View Full Version : Communists openly support...

September 14th, 2004, 02:19 PM

Well, sorta. They are as anti-Bush as you can get...


September 14th, 2004, 03:27 PM
wow what funny website. It's kind of like having a website that says "Coal Power! The wave of the future!"

Doesn't surprise me though. Anyone notice they sell things (capitalism)? LMAO

September 14th, 2004, 09:03 PM

I'm tired of hearing about the whole job thing...of course they forget we have more jobs than before. Besides, he can't infringe upon the rights of businesses by telling them who to employ. That's why it's a free market!

And what kind of dummy would want to REPEAL the Patriot Act?!

And of course the gay thing...Bush wants marriage to be defined as a uniting of a man and a woman. Not man&man/woman&woman!! They want to make marriage the opposite, while keeping the same name! That's not marriage! "Hey Ma, I bought beer at the store instead of milk, but we'll call it "milk" since you drink both!" Geeez....

I'm done.

-FA- ManiacalClown
October 2nd, 2004, 01:29 AM
Anyone who's read the Constitution and understands proper English would, in a perfect world, want to repeal or at least alter the Patriot Act to the point that it isn't a total spit in the face to ideals that we're supposedly protecting and spreading across the globe.

Homosexuals have rights, too. Get over it.

October 2nd, 2004, 08:16 AM
And of course the gay thing...Bush wants marriage to be defined as a uniting of a man and a woman. Not man&man/woman&woman!! They want to make marriage the opposite, while keeping the same name! That's not marriage! "Hey Ma, I bought beer at the store instead of milk, but we'll call it "milk" since you drink both!" Geeez....

AMEN BROTHER,,,, I like the Beer and Milk comparison... LOL

October 2nd, 2004, 08:24 AM
Anyone who's read the Constitution and understands proper English would, in a perfect world, want to repeal or at least alter the Patriot Act to the point that it isn't a total spit in the face to ideals that we're supposedly protecting and spreading across the globe.

Homosexuals have rightstoo., Get over it.

The right to vote sure, the right to make thier own decisions yes,
The right to commit an immoral act, and then call it marrage... NO
And if people find this statment offensive...
Well I find gay marrage offensive...

October 2nd, 2004, 09:02 AM
Anyone who's read the Constitution and understands proper English would, in a perfect world, want to repeal or at least alter the Patriot Act

A Perfect World?! This isn't even close to a perfect world and that's why we had to create the Patriot Act.

-FA- ManiacalClown
October 3rd, 2004, 12:27 AM
The right to vote sure, the right to make thier own decisions yes,
The right to commit an immoral act, and then call it marrage... NO
And if people find this statment offensive...
Well I find gay marrage offensive...

Quit trying to instill Christian morals on a country that has no national religion. It will get you no where.

-FA- ManiacalClown
October 3rd, 2004, 12:28 AM
A Perfect World?! This isn't even close to a perfect world and that's why we had to create the Patriot Act.

I am defeated by your spectacular sense of reason and logic.

October 3rd, 2004, 01:28 AM
Well, seeing that marriage was invented by religion, it makes it hard NOT to speak of religion with marriage.

I am defeated by your spectacular sense of reason and logic.

And it is sarcasm that will get you nowhere.

October 3rd, 2004, 09:14 AM
I am defeated by your spectacular sense of reason and logic.

Well, if that impressess you then it doesn't take much.

But really, I understand the potential for abuse it has as many people do but to repeal it and start over makes no sense; it creates more problems deciding what to put in it's place. Changes to it will happen as they always do in this country and most will probably happen in the courts when precedents are set.

-FA- ManiacalClown
October 3rd, 2004, 09:49 PM
Well, seeing that marriage was invented by religion, it makes it hard NOT to speak of religion with marriage.


October 3rd, 2004, 10:21 PM

Read the Bible. Matthew 19.5 and Genesis 2:24

The Church then enforced it as a way to protect the children.

Also, I'd like to see you pass the perfect bill. One with no strings attached, no extras. We all want a perfect world, but thats what dreams are for.

October 4th, 2004, 05:04 AM

not wrong, as illegal mentioned. Marriage is NOT for gay folks. And this country WAS founded on Christianity........man, I was Canadian until about 6 months ago, shouldn't you know more about your countries history than I??? Yes there is freedom of religion, which makes this country great, but it was the fact that this country was mostly a God loving, Christian country that which made it succeed. Look at the country today, and we wonder why the American lifestyle is slowly degrading. God is no longer a focus.

October 4th, 2004, 05:14 AM
And not only is God not a focus but the family isn't as well. There is nothing to hold the family together. At least that's the way it seems nowadays.

