View Full Version : [Cajun] <--> |:.GSL.:| Merge! come See

Little Birdy
October 5th, 2004, 11:03 PM
Guys I don't know how much ya'll knew about Cajun and GSL, but Our two clans merged... so, we'd like to invite all ya'll to play on our server sometime :P


Anyways, our map rotation is random and done by voting... some maps end with _csdm, this means it's used as a deathmatch map... if you haven't played one of those you miss out... but majority of our maps are plain CS.

Thanks guys.

October 6th, 2004, 11:20 AM
roger doger good to see ya again

October 6th, 2004, 11:43 AM
w00t! Dunno about GSL but Cajun was been a brother clan of ours for several years. Glad to see ya still alive and kicking.

[Cajun] Etouffee' [N]
October 6th, 2004, 10:35 PM
Hola gents....
Yes it's true [Cajun] and |:.GSL.:| have merged.
What brought this about were several things.
[Cajun] had changed gaming servers a few times in a year and
had verry low attendance. Then members of GSL offered to
merge with us (see GSL was founded by a member of Cajun that left on
good terms) and after oking it with his members, I talked about it with the
current members of Cajun and they were all for it. Now we have a server and
soon our url will be directed to the old gsl website (witch is now the new cajun
website). Anybody confused yet? LOL
Anyways just wanted to give you gents a heads up on what was going on with
the [Cajun]'s. Maybe next year we will be attending the next Armageddon lan.
Take care ya'll.

October 7th, 2004, 12:22 AM
awesome - i've never heard of the csdm maps - but i'll be sure to check out your server from time to time

thx for posting!

Little Birdy
October 7th, 2004, 01:49 PM
Max, Death match are the bomb, if they are done right :P, But as I said we are mainly Regular CS. CSDeathMatch, is basically when you die you respawn at your base (sometimes random spots on the map, if they are set), so the round goes on forever. This was fun on ScoutzKnivez. So It'll be fun seein' ya'll around.

October 7th, 2004, 05:14 PM
The merge is pretty cool... I was reallly glad when ET gave the ok to merge. We are having a Drunken Cajun Night on the 16th... if anyone can make it :) Its going to be one hell of a night :)

For the CSDM, its a plugin from amx mod or amxxmod, whichever mod your using. We tweaked some things around and copied and renamed map names with _csdm.bsp, so it only turns on during _csdm map names..(de_aztec.bsp csdm is off, de_aztec_csdm.bsp csdm is on)..

Little Birdy came up with this idea, as some members not liking deathmatch and others that love it. That way if an admin is on and doesnt like csdm and regs vote that map.... he can change it to something else....lol

[Cajun] DocHoliday [N]
October 7th, 2004, 07:17 PM
Sup Merc's. I was going to post about the merge but it looks like my clan mates beat me to it. Since both our clans go back a long time I hope to see a few of you guys on now and then. Go Merc's and thanks for the support.
