plastic and valance parts that get easily damaged when force is applied to them. I have pulled numerous cars, trucks, 4 wheelers, bob cats (smaller one like 750C front loader), and even cows out of mud holes with my truck. I have not damaged one iten while un sticking them from Lousiana gumbe mud (Which is very sticky). If you're ever stuck anywhere near Alabama (Mobile) give me a call. In the future do as I have done and get you a full size ectended 4x4 truck with 8" of lift running 35" tires with an eaton posi lock rear end with black diamond 4.56 gears, ladder traction bars, steering stabalizer, and enough motor options to get over 350 hp. woot, I love my truck.

November 5th, 2004, 12:21 PM
all i read is....blah blah blah.I'm a redneck..blah blah..I'm a redneck.blah blah blah....lol

November 5th, 2004, 12:35 PM
all i read is....blah blah blah.I'm a redneck..blah blah..I'm a redneck.blah blah blah....lol

LOL thats funny stuff

November 5th, 2004, 01:19 PM
HA HA HA HA HA - oh and he loves ditches :P

November 5th, 2004, 01:31 PM
and we care cause why

November 5th, 2004, 02:09 PM
lol...bad story, but glad everyone is ok

November 5th, 2004, 02:54 PM
andy, shut yo mouf!!! that info woulda been more useful 24 hours ago... lol ty

November 5th, 2004, 04:51 PM
In the future do as I have done and get you a full size ectended 4x4 truck with 8" of lift running 35" tires with an eaton posi lock rear end with black diamond 4.56 gears, ladder traction bars, steering stabalizer, and enough motor options to get over 350 hp. woot, I love my truck.

All that ub3r stuff yet the first time i drove it and pulled back into second gear.. THe shifter knob come off in my hand.. pffft Damn Fords!!!


November 5th, 2004, 06:34 PM
I Pulled a BIG OLD STUMP out the woods with my John Deere Today..:)
DOnt Nutin PuL LiKe A DeeRe !!!!

All this pulling going on i just had to chime in :)

November 5th, 2004, 06:45 PM
Hey andy, wouldn't it be just as easy to hook onto the frame?? Sometimes i can be a pain tryin to get to an axle if you're down in some serious mud.

LMFAO sabre, so true!

November 5th, 2004, 09:44 PM
ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz...........oops im srry must have dosed of.

November 6th, 2004, 10:47 AM
...Sometimes i can be a pain ...

Yes, sometimes you can be a pain. And sometimes you can't type worth a poop. *giggles*

November 6th, 2004, 10:48 AM
im with sweetz on this one

November 6th, 2004, 12:25 PM
imma keep my mouf shut on this one :P
