View Full Version : newegg have refunds?

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
October 18th, 2004, 01:04 PM
got a 128mb radeon 9550se.. and it sucks

my geforce 3 64mb does better than this piece of crap.

tried getting the new drivers for ati and it still sucks.

i think someone is telling me to quit playing CS

October 18th, 2004, 01:11 PM
They do refunds and the like...next time, get a GeForce...

October 18th, 2004, 02:29 PM
ATI is good, just don't get anything that has SE at the end of the name.

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
October 18th, 2004, 02:32 PM
$9 restock fee? plus ill have to pay shipping to get the product to them.. then ill obviously have to pay shipping again when i get another vid card?

man.. i got screwed on this one

October 18th, 2004, 02:49 PM
think newegg just pwned you...

October 18th, 2004, 03:17 PM
naw hes just whining about 12$ he is going to have to pay... Ati is good like Capn said, the SE makes it a pile of crap.. even i knew that.. and i r a nub :bigok

October 18th, 2004, 03:23 PM
ati works there cards like this:

Lowest to highest: SE, nothing at end,Pro,XT

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
October 18th, 2004, 03:25 PM
well, you're right about the nub part.....

i wish i could get the balls to bust this fan off my old one. but since im going to be sending this new back.. i better lay off. but then agian. i figured i might try to just get a fan.. but i dont see anyway of getting this thing away from that glue

October 18th, 2004, 04:26 PM
You could have got just a fan for 5 bucks instead of buying that other card.


I know Onji replaced the fan on his geforce 3 ti200 with a simular fan and I think it worked well for him

Or, you could have done this


October 18th, 2004, 04:35 PM
HAHA where'd you find a pic of my setup?

MOst of the time Newegg waves the restock fee and shipping. but in your case when you knowingly bought the SE model and it didn't work like you wanted it to...then they don't care. It's not their job to make sure you buy the right card for your situation.

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
October 18th, 2004, 05:00 PM
i just got my old card back in.. went to counterstrike.. and now its not supporting opengl. even after i got all my drivers back installed right.

i asked on another forum how to get my fan off.. and a dude posted that i need to overclock it and run it for 20 to 30 minutes on some hard graphics, then the heatsink would be loose and i could get the fan off. the only problem with that is.. my fan isnt working.. so i might screw the vid card on heat.

also.. site navigation error on that link op

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
October 18th, 2004, 05:01 PM
is that a rubber band holding that fan to the card?

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
October 18th, 2004, 05:28 PM
well i found another fan.. but it has a 3 pin connector on it. after looking at my mobo.. i dont have any other 3 pin slots. where else could it plug into?

October 18th, 2004, 06:06 PM
an adapter for a 4 pin molex connecter. just a thought. Ohh and you should freeze your vid card to make the glue brittle then pop the fan off with a screwdriver (put it underthe edge and twist the flat head straight up. it's worked on several vid cards I've had.

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
October 18th, 2004, 06:28 PM
ok, got it

the plan with just trying to run it hot worked. but i didnt have to overclock.. since the fan is screwed up.. it ran hot on its own and popped right off.

so now i got to find a fan for this card specificly and send the other back.

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
October 18th, 2004, 06:32 PM
anyone know anything about the fans?


i found that one. but i have no clue what i should get

the vid card i got is a Geforce 3 Ti500

October 18th, 2004, 07:02 PM
That should work, its got a 3 pin to 4 pin adaptor with it.

You might want to check around, this one might be better for your application.


The one you posted might not work but I read somewhere that the crystal orb was put on a Ti500

October 18th, 2004, 07:05 PM


October 18th, 2004, 07:13 PM
I love that you came to the MERC forums for computer help, Infection. That tells me just one thing....................our guys are complete COMPUTER GEEKS! :LOL1

October 18th, 2004, 07:14 PM
the blue orb is the one i had to get to replace the fan on my old geforce

October 18th, 2004, 08:55 PM
I love that you came to the MERC forums for computer help, Infection. That tells me just one thing....................our guys are complete COMPUTER GEEKS! :LOL1

yep we are...and damn proud of it...and you know you like it...;)

October 18th, 2004, 09:07 PM
Hey!!! My job title is Geek - and so is Lt. Dan :) we both are members of the elite Geek Squad! w00t!!!

October 18th, 2004, 09:13 PM
I call myself "The Geek" at work...does that count?

October 18th, 2004, 09:13 PM
Like Onji, I had replaced the fan on a gf2mx400 with a blue orb. it will work on a gf3 too. dont worry about mounting holes, just get some thermal adhesive.

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
October 18th, 2004, 09:18 PM
is the blue orb on newegg?

October 19th, 2004, 05:44 AM
just 4 the record... I'm not smart enough to be a geek.. i'll just stick with nub 4 now thanks!

October 19th, 2004, 08:11 AM
i think my pet name is g33k 0.o

October 20th, 2004, 02:21 PM
Part 1
11. Tell me of this thing you humans call *dramatic pause* love.
10. If you turn me down now, I will become more drunk than you can possibly imagine.
9. They don't call me Bones because I'm a doctor.
8. Your name is Leslie? Look, I can spell your name on my calculator!
7. What's a nice girl like you doing in a wretched hive of scum and villany like this?
6. You must be Windows 95 because you gots me so unstable.
5. My 'up-time' is better than BSD.
4. I can tell by your emoticons that you're looking for some company.
3. Is that an iPod mini in your pocket or are you just happy to see me.
2. Want to see my Red Hat?
1. If you won't let me buy you a drink, at least let me fix your laptop.

11. You had me at "Hello World."
10. Mind if I run a sniffer to see if your ports are open?
9. You make me want to upgrade my Tivo.
8. By looking at you I can tell you're 36-25-36, which by the way are all perfect squares.
7. Jedi Mind Trick: "This is the geek you're looking for." *waves hand*
6. You can put a Trojan on my Hard Drive anytime.
5. Have you ever googled yourself?
4. How about we do a little peer-to-peer saliva swapping?
3. With my IQ and your body we could begin a race of genetic superchildren to conquer the earth.
2. What's a girl like you doing in a place like this when there's a Farscape marathon on right now on the Sci Fi channel.
1. I'm attracted to you so strongly, scientists will have to develop a fifth fundamental force.

October 20th, 2004, 03:40 PM
