View Full Version : Won't be around for a long time (under my normal name)

October 21st, 2004, 05:06 PM
Well, it looks like I won't be around for a long time if again on the CS servers. Me and my wife have been having some problems and she left yesterday. We will be getting a divorce as soon as possible it looks like. Luckily we have not an any issues on deciding who gets what and we have no children so I will be leaving with $0 debt, a paid off Nissan Sentra, and $1k in cash.

I am moving back in with my dad for awhile to get my mind right before I make any decisions on where to live. Where he lives though I won't have internet so I won't be playing any games. I figure I am going to take the time I stay with him to start on my CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional) and my Avaya Associate certification. Once I get done with my CCNP I am going to start looking for another job which will involve relocation. I live in a town of 14k people and I have the only real network job in the town on a large scale type environment.

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the fun I had on the server. Before I came to La_Merc I had quit playing CS for almost 8 months. I spent almost 2 years running 2 west coast clans, 4 full time servers, and managing 2 major sponsorships with them (Plantronics and Nvidia). When I stopped playing the game was another job for me and I didn't want anything to do with it. I just happen to download Steam one day while I was bored to see if the game changed and ended up in the la_merc server which is the only server I have really played on since I came back. It was nice to come back where no one knows who you are and just play for fun again, made me realize why I enjoyed the game so much to begin with.

Anyway, enough with the rambling, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone and I will lurk on the message board from time to time at work, maybe one day you all will see me back in the server.

Oh yea, I am not moving out until Sunday so maybe I will come play a few rounds between now and then.

Edit. Deleted my old thread and made a new one under my normal name, I didn't realize I used my original old login that no one recognizes.

October 21st, 2004, 05:19 PM
that sucks man. hope everything goes your way. good luck

October 21st, 2004, 05:25 PM
Good luck man,and i wish you well...

October 21st, 2004, 06:03 PM
Sorry to her all of this man, but remember to keep your head up! Only better days are ahead for you! Keep in touch!

October 21st, 2004, 06:09 PM
Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that you are going through a difficult time. Take care of yourself and your situation, and we look forward to seeing you again real soon. I'll miss ya. :sad: ~Samantha~

Little Birdy
October 21st, 2004, 07:32 PM
Yea man, we'll always be here for you.

October 21st, 2004, 07:45 PM
Well, what I said in the other thread - Hope things work out for you, and you find happiness at the end of all this! If you need me I'm here for you!

October 22nd, 2004, 09:46 AM
good luck G... hope everything works out for ya!

October 22nd, 2004, 11:21 AM
Hope you the best and come back soon. Take care.

October 22nd, 2004, 12:03 PM
i'm glad you made this new thread, I didn't know that was you under your last name. Take care G, like dirge said.. keep ur chin up man

October 22nd, 2004, 12:55 PM

If you need to talk, send me a PM or something, man...I've just gone through all of that myself (sorta).


October 23rd, 2004, 05:29 PM
Yea Man Good Luck With That...Keep The Head Up High and be safe.

October 23rd, 2004, 09:37 PM
Sorry to hear that G. I hope everything works out for you, and hope to seeing ya on the server soon again! Take care man, and keep your head up.
