View Full Version : Trying to Create Server!

October 9th, 2004, 02:34 AM
Hey All!

I need some help. I am not a LINUX guru. I have just purchased Suse Linux Pro 9.1, and it should arrive tomorrow. I want to setup an CS server on it, and some webpages, etc.

Any pointers on installing and configuring the CS server would be appreciated.
I would love to mirror the LA MERC server, but maybe add some different maps, or mods?

Ideas, Suggestions, Comments..... Greatly Appreciated.

I downloaded the Linux version of CS Server and it is a BIN file. How do I install that sucker?

Thanks in advance,
Jason "Blown68Kamaro" Clifton


October 9th, 2004, 02:37 AM
You will have to run the file from the shell.
Open a shell command-line window, go to the directory where the file is located:
cd /path/to/directory/where/file/is/located
and then type:
sh ./name-of-the-file.bin
Be sure to include the ./ (that's dot slash) prefix on the file name, since that tells your shell that the file is to be found in the current directory.

October 9th, 2004, 02:41 AM
just want to note: I know absolutely nothing about the CS server for linux, and if I'm way off base (Toby) PLEASE correct me :D

October 9th, 2004, 02:45 AM
BTW, 2 more questions -
1.) why did you purchase a copy of linux, when there are so many available for free (minus the cost of CD's, SuSE included).

2.) if you're REALLY unfamiliar w/ linux, and can't get it to work, there is a Windows version of the server available...have you considered it?

I'd suggest really messing w/ linux first - get it to run as you main desktop os (as I have) - I've had it playing CS even, under WineX and quite well at that. The only reason I'm under windows now, is I had to sell my PC, and I'm sharing a PC w/ my mom, and Linux isn't an option right now. Plus Windows is just easier as a desktop os - at least right now - it's a lot of work (or at least it was for me) to get everything up and running - nvidia drivers loaded, wine configured, etc...

but it is a good way to learn linux - you learn a lot, FAST just by messing w/ it - try dualbooting it if you have an extra hard drive lying around...there's lots to learn, and LOTS of information out there on the 'net.

[sG] Dutchman
October 9th, 2004, 10:01 AM
blown where did you buy the server at and how much because i'm looking to buy one too
