View Full Version : CS keeps shutting down

October 6th, 2004, 05:00 PM
CS will just randomly shut down and i will go to my desktop. it doesnt give any message at all. anyoen know what could be going wrong. i just re-installed it a few days ago.

October 6th, 2004, 06:04 PM
stop randomly quiting the game!

don't worry about it...buy halflife 2 and play source tomorrow

October 6th, 2004, 06:17 PM
Did you update your video card drivers? What video mode are you running in?

October 6th, 2004, 06:47 PM
stop randomly quiting the game!

don't worry about it...buy halflife 2 and play source tomorrow

i wish my computer could run it.

yeah i have downloaded the newest drivers.

October 6th, 2004, 06:48 PM
do you think they will sell CS:source by itself? i really ahve to urge at all to play half life. other then halo, counter strike is the only shooter i like.

October 6th, 2004, 07:03 PM
Random boots to the desktop could mean that your videocard is overheating

October 6th, 2004, 07:35 PM
Random quitting to the desktop could be many many many things.

Apps running in background

October 6th, 2004, 08:41 PM
Random quitting to the desktop could be many many many things.

Apps running in background

I knew it was those stinking Meices,,, I hate Meices to Pieces!!!

October 6th, 2004, 08:46 PM
im gonna guess its my video card since ive had other problems with that piece of crap. i really hate computers, they never work they way they should.

October 6th, 2004, 08:54 PM
Does your video card have a fan on it? Turn on your pc with the case open and see if the fans are all working properly, ALL the fans.

October 6th, 2004, 08:55 PM
Meices, ahh, Southern hospitality at its finest :)

Oh yea, back on topic.

Sir Swedishness, have you tried playing any other games for like 3 hours to see if it happens with those too? If you play Counter-Strike using OpenGL (you should), play something with a OpenGL renderer. Doom 3 is an example. My mom brought home KFC. Also, your box (cardboard) doesn't happen to be OC'd right? You can also try updating you mobo drivers, but reformat is always my first option tehe :)

October 6th, 2004, 11:30 PM
i use to use xp and it never closed on me, but i reformated like 3 days ago (with windows 2000 because i couldnt find anyone with a xp). think 2000 coudl be messing somthing up?

October 7th, 2004, 07:01 AM
i couldnt find anyone with a xp

You didn't ask the right people :)

October 7th, 2004, 01:35 PM
i play with win2k, and it worx fine

Sergei Criffnoobsky
October 7th, 2004, 02:06 PM
I have win2k as well and everything is ok.

October 7th, 2004, 04:10 PM
im reinstalling again. gonna see if that fixed anything. it sucks, i have got to play for maybe an hour all week.

October 7th, 2004, 04:24 PM
sounds like either your vid card's overheating or something is going on w/ your ram - how much ram do you have, and in how many sticks? if you have multiple sticks, try running them one at a time - if it works fine then, try slowing down the timings on them in the bios to see if they play more nicely together then.

October 7th, 2004, 06:16 PM
ive got 2 512 sticks of sd (i think). ill teset time out in a bit and tell you waht happens.

October 12th, 2004, 03:46 PM
well my computer just bit it for good. i push the button and nothing happens (yeah, everything is plugged in). my frined and i are about to start working on it today, but if we cant get it going i will probably be out for atleast the rest of the month.

October 12th, 2004, 03:47 PM
that sucketh...very badly