October 4th, 2004, 06:42 AM
Oh yeah, Not only was marriage enforced by the church but it was always enforced by the court system.

October 4th, 2004, 09:46 AM
Clown, *edited by LaTech* if you want to comment about things in this thread, be respectful of other people's opinions. If you can't do that, post somewhere else.*end edit*

October 4th, 2004, 09:49 AM

Go ahead Diesel!!!!

October 4th, 2004, 09:58 AM
Please be polite and respectful of others points of view.

Sorry Diesel, I had to edit your post a little bit because of the above rule for the thread. It was funny, though...don't get me wrong. ;)

October 4th, 2004, 10:23 AM
aww man, i missed it...lol

[uGa] Saint
October 4th, 2004, 10:36 AM
when it comes to the patriot act, i hate it, they def should have tacked on a sunset clause, then i wouldnt have cared that much

October 4th, 2004, 10:59 AM
Homosexuals have rights, too. Get over it.

No comment.

:fruit :fruit :fruit

October 4th, 2004, 11:15 AM
See just how bad Communsim is? LoL

Causes all sorts of problems...

October 4th, 2004, 11:19 AM
Homosexuals have rights, too. Get over it.

lol, i missed that comment....so are you saying that you have rights? j/k man!!!!

October 4th, 2004, 11:52 AM
The pompus all knowing aggie...lmao just put an f in fron of that....

-FA- ManiacalClown
October 4th, 2004, 01:24 PM
Marriage was not considered in a religious sense until the time of St. Paul, at which point it became a sacrement...holy matrimony.

For the last time, the majority founding fathers were Deists. I wouldn't think Christian morals were in the forefront of their planning of the government of the country. (of course...neither was democracy...)

The worst things for the American society at the moment are the fact that the country is practically divided 50/50 politically, with an intense hatred and mistrust for the other side, and the government is controlled by one party, which is never good, no matter which one it is.

Finally, if you want me to treat your opinions with respect, try presenting them in a respectful manner in the first place, and then treating mine with respect as well. Golden rule, boys and girls.

October 4th, 2004, 01:42 PM
I guess you didn't read those passages from the bible, did you?

Presenting one's opinions will ALWAYS offend someone else. Some are stating their opinions while Clown is the one trying to instill his opinions in others.

October 4th, 2004, 01:53 PM
You would think that a little boy of your intellect would know that the golden rule is "thou who has the gold makes the rules"

I say we ban clown to the -FA- forums that will be his punishment for getting something wrong.

October 4th, 2004, 02:06 PM
Marriage was not considered in a religious sense until the time of St. Paul, at which point it became a sacrement...holy matrimony.

For the last time, the majority founding fathers were Deists. I wouldn't think Christian morals were in the forefront of their planning of the government of the country. (of course...neither was democracy...)

The worst things for the American society at the moment are the fact that the country is practically divided 50/50 politically, with an intense hatred and mistrust for the other side, and the government is controlled by one party, which is never good, no matter which one it is.

Finally, if you want me to treat your opinions with respect, try presenting them in a respectful manner in the first place, and then treating mine with respect as well. Golden rule, boys and girls.

Well, firstly, you are incorrect in your recollection of marriage's ties to religion. Hebrew law (i.e. the Bible) far outdates St Paul and is just one example of marriage being tied to religion. The fact is marriage arose as one of the building blocks of structured society and is in part what allowed the first civilizations to rise from unorganized nomadic tribes to settled organizations. Albeit, some of those marriages were not what we think of as traditional monogomous relationships, but nevertheleess the basics were there. The primary argument in politics about marriager is not about homhosexual rights. Many states, cities, and benefit companies allow "life partner" benefits so the argument there is mixed. The "love" angle is skewed as well because "marriage" does not define love. Rather it is the building block our society and moral system is based upon. Think about, why do shotgun weddings occurr? surely many unintended pregnancies unite couples who are not in love, yet why are they wed? Primarily because it is the care first and foremost for the children to be born into a functional family unit (or at least a chance at one). I could go on, but I thik my main point has been made.

Now for your comment about the founding fathers and this being "for the last time," I don't recall you expounding on the influence of Deism in the Founding documents before to any great extent.

Finally, Op makes a great point about the attitude your opinions take. You continuously make your "opinions" looking down your nose at the opposing view's owner. Whether it be snide comments or an attempt to bedazzle them with b$, you have yet to show much, if any respect for the other person's views. I think that is the main reason you are shown so much disdain, not because of your views. Why even now, you're probably thinking of some clever quip or put-down in response to this reply. Alas and sigh.

