View Full Version : Media is impartial right?

November 4th, 2004, 12:03 PM
This could be untrue, but if it is... sheesh So much for healing...

"CNN Names Image Files For President Bush: A**hole.jpg; Moron.jpg... "

on drudge- www.drudgereport.com

The link (is getting swamped)

November 4th, 2004, 12:43 PM
It's more than obvious that CNN is Democrat. Fox seems to be I little more toward Bush though....

Little Birdy
November 4th, 2004, 01:18 PM
BS you are right... Fox is a little more toward Bush, but they are still on the left side of equal... CNN is just far left... But out of all news media... Fox is the most Centralized and most fair by critizing both candidates, not just one LOL.... I don't think if media was right sided the station would last long... people look for bad... and so media show bad... which sucks... oh well our world is decaying, so are the people with it... Morals, religion... everything is disappearing... Sad what out children will grow up in, but It's better here in the US than other countries...

November 4th, 2004, 01:34 PM
haha, that's funny, but it means nothing. Well it means that the web guys from CNN are probably about to get into some trouble. But as far as "proving" that CNN is biased, I don't think so.

Anybody who says the media is impartial has their head in the sand. And anybody who thinks that Fox News isn't just as biased as any other "news" orginaztion is right there next to the "impartial" guy.

Besides that, all media is biased. They all serve our corporate masters, feeding us only the "information" that is sanatised and approved by the overlords who run companies like Haliburton, Enron and the pharmacutical companies.

-FA- ManiacalClown
November 4th, 2004, 03:24 PM
Fox is RIDICULOUSLY biased to the right, probably more so than CNN is to the left.

November 4th, 2004, 08:23 PM
Yeah I don’t watch FOX anymore unless I want to see a one sided view, they are hard right. FOX is not even trying to hide it, oh wait yes they are, they always say the words “FAIR AND BALANCED” every five seconds so as to brainwash you into thinking they are. There talk shows always have loaded audiences who yell and badger the person being interviewed, can’t stand that, its so disrespectful, unless you are on Jerry Springer, then its ok.:) If you browse there Forums, it is one fanatical tread right after another.

Even though I am a republican I still don't like it, nor does the Republican student committee at my College. They are constantly defending themselves because of the things said on FOX; the station gives us a bad name.

I will agree that NBC is some what democrat, and that CBS is democrat, but not CNN. Never see CNN taking political sides like NBC, CBS, FOX, or like O’Reilly factor does.

Now if you guys really want to see a one sided show, watch the 700 club, OMG they are nut jobs.

Here are some nice articles from FOX, wish they did this more often.


This still does not make them fair and balanced, but it is a start. :soapbox

November 4th, 2004, 09:45 PM
hey now dont be talking about non-news shows on said channels.

Foxnews does have shows like O'Reilly and Hume, but their news service (i.e. shep) IS more non-partisan than any other news service.

Why then do they keep the right-leaning ones and still say "fair ans balanced"?
money baby, those shows rank in the top every week.

Sergei Criffnoobsky
November 5th, 2004, 10:06 AM
lol thats funny...they should pay more attention.
