View Full Version : Stock Market is pro-Bush

November 2nd, 2004, 02:18 PM

Atleast, that's the way I read that article...

U.S. stocks reversed course suddenly on Tuesday and drifted lower as chatter on the Internet speculated that early exit polls had Sen. John Kerry (news - web sites) leading the presidential election in key swing states.

Traders said that part of the slide was due to Internet blogs indicating that Kerry was ahead in key swing states.

"That's what we're hearing," said Lisa Hansen, head trader at Transamerica Investment Management. "Apparently the blogs are saying that Kerry is ahead in one or two of the swing states and that's why the market dipped."

November 2nd, 2004, 03:19 PM
the fact that something as stupid as internet forums and blogs can have such an influence on the stock market is undeniable proof that our economy is broken beyond repair without jacking the country up and running a new one under it.

November 2nd, 2004, 03:51 PM
yeah that is a little bit out there, that is like saying, "the o-zone is eroding really fast right now, must be because Kerry is ahead in the swing states. Ahhh go vote for Bush or we are all dead. "

What they are really trying to say is vote for Bush or else you will lose all your money, can't stand this kind of Condescending scare tacticts that some people try and play. They are just trying to take our money anyways, ive seen the boller room and what that van desal does, I am on to there tricks I tell you :).

They must think we are all mindless fools, well....ok a lot of us are, I thought the blar witch movie was real at first <--mindless fool, but that is beside the point.
They are trying to give us fear, I can't stand when people use fear as a tool.
OH OH OH the sky is falling , the sky is falling.... SMAAACKK, SHUT IT !!!!! :)

Anyways nice find La_TECH :)

November 2nd, 2004, 05:57 PM
Well, that's how free enterprise works. Businesses look at popular opinion of a certain subject and make decisions based on speculation. It's not "broken beyond repair"; businessmen are merely attempting to place themselves in a more advantageous position.

Little Birdy
November 2nd, 2004, 10:01 PM
can't stand this kind of Condescending scare tacticts that some people try and play.

Yea... Stupid scare tactics like saying there will be a Draft... we're not even close to a draft even with the war in Iraq!

November 3rd, 2004, 07:38 AM
Stock Markert is really Pro-Bush this morning..go baby go...watch that 401k grow.

November 3rd, 2004, 07:55 AM
I know...did you see the foreign markets open higher?! w00t!!! it's gonna be a good retirement day! lol