October 4th, 2004, 03:22 PM
Marriage was not considered in a religious sense until the time of St. Paul, at which point it became a sacrement...holy matrimony.

For the last time, the majority founding fathers were Deists. I wouldn't think Christian morals were in the forefront of their planning of the government of the country. (of course...neither was democracy...)

The worst things for the American society at the moment are the fact that the country is practically divided 50/50 politically, with an intense hatred and mistrust for the other side, and the government is controlled by one party, which is never good, no matter which one it is.

Finally, if you want me to treat your opinions with respect, try presenting them in a respectful manner in the first place, and then treating mine with respect as well. Golden rule, boys and girls.

Anyone who's read the Constitution and understands proper English would, in a perfect world, want to repeal or at least alter the Patriot Act to the point that it isn't a total spit in the face to ideals that we're supposedly protecting and spreading across the globe.

Homosexuals have rights, too. Get over it.

Er, you want us to treat you gay? No thanks.. im good.

October 4th, 2004, 03:41 PM
Be nice acid :twak, homosexuals are people to.. lol.. j/k Clown

October 4th, 2004, 04:34 PM
I came back to this thread thinking I was gonna add something else, but it looks like yall covered it all. Let's just all get along. :ldm

October 4th, 2004, 06:02 PM
lmao @ toby w00t

October 4th, 2004, 07:06 PM
Reading all the posts here reminds me of how far we have come as a society. Just 30 years ago blacks, Hispanics, or for that matter anyone whose skin was not white was discriminated against for marrying out there race. People were even killed for doing so. Now it is no big deal. Just give this entire thing about 20 to 30 years and it too will be no big deal. After a couple of generations people will look back and laugh if not mock how people thought about this issue, just how we do now in denouncing slavery today. Sure there will always be bigots and predigests people in the world, but there will also be people that understand that you are who you are, that GOD made us the way we all are for a reason. If we are all GODs creatures than Gays are too. I am very religious and believe that the Bible is a little out dated and following it to the “T” is not a good idea. Following religious text to the word is how you get Islamic Extremists, or the KKK.

I am not trying to make you like them, but lets all remember they too are flesh and blood; they are just different from you and I and if the VP of the United States has a gay child it is time we all realized nature has made her this way. I truly believe that VP Cheney would say the same thing. I am sure he loves his daughter very much and wants her to have the best life possible, like any good father would.

We all fear what we do not understand. I am done with hate in my life; I have lived too many years in its shadow, I just hope the hurtful words of my past will heal in time or be forgiven; only God knows.

October 4th, 2004, 07:13 PM
All very good points ladies and gentlemen. I love the rhetoric, but you will in no way affect my views and beliefs. I am a God fearing man. I am Republican (but I do beleive this country is a long way away from bipartisanship). I do not believe in gay marriages (All be it that they should suffer like the rest of us, I didn't mean that sweetheart), and in no way do I not agree with the Patriot act. This act does infringe on your civil liberties but to the tune that the government can check your email, your voice mail, regular mail, your education records, medical records, etc etc. So what. I like the fact that there is someone out there keeping up with me. I'm not afriad of being under the microscope. I don't care if they know how much money I make, what I do with it, how much porn I down load, or what I send and recieve through my computer or the post office. I live free and this is becuase I live in America. If it takes a little stricter government to insure I live free then so be it. I love this country and I love the fact that it has given birth to independant thinkers like yourselves. God Bless us all and God bless this country.


October 4th, 2004, 07:13 PM
hmm Well, I can see some of your points, but I do not think they apply in this context. How exactly do you make the jump from gay marriage to the best life possible I can't quite follow, but hey.

Check out some web nfo on the history of marriage and some analytical discussion of it as well. I think you will see there is not a comparison between racial intermingling and gay marriage in the traditional definiton of marriage.

October 4th, 2004, 08:05 PM
gota love ya big A.....how much pr0n i d/l...lmao

October 4th, 2004, 08:21 PM
Bible's against it, so I'm against it.

October 4th, 2004, 09:22 PM
In 20-30 years when everyone is past the subject of gay marriages, that will be a time that we are having manufacturered babies (test tube babies) left and right because gay couples will want children of their own (at that time, it will be their given right or so they will say). They will want to pass a law about that also. The line will never be drawn and the world will be of a synthetic nature.

October 4th, 2004, 09:34 PM
I appreciate your respectful replies to my post. I understand and accept that we are not always going to have the exact same opinions on every subject. What is important though is how respectfully we converse our ideas. Even though we may not always agree we should still try and maintain some kind of maturity in our words, and I thank you for yours here.

hmm Well, I can see some of your points, but I do not think they apply in this context. How exactly do you make the jump from gay marriage to the best life possible, I can't quite follow, but hey. .

