View Full Version : I have some complaints

Bo -#It-
September 17th, 2004, 11:01 AM
well since i see how lamerc is going to be towards people (yammie for instance)
I have some things to say that have happen to me.

cs_20fighter, i was giving directions to a T, and kinda talking alot on the mic.
i over heard SWEET and another LaMerc talking, saying I have no teeth, and i don't know what was said before that. I asked her "why you say that?" whyyou say that?" no reply, then i called her a Yankee, cause in my eyes a Yankee cares only about himself, while southerns care for all southerns and don't talk behind their backs. if you live in the south you will understand unless you migrated. anyway she ended up saying "i was joking". but at the time she said that , everybody was LAUGHING. i don't know if they were picked on when they were in school and this is there way of getting back. But i don't disrespect someone out of the BLUE unless i know them and they know for sure that i'm joking.

NUMBER 2, nothing against apoc casue he is a cool guy but just as an example, i was the last one left in the round and i messed up and got killed, i have heard lamerc players APOC being the only one i could remmeber, say YOU SUCK , i would say w0w thats nice, they would say "whine".

see i don't care what people think about me, cause all they are doing is reassuring their self esteem or making it better, but if alittle kid comes threw or someone that is new to the game and hears the Lamerc players or anyone say something about them, do you think they are going to come back???????

now to back Yammie, if you go to the post Ivan is coming, and go to my post on there, that was yammer hammer typing that on my computer, he was waiting for me to get out of the shower, before we went to someone's house, that shows you how much of a good person he can be, if he is not threatened

I request something be done to the stuff ya'll preach, which means YOU DON"T DO WHAT YOU PREACH,


Thank ye

September 17th, 2004, 11:10 AM
The way i look at is, for example in real life:

If you see a group of people joking around, maybe you know one of em. You talk with them for a little bit and you hear the way they joke with each other. Well if you just try to jump in there and joke like they do without really knowing them, alot of people feel that you shouldn't be that way to them unless you know them. Like the way me and sweetgirl joke with each other. We've know each other for a long time on this server and forums. She and I both know thats how we joke with each other and its not personal to either of us, but only coming from one another. If someone just happened to jump in on that and joke like i do with sweetz, then it looks very threatening. Lesson being here, if he were to have acted like that in real life in a group of my friends, seeing that i don't know yammie that well, he would have gotten alot more than just a ban. If you know me in real life, i'm pretty protective of my friends, i don't let just anyone mess around with them. Anyway, my 2 cents on the situation.

Bo -#It-
September 17th, 2004, 11:14 AM
right but you got it backwards, sweet is the one and others are the one jumping in to our JOKING, drax i don't think anything you say to me i will take personally or serious cause i have played with you a good bit, but sweet has started stuff wiht innocent people and other lamercs have done the same thing

so Lamercs maybe you should take drax's addvice and learn from it. see i knew some good men were in here.

ty drax

September 17th, 2004, 11:20 AM
Bo, you have said your peace and I'm locking this thread. These things will be looked into. If you have further concerns about the members of LA_MERC, please take it up with an admin, co-leader, or leader. All of our contact information is on the members section of this website.

Thank you
