View Full Version : New Box

November 4th, 2004, 02:49 PM
I'm in the process of getting parts to build a new box. :dance1:
It'll mostly be for fragging. :shoot:
I'm trying to keep it simple and cost effective (since my boiler blew today :nade1: ).

So far I purchased:
MX510 Mouse :nana
1GB Crucial DDR2 PC-2-4200 Memory :glass
Dell 2001FP Monitor :bow

Other parts I'm planng to get:
Asus P5GDC-V motherboard
P4 550 3.4ghz CPU :work4
Plextor PX-716A Drive :drunk2
Chenbro Xpider Case :bigok
Saitek Gaming Keyboard :p:
Soyo BayOne 9-1 Memory Card Reader :aiiet:

The parts I'm unsure of:
Hard Drive - I was planning on getting a WD Raptor 74GB, but is it really worth it to get a 10,000 RPM drive? Any alternate suggestions? :dunno
Video Card - Looking at the 6800 GT, but $400 for a card??!! :shootme: This will be mainly for CS so I want a constant 100 fps. Will it matter if it's 100 or 200 fps, will I notice any difference? What alternate cards will get me a great FPS? :help

November 4th, 2004, 02:54 PM
Id say ATI Radeon 9800 PRO 256mb for $275.00 on www.newegg.com but thats just my opinion

November 4th, 2004, 03:02 PM
Don't get a second generation card unless you plan on upgrading within the next 6 months. By second gen, I mean the 9800. The extra 128 MB RAM don't really add any performance, so if you WERE to get at 9800, get the 128MB version.

As for the Raptor...I have one. It's fast. FAST fast.

November 4th, 2004, 03:48 PM
omg i want your monitor, and i want it now! lol great choice. I'm thinking about getting one of these for christmas, but the price is keeping me away from it for now lol

November 4th, 2004, 07:50 PM
I guess I should give my imput :). You MIGHT want to look in to getting a A64 setup, but realize it will be more money.

Most people dont notice a difference between 60fps and 100fps, 200fps none the less.

If you are going to play ONLY CS, an even older card would be just fine. One of my comps has a 9600XT and plays CS flawlessly, and should play HL2 just fine. Doom3 is another thing though. If you play an OpenGL game, like Doom3, a 6800NU would be far better than a 9800pro.

And the harddrive. Like said above, a Raptor is faster than standard drives. I'm pretty sure a faster harddrive wouldn't better a game's performance, besides load times. CS has fast load times so any harddrive will be fine. If you dont get a Raptor, just be sure the drive you get has a 8mb/16mb cache, big difference from the 2mb ones.

Hope you find this helpful, sigh.

November 4th, 2004, 09:42 PM
ya see npor, now that was an informative, non jerk post
gj im so proud :D

November 4th, 2004, 09:53 PM
like i said before npor - prove me wrong, and that last post is a good start - a very informative post...


November 4th, 2004, 11:15 PM
im building mine as well weee

Asus P4P800 E Deluxe MB
Intel CPU 3.0C
Corsair XMS Xtreme Dual DDR 1gig Ram
ThermalTake Big Water MB Cooling System
All packed in a Tsunami Dream VA3000 Dream Tower weeee

November 5th, 2004, 12:12 AM
im building mine as well weee

Asus P4P800 E Deluxe MB
Intel CPU 3.0C
Corsair XMS Xtreme Dual DDR 1gig Ram
ThermalTake Big Water MB Cooling System
All packed in a Tsunami Dream VA3000 Dream Tower weeee


[uGa] Saint
November 5th, 2004, 12:40 AM
im building mine as well weee

Asus P4P800 E Deluxe MB
Intel CPU 3.0C
Corsair XMS Xtreme Dual DDR 1gig Ram
ThermalTake Big Water MB Cooling System
All packed in a Tsunami Dream VA3000 Dream Tower weeee

dude, you JUST told me that the computer was a no go, u fruitcup, make up your mind!

November 5th, 2004, 06:04 AM
if your retarted self would read his stupid IM's then maybe he would be caught up with the world! f47 kid! jeebus...

November 5th, 2004, 07:21 AM
omg i want your monitor, and i want it now! lol great choice. I'm thinking about getting one of these for christmas, but the price is keeping me away from it for now lol

It was only $605 on Dell's site. They had a coupon on edealinfo.com.
And if you get the Dell Preferred Customer card you get an additional 2% off.

I guess I should give my imput :). You MIGHT want to look in to getting a A64 setup, but realize it will be more money.

Most people dont notice a difference between 60fps and 100fps, 200fps none the less.

If you are going to play ONLY CS, an even older card would be just fine. One of my comps has a 9600XT and plays CS flawlessly, and should play HL2 just fine. Doom3 is another thing though. If you play an OpenGL game, like Doom3, a 6800NU would be far better than a 9800pro.

And the harddrive. Like said above, a Raptor is faster than standard drives. I'm pretty sure a faster harddrive wouldn't better a game's performance, besides load times. CS has fast load times so any harddrive will be fine. If you dont get a Raptor, just be sure the drive you get has a 8mb/16mb cache, big difference from the 2mb ones.

Hope you find this helpful, sigh.
I do notice a difference between 60 and 100 fps, but above 100 I don't notice a difference. I just want a system that I won't have to upgrade for another 5 yrs (like my current box at home) {P3 733Mhz 384MB LOL); CS worked great until 1.6.
At work I have a P4 2.0ghz with a mx440 and most of the time it will give mee 100+fps, but I want a more current system that I won't need to upgrade for a few years.
WD Raptor has a 16mb cache, wow never looked into it. I just don't know if it's worth that much for a 74gb HD.
I would really like to try other games, CS becomes tiresome at times. Maybe some FarCry.

Thanx for all ur input.

November 5th, 2004, 08:30 AM
:D im buildin one as well too almost finish!

so far i have:

-AMD Athlon XP 3000+ "Barton"
-Asus A7V8X-X AMD Athlon XP
-Samsung 160gb 7200rpm
-ATX Full Tower (forgot name i thinkn thats wat it was called =_=)

all i need is:
-some 512MB PC-3200 DDR
-e-GeForce FX 5700 LE

sound card:
-maybe ill stick with the onboard for awhile

November 5th, 2004, 09:46 AM
I'm thinking about building one.

[uGa] Saint
November 5th, 2004, 10:05 AM
I started building mine last year and just bought the last components this year, ie. dvd-rom and geforce 6800gt. The one downside of building (as im experiencing right now) is that what crap breaks in your computer, you've got to figure out which part is screwed up by yourself, you cant ship the entire computer back to the company and tell them to fix it. but then again, after you replace a bunch of parts that were in fact in working condition, you'll almost have enough stuff to put together a SECOND computer!!!! w00t!!! lol...

Sergei Criffnoobsky
November 5th, 2004, 10:09 AM
You might wanna think bout SATA drives as well check into it.

November 5th, 2004, 10:11 AM
I'm just going to upgrade my old box I think.

Just a new MB, Ram, Vid Card and Case.

The periphials, monitor, HD's and suplimental cards are all L33T and new and do not need replacement.

That should help conserve quite a deal of $$$ and get me a *****ing system.
