View Full Version : Inspired by LA_MERC_JUNKY "hmmmmmmm"

September 25th, 2004, 02:21 PM
Iran? "NEXT!"

Truckguy, I think you might be on to something. Rhetoric similiar to what was used in preparation to invade Iraq (two years prior to the invasion) is now being used with reference to Iran situation. The powers that be start getting peeps thinking about it, how Iran is a worry, a problem, a potential threat, a real threat, leading to invade. Logistically, we will be able to attack from two sides and we got the soldiers mostly in place (with willing countries - that we currently occupy).

Good idea? I think it will be messier than Iraq, a lot messier (a lot more American causalties).

But we allowed Saddam's Iraq to be a buffer, a wall of protection, protecting the rest of the Middle East from Iraq's fundmentalism/aggression. That barrier is down now... And Iran has attacked us before (US embassy - Carter's watch) - Iraq did not even do that... What do you'all think? We could let Isreal take them. They would probably be more thorough (they won't waste a lot of time worrying about civilian causalties).

Well, there is some food for thought. And really, it is just speculation.
