View Full Version : assorted probs

October 31st, 2004, 07:52 AM
First of all... is anyone else having a problem connecting to ICQ? I've only been able to connect like once in the past 3 months.. Now I haven't really tried to resolve the issue so it maybe something obvious.. I'm assuming its because of the router althugh I believe it was runing fine up until recently...
My second problem is the beast... I'll be happily playing CS or D00m3 Or CZ and BAM!! Outa no ware complete melt down... Frozen rig.. Gota reboot... THIS IS REALLY STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!! I've googled a bit and haven't found anyone else with the same problem.. There are some issues with stability when OCing, but that aint my problem... Now there are a few bios updates, but they are all to address other issues... Hell I'm not even entirely sure it's a MOBO problem... I guess the real question is what else could be causing this besides a MOBO prob? Any Ideas?

October 31st, 2004, 08:07 AM
The lockups and stuff could be cause by insufficient power from your PS (expecially if you have a really good video card). That's just an idea, though

October 31st, 2004, 08:26 AM
hhhmmmm... I just got a 9600XT... But it locked up b4 with the ti4200... power supply is a turbolink model CWT-420ATX-12V .... Ya think ultimate boot cd or sandra pro could give some answers? Not sure what to look for really... also could bad mem be a the prob?

October 31st, 2004, 01:45 PM
Don't over clock until you find out why your system is freezing.

Go into your bios and reset it to defaults.

Play for 30 minutes to an hour and then reboot into your bios and check the temp of your cpu.

Your gpu on your video card or your cpu may be getting to hot. It also might be a bad stick of ram. If it happens often and at only 10-15 minutes into a game, then it might be the ram. Otherwise, check your system temperatures and no, it doesn't require a thermometer and your rear end.

October 31st, 2004, 02:09 PM
:D will do.... I'm starting to think it may be RAM... I got like 4 case fans that are moving air from the front of the case out the back... I'll keep an eye on the temps anyway...

October 31st, 2004, 02:27 PM
If you don't have the proper heatsink, it will not dissipate heat away from the processor properly

October 31st, 2004, 02:51 PM
also - if you used artic silver on the heatsink, make sure you didn't put too much, or it'll cause the heatsink to work in-effeciantly.

Like you said - could be the ram too - if you have multiple sticks, try running on just one stick at a time and see if the problem recreates itself.

October 31st, 2004, 03:25 PM
well the processor and heatsink/fan came all assembled along with the rest of the rig... Think they coulda screwed it up.. also I've checked the temp b4 and it was all good.. leme check it and i'll post in a while..

October 31st, 2004, 08:36 PM
Just Chiming in on this thread cause I have run into a similar Problem,,, I will be playing CS and out of nowhere the game closes and I get a Net senc packet error, and at the same instance I get ICQ failed to connect. I can restart ICQ and start CS backup with no problems.. It just happens randomly, but just enough to Piss You Off...I thought it was the onboard NIC, so I switched to the NIC card I have. I have tried a diffrent port on the router as well... Still Happnens??

November 1st, 2004, 01:42 AM
Yellowdog, sounds like you are just losing internet connection. Yours could just be your isp droping your connection.

November 1st, 2004, 07:49 AM
Yeah Spark I had a similar problem, and it was the RAM, Alienware sent me another stick...same problem, I was like wtf, they sent me another one and it has worked great.

Spark a great RAM test, that Alienware sent me to, to determine if the RAM is bad, is at http://oca.microsoft.com/en/windiag.asp.

It makes a bootable floopy for you, you restart your comp from disk, and it will run,
if you have any failures then start testing the indidvidual stick to issolate your prob, if all are bad then it still could be your mobo.

good luck

November 1st, 2004, 08:17 AM
thanks big D.. I'll try it out..

November 1st, 2004, 04:28 PM
Yellowdog, sounds like you are just losing internet connection. Yours could just be your isp droping your connection.

I was thinking the same thing at one time, but one night when me and Jason were working on the map pack 5 over here. Jason was on my other setup, and was on the merc server, as was I, when i got the error again. Same router, and I was like WTF " did you see that "? ...anyway thats when istarted thinking it might be in my computer...

BTW, when I got home today i had the faild to connect error from ICQ on my screen?
