View Full Version : Overclock?

[uGa] Saint
October 1st, 2004, 10:52 AM
ok, here's the deal... I've been wanting to do some oc'ing lately on my cpu, and ive researched it a bunch to make sure I wouldnt end up burning up my chip, in fact, i only want to speed it up bye .2 ghz... I have a P4 3.0C ghz processor... its well known that the multiplier on intels have been locked for some time now, and that all oc'ing has got to be done via the fsb. This is where im having problems...

My motherboard is a Gigabyte 8knxp Rev 1, and I havent had a problem with it yet... but when i went into bios and to where the fsb should be... it wasnt there... i called up tech support, and the guy who answered understood me as well as i could understand him, which was not at all... he told me that my processor's fsb was locked. Is that even possible??? i cant find anyone else whos ever had that problem before... and if this guy is wrong, how the hell should i go about changing the fsb?? Any and all feedback would be appreciated. Just got frustrated to the point I figured id ask the posse... thanks.

October 1st, 2004, 12:21 PM
I think if you cut the red wire, your problems will go away....or is it the blue wire??

|Team Moped| Kripto
October 1st, 2004, 01:10 PM
This may be stupid suggestion, but did you switch it out of automatic mode? I have a Asus board and I don't have access to all of my options until I switch it to custom. I could get my AMD 3000+ (2ghz) pushed up to almost 3.1ghz before I started getting errors. It got Hell'a hot though.

October 1st, 2004, 03:44 PM
P4's dont lock their FSB's. I also have a 3.0C and OC mine to 3.8 with an Abit NF7. Play around with your bios and see if you can figger it, if not then it might be the mobo doesn't support OC'ing.

[uGa] Saint
October 1st, 2004, 06:12 PM
the mobo was built for oc'ing, thats why its got me confused... and gigabyte has you unlock advanced options in bios, which is where it should be... but isnt. ah well, i guess ill figure it out... stupid people that cant speak english shouldnt be in tech support, gawd.
