View Full Version : Server lag

October 29th, 2004, 11:03 PM
Just a request not that my clan tag nor name matters as some ppl know I moonlight as about 50-60 different identities, but is it possible to have the server.cfg and config.cfg files updated to accomodate to the user capacity of the la_merc 1.6 server. I hear daily that people are lagging and this isnt their ISP's its the actual config files of the server.For myself and all those that adorn the tag TFL, we have to run our cl settings as cl_updaterate 10 and cl_cmdrate 100 just so that we dont have ms or choke but this setting style drops FPS on even myself with a 9800 pro, which isnt normal.

If help is needed im a server op and can help if needed!!


October 29th, 2004, 11:42 PM
true, i have to have both cmdrate and updaterate set to 20 and my rate 10000(my normal settings anyway) to have good gameplay but there are times when my fps drops to around 40-50 and my shots dont register so when i join i have to configure my ex_interp. Its not that bad really....just take time to adjust to it

October 30th, 2004, 09:25 AM
So what do you suggest the server configs be set to, Mr server op?

October 30th, 2004, 08:41 PM
So what do you suggest the server configs be set to, Mr server op?

Well judging by this response I figure ill just keep quiet as to not to upset someone who obviously takes offense to this sort of request. I have mentioned this to you before on the server and you made it sound as though I was an idiot. To each is own, but the masses speak. If your not open to help from someone who maybe just maybe knows a little about cs servers then ill just pull my support and find another server to play on. No offense but everytime this topic has been brought to you you get overly defensive and quite rude, but honestly I like everyone in this clan, yet dont need drama in my CS thats why i was clanless when I came to your server to avoid all the childish drama. Its a game, cant you see that maybe someone is actually trying to be nice and actually extending a helpful hand or does your pride blind you from what might be a good thing?

October 30th, 2004, 11:11 PM
I don't think it was that you were offering help, it was the way you were offering it. Your 2 posts on this thread tell me that you think you know more than anyone here......now i don't know anything about being a server guru, but I would also take offense to the way your posts sound.

btw I don't ever lag, maybe once a month.

October 30th, 2004, 11:38 PM
heh kidna harsh both ways. Perhaps it could have been asked diff, but if toby really wanted the help could have been a little less sarcastic :p And if ya didn't want help say so.. anywho I think everyone is pretty much use to it by now. We had a whole team full of people trying out new rates tonight, and it was pretty cool. Thnx all for help

October 31st, 2004, 12:38 AM
This thread is like...uncool.

October 31st, 2004, 03:25 AM
Well, someone tells us to update the "server.cfg" and the "config.cfg" based on server usage then that person should post whats wrong and how to fix it. For 1, we have a server.cfg but not a config.cfg (wth is a config.cfg). The server.cfg is based on the cal config so if you know what it should be set to outside of that, please post it.

October 31st, 2004, 03:41 AM
cfg means config right? so doesnt that make it useless if its config.cfg? lol

October 31st, 2004, 10:27 AM
teh configs config man, come on deviant get with it haha

October 31st, 2004, 05:44 PM
but is it possible to have the server.cfg and config.cfg files updated to accomodate to the user capacity of the la_merc 1.6 server. I hear daily that people are lagging and this isnt their ISP's its the actual config files of the server.For myself and all those that adorn the tag TFL, we have to run our cl settings as cl_updaterate 10 and cl_cmdrate 100 just so that we dont have ms or choke but this setting style drops FPS on even myself with a 9800 pro, which isnt normal.

If help is needed im a server op and can help if needed!!


Im having a hard time finding something within this post that could be derived as offensive. After re-reading it multiple times all it seems like is that im trying to offer help. Cal configs are based upon a 5v5 basis not 10v10. A config.cfg is the config that overrides the cl commands of the basic server.cfg.

So what do you suggest the server configs be set to, Mr server op?

To me that seems more then direct and insulting especially when below my original post another stepped forward outlining that he has the same problem. I wasnt trying to step on toes and I dont undertand how saying "Just a request" and "If you need any help...Thanks!!" can be viewed as offensive or forward. My ereply however may have been off the wall but I took offense to being insulted after trying to offer support to someone. Illegal_op its your server do with it what you may, but someone pointing something out and offering to help isnt a bad thing. By the comment "wth is a config.cfg anyways" just shows me that maybe it is wuite possible that maybe you dont know that much about the servers setup files. But again its your server im not gonna keep posting here about this and that and get verbally bashed for offering to help in an area i know ab bit about. If you do decide hey maybe he ISNT being rude just offering to be nice, then you can PM me ot just pm me your thoughts on my offer instead of posting "Mr.Server op" kind of comments where all can view. You might want to concider a little discretion and just hit me up via pm.

October 31st, 2004, 05:47 PM
Well, someone tells us to update the "server.cfg" and the "config.cfg" based on server usage then that person should post whats wrong and how to fix it. For 1, we have a server.cfg but not a config.cfg (wth is a config.cfg). The server.cfg is based on the cal config so if you know what it should be set to outside of that, please post it.