My mistake, I should have mentioned that VP Cheney’s daughter has a “life partner” a.k.a girl friend, and the roomers were that they wanted to marry. When I said,”best possible life,” I meant that VP Cheney, I would hope, would want his daughter to be happy. He may not like the idea of marriage, but I am sure he loves her.

In comparison I have always feared that my Father was never as proud of me as I was of him. I feel this way probably because He was into every sport in his day, and I being a little skinny could only join soccer, and I was not very good at it. Though this is only true in my head, as me and my father have a good relationship. Yet I can’t stop imagining if my father had rejected me because I was too skinny to play any sports. I have heard of stories like that before, fathers loathing there sons. It would not be like I could control my weight, I am skinny because that is the way I was supposed to be. Just like VP Cheney’s daughter can not control who she is. Ahh, this all comes down to I would not want her to feel rejected by her father anymore than I would by mine, especially for something I could not change, well there is always steroids.

I think you will see there is not a comparison between racial intermingling and gay marriage in the traditional definition of marriage.

Yeah I agree, I do not think there is a comparison in the traditional definition, but there is not anything traditional about gay marriage, it has never existed until now. The comparison is more of an indirect view on my part. I was trying more to associate group bias by comparing racial predigest with homosexual predigest. One is based on a dislike of ones color, among other things, while the other is based on dislike of ones sexual orientation. I thought that sense back in the day some people viewed or interpreted the Bible as saying interracial marriage was a sin, that there could be some comparison to how people feel about gay marriage today.

October 4th, 2004, 09:43 PM
Just saw the post by Illegal op, so can anyone pre order a person, fully grown maybe?

I was thinking 5.9 , 115 pounds, blond hair, green eyes, "D" cups, with a J-Lo towing package, does not like to talk much, responds to every question by saying " Yes dear, what ever you say." Cuz I am down for that.

October 4th, 2004, 10:04 PM

And if there is a discount for ordering in bulk, I might be interested in a few more.

October 4th, 2004, 10:34 PM
Hold on guys you are going too fast for me. I need to get my hip-boots. This is getting too deep.

-FA- ManiacalClown
October 5th, 2004, 12:57 AM
NTuser is my new favorite poster on this board. We could all learn from his rational and respectful method of discussion. *manly hug*

October 5th, 2004, 05:40 AM

October 5th, 2004, 05:42 AM
Just saw the post by Illegal op, so can anyone pre order a person, fully grown maybe?

I was thinking 5.9 , 115 pounds, blond hair, green eyes, "D" cups, with a J-Lo towing package, does not like to talk much, responds to every question by saying " Yes dear, what ever you say." Cuz I am down for that.

You can, its the latest in blow up dolls only 500$ and it dosent talk back to you.. have fun :twak

October 5th, 2004, 07:34 AM
NTuser is my new favorite poster on this board. We could all learn from his rational and respectful method of discussion. *manly hug*

do i need to say it?

lol, Andy..where the h e double hockey sticks did that come from???lmao

October 5th, 2004, 08:11 AM
I thought that sense back in the day some people viewed or interpreted the Bible as saying interracial marriage was a sin, that there could be some comparison to how people feel about gay marriage today.

Almost everyone interprets the bible in a different way. That is the main reason we have so many different religions even though they all spawned from the same religion. Even though most people interpret the bible differently, there is one thing you can not interpret wrong and that is God made man and from man, he made woman. He never discussed "skin color" but he knew the difference between man and woman.

October 5th, 2004, 08:44 AM
Yeah I agree, I do not think there is a comparison in the traditional definition, but there is not anything traditional about gay marriage, it has never existed until now. The comparison is more of an indirect view on my part. I was trying more to associate group bias by comparing racial predigest with homosexual predigest. One is based on a dislike of ones color, among other things, while the other is based on dislike of ones sexual orientation. I thought that sense back in the day some people viewed or interpreted the Bible as saying interracial marriage was a sin, that there could be some comparison to how people feel about gay marriage today.

I disagree with both of your comments here, there has been homosexual relationships from begining of time and it was condimmed according to the scriptures both in old testment and in new testement. I have a question for you if the gay's of the world don't have a choice in the way they are and if in fact we are all "God's Creatures" then tell me why is it that none of God's other creations out there practice this? Simply put it's go against nature and the plans that God laid out.

As for the racial deal, quite simply your right people have used certian scripture's to say that it's wrong, God did tell Abraham not to marry out side of his race, the reason was not because of race per say it was more so to keep the line to Jesus pure, as in the line to remain Jewish.

