View Full Version : GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!!!!!

November 2nd, 2004, 04:56 AM
c'mon guys/gals, get out there and exercise your right to vote. I don't want to hear anyone bashing Bush/Kerry if you didn't even get your behind out there to vote.

I'm going to vote at 7 am. My place of employment allows time off to vote.

btw, this will be my first vote ever!!! woohoo!!!

edit........did I say "vote" like 43 times in 5 sentences...lmao.

November 2nd, 2004, 06:26 AM
Voted at 6:45 AM CST It wasn't too bad, only six people ahead of me and about six behind me. Of course, normally there are only about 2 or 3 other people there when I go. And listen to sabre, he is a freshly minted citizen and is voting. Anyone who doesn't vote has no right to complain about anything with the government.

[uGa] Saint
November 2nd, 2004, 07:41 AM
well, the packers beat the redskins which means Kerry won. Game over mann... GAME OVER!!! lol, im votin after the lunch rush.

November 2nd, 2004, 08:27 AM
I voted this morning on the way to work, and there was a little bit of a line, when normaly there isn't one period. That is great, it's wonderfull that people are getting out and voteing.

November 2nd, 2004, 08:39 AM
Yep I voted as well, took 1 hr of standing in line :(
I guess the democrats didn't get the message that due to high voter turnout they were going to vote tomorrow?!?!?

November 2nd, 2004, 08:59 AM
Oh I'll be there, now I just gotta decide on who to vote for...

hey, did ya'll use electronic voting machines? I think we have them here, I'm considering throwing a fit if they don't have a paper trail, especially if the machines are made by diebold =)

November 2nd, 2004, 09:15 AM
Going now since yall said I had to

November 2nd, 2004, 09:37 AM
it took me an hour waiting in line. I voted on a computer. Man....it's a good feeling to vote, even though my vote doesn't have a significant impact (due to being in Texas)...but it still feels damm good!!

btw, what happens if there is a tie in the electoral college? It is a possibility this year.

November 2nd, 2004, 10:02 AM
if they tie Nader wins! w00t!!

November 2nd, 2004, 11:14 AM
someone failed civics class :-)

My honest opinion:
If you have to be told and prodded, and peer pressured into voting - don't vote. You obviously either:

a) have a good reason not to be voting, whether political, moral, or other convictions.
b) simply have no clue what is being voted on, and what is at stake in all races.
c) are having a hella good day on a 24/7 Dust server and don't wanna wreck your K : D ratio.

Choice A means that you know your rights and freedoms, and are making a personal choice.

Choice C means you're probably not gonna care what happens as long as they don't take away your broadband and pr0n.

Choice B is the people I worry about - as a voting US citizen it is your right and obligation to understand what is going on before you cast a ballot. don't worry about what your parents say, friends, and PLEASE DEAR GOD don't pay attention to the media. Vote for what you believe, after researching the issue/s that interest you.

Either that, or who has the coolest looking political signs.

Hell, I'm with roX -- let's all vote Nader, cause it rhymes with Vader, and we all know "don't f&$K with a Jedi son.". :lol:

November 2nd, 2004, 11:30 AM
I was just kidding Junky. I just happened to be on my way out to vote when I checked the forums. Heck, I had to wait for two hours to vote. There were a number of issues concerning healthcare here in Fl so I HAD to vote, that way if it doesn't go my way I can at least whine about it ;)

But I agree with you there is essentially no reason not to vote unless you have to work and can't leave which is rare.

November 2nd, 2004, 11:37 AM
i was excited because this is the first year i could vote! i did it as soon as possible.

November 2nd, 2004, 11:37 AM
I know -- honestly I didn't even think about your post when I wrote what I did -- you're the perfect example of someone who knows why they need to vote, and what they're voting for.

Oh, and for you louisiana guys -- if you don't know what's on your local ballot:

will ask you for your street addy, and it will then pull up the local ballot with all races being decided.

November 2nd, 2004, 12:33 PM
I found that page yesterday Junks, it's very good.

Wihle we are on the subject, what's up with the constutional amendments we are voting on here in Louisiana? The only one I know I have an opinion on is the Homestead exemption one.

The one about "preserving our rights to hunt and fish" seems kind of stupid to me..

-FA- ManiacalClown
November 2nd, 2004, 12:42 PM
I voted absentee about 2 weeks ago. Woot!

Also, for the guy who asked:

The top three vote-getters for President are voted on in the House of Representatives, with every state having one vote. To win, a candidate must get 26 votes, with a minimum of 33 votes cast.

Meanwhile, the top TWO vote-getters for Vice President are voted on in the Senate, with every Senator having one vote (so 2 votes per state). To win, a candidate must get 51 votes, with a minimum of 67 votes cast.

A funny note about this system is that it is entirely possible (but unlikely) that opposing Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates could win. Hilarity would ensue.

November 2nd, 2004, 12:55 PM
rox -- the interesting thing is what the one you mentioned about hunting seems to mean.

I followed my own advice and read through the actual amendments themselves - without any political spin.

Here are my interperetations:
Amendment #1 (Act -927-2004) - Right of every citizen to hunt fish & trap.
From my reading though it, it is simply adding an all new constitutional amendment to guarantee that Louisiana citizens are guaranteed the right to basically keep on hunting fishing and etc as the normally have. The amandment clearly states that the protection still has to abide by all other laws on the books governing such options, and does not attempt repeal or modify any of those laws. Those are the basic facts.

