View Full Version : More in my Microsoft Certification trek....

November 3rd, 2004, 11:30 AM
Just want to say that I am getting ready to take 2 MS exams next week. Weeee! I must be off my rocker! LOL!

The first one is Implementing and Administering a MS Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure (http://www.microsoft.com/learning/exams/70-216.asp) and the second one is Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure (http://www.microsoft.com/learning/exams/70-217.asp) .

I am trying my dead level best to get my MCSE in Windows 2000 before Christmas so I can jump on the CCNA course. These tests that I am taking is really hard, but I have 4 years experience managing Windows 2000 Domains and have been studying my arse off lately. After these two tests (if I pass), I will have only one more test to pass to get my MCSE 2000 cert. I have got to get me a job as soon as I am able and seeing how I am disabled for the time, what better chance for me to get these certifications out the way and on my resume.

Anyway, please pray for me as I take on these challenges next week (actually, next Friday). If anyone has any notes, ideas, suggestions on these two particular exams, let me know!

November 3rd, 2004, 11:38 AM
Best of luck mal!

November 3rd, 2004, 02:23 PM
Do we need to get an admin to ban you until you pass? :)

Good luck m@l! I know they are tough, but you can do it!

November 3rd, 2004, 02:25 PM
Good luck M@L!!!

November 3rd, 2004, 02:34 PM
Good luck M@l, you got these under your belt. You've carried De.... no names .... for several years, you can take a freaken test and pass it.

November 3rd, 2004, 02:38 PM
I think goose means DEAN. Yeah, that's it... it was DEAN L.! at geeze what was that company...sheeze I don't remember, but I do know M@l carried DEAN a long way...


November 3rd, 2004, 04:10 PM
']I think goose means DEAN. Yeah, that's it... it was DEAN L.! at geeze what was that company...sheeze I don't remember, but I do know M@l carried DEAN a long way...


LOL! Carmen said, DAMN STRAIGHT!!!!!!11

November 3rd, 2004, 05:15 PM
good luck buddy!

November 3rd, 2004, 07:08 PM
Good luck M@l!!! You can do it!!!!!!!!111

November 12th, 2004, 01:50 PM
OK. Just got back from taking both of my exams.

I passed them both! W00T!

The first one with a score 896/1000. The second one with a score 900/1000. Now to study up for my next and last exam to complete my MCSE certification in Windows 2000.

November 12th, 2004, 02:01 PM
HECK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00t!!!! Freakin congrats, man!!!!!

Sergei Criffnoobsky
November 12th, 2004, 02:03 PM
Way to go mal !!!!!! gj !!!

November 12th, 2004, 07:02 PM
COOL!!! :)

November 12th, 2004, 08:51 PM
