View Full Version : Why Jack Daniels???

September 30th, 2004, 06:19 PM
Jack Daniels has lessened the alcohol content. Read here...

September 30th, 2004, 09:00 PM
erm...JD has always had a 80 proof version - it's in a green labled bottle...

"We researched it and decided the majority of people wanted a less potent drink."

Well, they could just buy the green labled version that's always been there.

September 30th, 2004, 10:02 PM
just go with the cheap stuff. i buy half gallons of vodka for 13bucks, mix it with some cranberry juice...sooooo good. youll be drunk before you know it.

im sure you could do the same witha 13 bottle of whiskey and some coke

September 30th, 2004, 10:51 PM
Yeah - I buy Old Crow bourbon - just as good as the stuff a shelf higher, and $10 bucks more, especially when mixed w/ coke/ginger ale/ sprite (depending on your pref.)

If i'm drinking it neat or on the rocks, Bakers, Booker Noe's or Blantons for me....

September 30th, 2004, 11:30 PM
Yeah - I buy Old Crow bourbon - just as good as the stuff a shelf higher, and $10 bucks more, especially when mixed w/ coke/ginger ale/ sprite (depending on your pref.)

If i'm drinking it neat or on the rocks, Bakers, Booker Noe's or Blantons for me....

ive had old crow before. its not too bad at all.i doubt i would drink it straight though. but, my friend put it in some choclate milk. thats just too sick, i dont think chocolate milk would go good with any alcohol.

September 30th, 2004, 11:39 PM
hmmm - chocolate milk + alcohol =?

I'd say the only two things I'd mix w/ chocolate milk are Kahlua (maybe) or Vodka...anything else BLECCHHHH!

Yellowdog LOVES Ten High bourbon too, as far as cheap liquor goes!

September 30th, 2004, 11:41 PM
and actually old crow is about $11 for a half gallon, so I come off cheaper than you (even though I rarely buy half-gallons anymore - can't trust myself, sadly)

I generally pick up a pint and a 2 litre coke...The pint bottle runs me $3.99, and I usually have about 1/2 of the two litre bottle of coke left for the morning after :)

October 1st, 2004, 12:23 AM
lol, i remember yella dawg and the ten high at the lan, sadly, the ten high ended up all over the ground :)

October 1st, 2004, 12:26 AM
yeah - the wuss - i remember andy and redneck coming up and downing most of the first bottle and we had to go get a second...hehehe - darn rotgut stomaches, even though andy did sleep in the ditch that night hehehe...

and i remember going to some bar w/ you and redneck...sigh - that was a fun night.

October 1st, 2004, 12:46 PM
You said "TEN HIGH" he he he! Remember arguing over who was still sober enough to drive to the the store to get some more?

October 1st, 2004, 02:00 PM
"We researched it and decided the majority of people wanted a less potent drink."

Who the hell did they interview? If I'm drinking Jack it ain't because I'm just thirsty. I want at least to feel something. I guess this means I'll just have to drink more to get teh same effect......amnesia

October 1st, 2004, 02:19 PM
ST you have answered the question of why! Now you will have to drink more of the same to get the desired effect=more money for them! Where is his prize?

October 1st, 2004, 02:48 PM
ST you have answered the question of why! Now you will have to drink more of the same to get the desired effect=more money for them! Where is his prize?

..........you mean, here's your sign. :P

Oh who cares, boys! The real issue is, when they do this to chocolate, BEWARE....be afraid, be very afraid.

October 1st, 2004, 03:12 PM
"We researched it and decided the majority of people wanted a less potent drink."

must have been researching LSU fans.... to many of them are able to reproduce cause of the "potency."


October 1st, 2004, 03:41 PM
Now you will have to drink more of the same to get the desired effect=more money for them!

Nah, I'll just eat less before I drink. Or maybe I'll donate some blood or plasma so I can get some money and get drunk faster. It was so fun to do that in college.

October 3rd, 2004, 04:40 PM
Hi. My name is Tiffinee, I joined AA because I've been even MORE obsessively drinking since I started playing with Mercs....

Anyone else wanna stand up?

October 3rd, 2004, 07:30 PM
lol, i remember yella dawg and the ten high at the lan, sadly, the ten high ended up all over the ground :)

yeah - the wuss - i remember andy and redneck coming up and downing most of the first bottle and we had to go get a second...hehehe - darn rotgut stomaches, even though andy did sleep in the ditch that night hehehe.

HI my name is PARKER.. I am known as YeLLoWDoG...

1. I am tired of hearing about that $^#$ Ten High....
2. I was sober when I drove the Mini van back to the Hotel;
3. I did not puke all over the ground.
4. I got up at 4:00 AM and puked ( While very much in control of my facilities ) In the Toilet.
5. Then I went back to bed... And Yes I did feel Like %^#$ the next morning...

6. Don’t drink like your 20 when your 30... It will catch up with you after you go to sleep.

October 3rd, 2004, 07:38 PM
Hi. My name is Tiffinee, I joined AA because I've been even MORE obsessively drinking since I started playing with Mercs....

Anyone else wanna stand up?

Hi. My anem is Jake, I joined AA because...wait a second, AA is for quitters. im outta here.

October 3rd, 2004, 08:33 PM

October 3rd, 2004, 09:02 PM
HI my name is PARKER.. I am known as YeLLoWDoG...

1. I am tired of hearing about that $^#$ Ten High....
2. I was sober when I drove the Mini van back to the Hotel;
3. I did not puke all over the ground.
4. I got up at 4:00 AM and puked ( While very much in control of my facilities ) In the Toilet.
5. Then I went back to bed... And Yes I did feel Like %^#$ the next morning...

6. Don’t drink like your 20 when your 30... It will catch up with you after you go to sleep.

With all the stuff people have to hold over my head, I GOTTA have something to hold over someone else -

Peace brotha, it's all in love...hehehe...you should have went to ArmaI - THAT's when I made a total fool outta myself - as Jason or Joey - they'll tell ya!

Everybody has nights like that...well, maybe not as many nights like that as Andy, but we've all had them at some time - :D