Here's my interperetation:
The state is taking preventative action to guarantee the rights of hunters/fishermen/trappers to continue doing what they love. Apparently some legislators see enough cause for alarm, political posibilty of those rights being challenged or taken away. It is fairly widely assumed by conservatives that Senator Kerry, along with other powerful people, find it in their agenda to go as far as banning hunting and fishing as sport, the ownership of personal firearms and such things. I'm making no political comment on that - it is a fact that is easily verified. With a constitutional amendment in the state constitution, the state has a lot of legal backing and firepower to use should this instance ever happen. Hunting and fishing ar HUGE industries in this area, and generate a lot of state revenue, that in turn gets put back into the state budgets for the betterment of all of us. I'm going to call this one the "You can take my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hand" amendment :lol: ok j/k but it does seem to be the governemnt taking a preventative/or positioning step for future conflict. I could be waaaaay off with this.

Homestead Exemption - was just some modification to the exemption act, that from what I can tell is broadening who can claim those tax exemptions, and under what circumstances the land claimed is eligable. This may include non blood or family relations now and while many newspapers and such are saying vote against it, the 2 estate lawyers that my mom works fo both say it will allow you to better determine what you do with your holdings once you pass away, and the ability to pass on your benefits to those who end up with the property. Or something like that -- I hated working at that law firm when i asked a simple question, and got a wad of legalese as a response.

The Eligability for Veterans of Civil Service..... that one is kinda confusing, and I bet som eof our resident police officers could comment better, but it seems to be giving bonus points to those who have served in the Armed forces during war, or other armed conflict, who are attempting to now join the La. State Police. It's basically giving them a head start on the selection process as an atta-boy for previous wartime service.

The farmers and fisherman support of industiires fund thing appears to be a new amendment guaranteeing a fund be created to help promote louisiana seafood providers and agricultural/farmer types to help promote and further their enterprises. I'm guessing it's attempting to do something along the lines of the "Got Milk" campaign for the association of american dairyfarmers or whatever, but on a state level. Got Crabs?

November 2nd, 2004, 01:08 PM
I really doubt they see "cause for concern" as far as number 1 ones, I think this is just pandering to the "You can take my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hands" crowd to further cement in their minds that if someone other than a republican is in power their "rights" will be subverted, their guns will be taken away, their daughters stolen and their horses raped.

then again, I could be a bit crazy too. =)

November 2nd, 2004, 01:26 PM
"we.....raped the horses, and rode away on the women....."

November 2nd, 2004, 01:42 PM
For clarification, the hunting amendment is the latest in a trend started by other states which seems to do nothing more than shield the state from Federal intervention (i.e. state's rights). I guess some legislators are worried there may someday be a nutball bill or rider to a bill which would infringe on the current rights of sportsmen. I do not think it is mainly a anti gun control by-product but more of a environmental/peta nutball pre-emptive strike. By the way, when are we going to actually strip PETA of its tax-exempt status? lol

Little Birdy
November 2nd, 2004, 01:48 PM
The one about "preserving our rights to hunt and fish" seems kind of stupid to me..
Lol Rgr that!... Wth would we need that for?... Anyways I absentee voted... So no line... lol... I faxed them my mailing address and information and they sent me a ballot... So gl at the polls people!


LOL I was thinking... wouldn't it be awesome since Mr. Gov. Arnold of Cali is supporting Bush if Cali was like a split decision...! lol that would be awesome... I know it won't happen because majority of Cali is extreme Liberals and won't even consider... but then you have to think if Arnold is a republican... then would they?

November 2nd, 2004, 02:04 PM
For clarification, the hunting amendment is the latest in a trend started by other states which seems to do nothing more than shield the state from Federal intervention (i.e. state's rights). I guess some legislators are worried there may someday be a nutball bill or rider to a bill which would infringe on the current rights of sportsmen. I do not think it is mainly a anti gun control by-product but more of a environmental/peta nutball pre-emptive strike. By the way, when are we going to actually strip PETA of its tax-exempt status? lol

That's what I said! Just less wordy and more to the point :-)

Don't get me started on PETA -- they believe that all animals have every right as humans - tough, we're top of the food chain. Here's an interesting nutball story on the other side of the "pets are people too" theory...


November 2nd, 2004, 02:35 PM
votes cast...

November 2nd, 2004, 03:22 PM
I'm about to leave work early to go do the deed. Unsurprisingly I'm still undecided, guess I'll decide when I step into the 'ole booth. =)

November 2nd, 2004, 05:17 PM
VOTED AT 6:30 PM ...WOOT... had to drive arounf for 30 min. to find the darn High School in Timmonsville. Had no clue where to vote at. Thank good Timmonsville is small.

November 2nd, 2004, 07:25 PM
Now we just have to wait like three weeks to get the decision. FUN!!!!

November 2nd, 2004, 08:01 PM
well, the packers beat the redskins which means Kerry won. Game over mann... GAME OVER!!! lol, im votin after the lunch rush.
Remember one curse has been already lifted this year with the Sox winning the World Series.