Oh and btw NO ONE TOLD you to update your configs, I mearly commented that the lag for some when server is full is bad, and like I mentioned before CAL sets their config to be gearded around a 5v5 not a 10v10. And how could you say that poerson should post whats wrong ad how to fix it. Um if you read the original post that I made i clearly outlined what was wrong and i figured you MAY or MAY NOT know how to fix it.

Seriously this is one of the single handed most childish posts i think i have ever been a part of.

October 31st, 2004, 06:13 PM
My 2 cents...

EKO a.k.a. ViCiou$ knows what he's talking about. He does run multiple online servers and helps running my servers at our LANs also. He is a helping kinda guy and all he was doing is offer help and share his input. The configs the server runs are a little outta whack. We had to set all of our boxes with really odd specs in order to play with decent rates.

EKO and my roomies were talking about the server the other night. BTW, TFL|Dennis is the main head tech/server person for WCG USA and Canada... so I'm pretty sure he knows his stuff too.

Sarcasm was a little out of place in the response (IMO).

October 31st, 2004, 06:17 PM

If you could post an example of what the config.cfg and the server.cfg readings SHOULD be for a 10v10 server, it would be greatly appreciated.

Nobody, and that includes even myself, is perfect. I think we can all learn something new from time to time.

Just my $.02...and thanks in advance EKO


November 1st, 2004, 01:49 AM
I think I know what a config file, and a config.cfg does not necessarily override a server.cfg file unless you have it written in the server.cfg to exec that file. In that case, you could name the config anything as long as you told the server to execute it somewhere, either the command startup or in the server.cfg.

While the cal config is primarily set for a 5v5 match, do you think that its rate settings would not apply for most normal server setups? Now, I don't use every setting in the cal config because this is a pub server but the max_cmdrate and max_updaterate are used. I also set a lot of the other cvar's to default just incase an admin might change them, that they will change back to default on map change.

While a lot has been said, no examples to fixing the problems you speak of have been posted. If you would have posted examples or ways to fix the problems that you spoke of in your original post, we could have save ourselves another 15 post.

Navy, in what ways are the server configs "out of wack"? Please explain what our server config settings are set to as to what they should be set to.

November 1st, 2004, 04:36 AM
asked for help - No thanx
sure you don't want help? - no thanx
Ok thanks anyway - wheres the help?

summed it up a bit

November 1st, 2004, 05:42 AM
Blah He offered help and he get a sarcastic remark? Im not putting down one of my own merc'rins but i was on the server and EKO asked toby about the problem all toby gave him was sarcastic remarks about how much he knows and how much we dont know. Bealive me i know nothing about computers and i had no idea in hell wth they were talking about, all i was hearing was "Your rong your rong your rong im right." This comment may have a negative affect on me but it needed to be said. Maybe if your werent so sarcastic, not as many people would have something against you.

November 1st, 2004, 06:29 AM
Good lord this is silly. First of all, how can you look at Op's response and assume the level of sarcasm you have, get annoyed and then not stop to think that maybe someone could read your response and maybe take it differently than how you wrote it? I mean, you wrote it so how can re-reading it over and over change the way you see it?

But mainly, why bring it up if you don't have a any kind of solution? Y'all reference all of these super savy credentials from people, but only talk about client side settings. Maybe this back and forth banter would stop if some useful information was given out?

And for those of you having a hard time figuring out what the deal is... Imagine you doing whatever it is that you do pretty well and work hard at... then someone comes in and says "well, that shade of blue looks okay, but you should work to get mopre ambience out of the whole work" (or something to that effect) Unless there is tangible assistance, then why bring it up? Do you expect the server guys to go do research on the problem you think may be the problem but aren't sure and don't have anyway to know for sure or how to fix it?

November 1st, 2004, 06:48 AM
All I know is that when I turn my computer on....click on Steam...click on games....click on Counterstrike....go to servers....connect to lamerc cs1.6 server....I start playing and mostly having fun.

I agree with you Dirge, you can't re-read your own thoughts and come up with a different point of view. I've had this happen to me recently where a couple of people took offense to an email I sent out, and I still don't have a f'n clue as to what they are talking about....lol

November 1st, 2004, 06:56 AM
Acid, are you quoting me directly from the game and is that exactly what I said? I think the issue was dealing with cl_updaterate and how Vicious said that it should set to below 20 to lower the response time. I told him that I set the cl_minupdaterate to 20 on the server so that it attempts to reset everyone's config each time someone joins because you shouldn't use anything lower than 20. He then told me that there was no way to do that or either he thought I was saying that you couldn't manually lower it more than 20.

November 1st, 2004, 07:19 AM
This has been beaten to death and I'll close the thread. EKO, if you could please let Op or myself know what settings you think should be changed, I would greatly appreciate it. Please PM one of the two of us.

Thanks for everyone's input.

