View Full Version : Funny video...

October 29th, 2004, 04:27 PM
...But violent.

*Edited as requested...TechTator*

[uGa] Saint
October 29th, 2004, 04:43 PM
er... not that funny at all. swearing and violence.

October 29th, 2004, 04:48 PM
First of all.... this video is in NO way amusing at all....... dummy...

Now... on with my rant!! You know what man... A guy like that is just thriving on little victums like the tard that got poped... He's never had to deal with the ignorant blind rage of a pissed off Spark! It's not until he runs into a guy like me that is just plain GONNA beat the crap outa him that he's gonna learn to be a little more instep with normal social interaction.... The way to deal with little turds like that is to stay one step ahead... See I wouldn't have said word one to him... The beating would have commenced WITHOUT and exchange.. or rather the exchange would be me smashing his teeth down his throat.... Maybe I'm just wired... I'm just a different critter than the rest.. Although I've herd Andy tell some mighty fine arse whoopin stories... maybe he can relate!! lol! Don't get me wrong now.. I'll walk away from almost ANY situation with out having to resort to physical violence if at all possible.. Number one is a lot of peeps now a days don't fight fair and gettin shot or stabbed is not something i'm ready to risk to prove a point most times... and number two... well I'm just getin a little too old to take a g00d arse whoopin... there's always the chance ya know what i mean.. anyway... i'm done now! LMAO! :D

October 29th, 2004, 04:51 PM
You know what man, I think after the guy hit my car with a skateboard, there wouldn't be any talking about it. That video would be named BEATDOWN if that was my car lol.

October 29th, 2004, 04:54 PM
Lmao Dude that was Funny.... But Common The Dude has a freaking skateBoard in his hand!!!!! Havent u people seen the Movie Kids!!!! Jesus! Beat Ass First Ask Questions Later That's My Motto!

October 29th, 2004, 04:58 PM
I am not amused with this video. Sorry. I feel that this thread should be removed. My opinion.

October 29th, 2004, 05:04 PM
Awwww Common !!!!!!! but true it is kinda out of hand you know!!!! Blah!!!!

October 29th, 2004, 05:23 PM
Funny? NO! Spark is right he just hasn't run into the right person yet.

October 29th, 2004, 05:31 PM
Yep But Check This One Out !!! Nothing stupid Just a really freaking good ku-fu guy

He's like spiderman mixed with the matrix !!!!!!! JuST wATCH!!!

October 29th, 2004, 05:33 PM
http://gprime.net/video.php/flyinglawnmower THAT ONE IS PRETTY COOL TOO

October 29th, 2004, 05:36 PM
I would almost swear I posted that like 2 days ago...I could be wrong, though....

October 29th, 2004, 05:41 PM
Imagine This One http://gprime.net/video.php/robotpoliceofficer Makes Ya think!!

October 29th, 2004, 05:43 PM
I would almost swear I posted that like 2 days ago...I could be wrong, though....


I didn't even see the Video clip; a certain "TechTator" has dealt with it. :p:

I suppose I can trust the Mercs' decision tho.. :rolleyes:

October 29th, 2004, 06:40 PM
No i saw it yesterday The flying Mower.

But on to "Coffee With Acid".

Yes yes yes kids and skateboards. Ha, think they are so bad arse. LOOK GIRLS IM COOL! I have a skateboard, i can do tricks i sometimes rack my nads! but its funny right? And these lil punk arse teens with there lil punk arse attitudes, they think they are awesome, and untouchable. Yep, id like to see how UNtouchable they would be if they did that on my truck. Not Only would i take their lil skateboard and shove it up their arse, ALSO i will take my lil gun i keep in my "dash" in my truck, and make that lil funker so scared he would p in his pants. Then, i would take my wrech i have under my seat, its about a 2" socket size wrench, so its a big muther - for baco's and tractors and such. But anyway, i would put my gun up, and beat the living HORSE CRAP out of him until he would have to be put into INTENSIVE INTEEENSIVE care. I hate those lil punk kids, they all need to have the livnig crap beat out of them.. I better stop there, i might start saying stuff to offend certain people. But npor, dont post crap like that here. Retarted and annoying crap might be funny to you, seeing how you are those two qualities, but dont post them here. 10 4?
10 4

This is aCiD Im out.

[uGa] Saint
October 29th, 2004, 06:56 PM
well, to recap now that ive thought about it a bit... i agree with both m@l and acid...

this is not appropriate at all... and npor, please dont post crap like this again, and if your thinking about it... ask a la merc first... just my opinion, it does not reflect the views or opinions of lamerc, just mine....

October 29th, 2004, 07:31 PM
Thats a 10-4 Acid.

I still love you.

October 29th, 2004, 10:45 PM
god.. now I wish I watched it... AIEEEE

October 29th, 2004, 11:36 PM
nm i found it... that punk a$$ skate boarder would have had his freakin head beat in if he did that to me or any of my friends.. I can not believe out of all the people watchin no one helped.. suprised that dood did not get knocked out.
