View Full Version : gotta love a finely tuned machine...

October 1st, 2004, 10:31 PM
check out the pics...
Task manager/running processes, and the services mmc...

October 2nd, 2004, 01:34 PM


October 2nd, 2004, 09:21 PM
i would say something Max, but i dunno wth all that is :d:

October 3rd, 2004, 09:36 AM
very clean man, gj

October 3rd, 2004, 06:41 PM



I can't stand that guy - he's a pompous arrogant windbag, who really has no clue what he's talking about...he's just read a bunch of "tweak sites", and tries to make himself sound intelligent, but, it's kind of hard for him to do since he can't use proper grammar or even spell (if you are going to create a web page, at LEAST run your text through MS Word or some other Word Processor and run spell-check...I don't deal with lazy people very well).

Also he has a very narrow minded view of everything - and basically will not take, nor does he want to hear anyone else's opinion, because in his mind he is right, and everyone else is wrong. I was exceptionally turned off by his rant on AMD vs. Intel - the guy has never even touched an AMD chip, yet, spouts off on his website in a slanderous manner. All he's done is read a bunch of reviews and the like, and formed his opinion around that. It seems all of his so-called knowledge is second hand.

His "Services Guide" is dangerous at best. Average Joe's shouldn't be tweaking their services like that - except maybe to turn Messenger off. The only reason I've trimmed mine down so much is that I am temporarily running on 256MB of RAM until I can get some more, and my machine was running very sluggish with the default services on, and my usual startup programs.

True power users can benefit from a services guide like his, but he's a bit extreme - encourages that some services be turned off that probably shouldn't on the average home usage PC. I've compiled a "Tweak Guide" from around the net, and I have even posted it here twice for folks that have asked how to speed up their PC, but I would never, run those same tweaks on my Aunt's PC or on my Mom's. That's just asking for trouble once they run into something that no longer works...and THEY wouldn't know how to go troubleshoot and see which service needs to be started back up.

Just my opinion however, and unlike some people like Mr. "Black Viper", I'm not closed minded.

Peace :)

October 3rd, 2004, 06:50 PM
Go get em!

October 3rd, 2004, 07:07 PM