Now that being said, I don't belive that we should be disrespectfull or mistreat anyone, we are to love everyone just not the "Sin" they are in. Now when you talk about the gay issues you have two stances those that want them to have the right to mirrage and those who belive that it's a life style choice and should not be regonized. I don't dislike gay's but, I also don't think that they or anyone else should get special treatment.

[uGa] Saint
October 5th, 2004, 09:04 AM
i view it as none of my business, if two people want to do that, well, frankly, i dont have to like it, but its still none of my business.

October 5th, 2004, 09:22 AM
Yes I agree Illegal Op, God does know the difference, as well we all do, but why though did he make them the way there are. I believe it is a defect in nature, something out of the control of man kind, well, until the test tube babies thing comes along it is.

Yes the bible does say it is a sin, but let he who is with out sin cast the first stone. We are all sinners, and only God will judge us, it is not our job to hate our fellow man, the bible teaches us to love thy neighbor. Hate is the door way to evil, and as a wise individual once said, “Anger leads to fear, and fear leads to aggression, the dark side of the force are there” :jk2 . No one says you have to like everyone, but understanding why people are the way they are I think is important, even if you do not like them.

You can, its the latest in blow up dolls only 500$ and it dosent talk back to you.. have fun

Yeah I tried those things, but this keeps happening :pump1:

I have a question for you if the gay's of the world don't have a choice in the way they are and if in fact we are all "God's Creatures" then tell me why is it that none of God's other creations out there practice this? Simply put it's go against nature and the plans that God laid out.

I really don't have an answer for you; I have no real proof that it is not against nature, it’s just a feeling I have, an idea, my hypothesis, what I want to believe.

P.S, On a lighter note: don't ever put two male rabbits in the same cage for to long thinking they will be good friends, it might disturb you.

October 5th, 2004, 09:24 AM
I've had this discussion several times with many friends, and those most dear to me. I havent read every post yet, nore do i usually make post here, but im going to go ahead and throw in my 2 cents.

I am a Christian. This means that alot of my views are based on what is in the Bible. According to the Laws and the Constitution we have no right to tell a man that he cannot love and (common law) marry another man. If you are unfamiliar with what common law is:

In fifteen states and the District of Columbia (see below), though, common law marriages are recognized. If a man and a woman (same-sex marriages aren't recognized) live together and "intend to be married" by acting like they are married, telling people they are married, and doing the things married people do (using words like "husband" and "wife," filing joint tax returns, etc.), they become common law spouses. This gives them the same rights and responsibilities as people who got married the old-fashioned way, with a trip to City Hall and a wedding.

Reason why i say common law is because i dont know what Church is going to marry a homosexual couple, unless there are homosexual churches that can perform the union and be reconized by City Hall.

Now with that said, am i going to go out and vote for Gay or Homosexual marraige? Absolutly not. I think it is a sinful practice and allowing our country to let more and more things become the norm in our lives will just allow the country to slip farther away from God. Trust me weither you belive in God or not, you do not want him to abandon us.

I dont belive in Homosexual Unions, does this mean that i am a homophobic, or that i have hatred in my heart for them? No, i think its a very sad situation where thier ideal of love has been perverted and twisted into what we now try to accept is a homosexual relationship. I can bring up serveral scriptures, but i think Toby did an excellent job with those.

Now some people say that i only belive this because a bible says its to be done a certain way, or that i am beliveing in old scriptures and this is a new day and age. Ok well lets talk about the topic on another point of view. Remove emotion, remove bible scriptures, remove all things out of a relationship except the bare facts... why do men and women have a relationship? Ill answer for you, to reproduce. Its a scientific fact that there are no homosexual animals because they know that in order for their species to survive, they must reproduce a male and a female. What is the only reason for a man and a man or a woman and a woman to have a relationship? Pleasure is the only answer. That alone should tell us there is something wrong with homosexual relationships.

Let me make one last point. Homosexuality should be accepted all around the world. It should be ok that everyone in the world be gay. 100 years from now there will not be any humans left if everyone decided to be a homosexual. Unless of course we decide to play creator and have every human be test tube born. See where i am going with this?

I respect your opinions, please be respectful of mine.

October 5th, 2004, 09:40 AM
Let me make one last point. Homosexuality should be accepted all around the world. It should be ok that everyone in the world be gay. 100 years from now there will not be any humans left if everyone decided to be a homosexual. Unless of course we decide to play creator and have every human be test tube born. See where i am going with this?

I respect your opinions, please be respectful of mine.

Hybrid, that was on the same line as the point I made earlier. It will not even be 100 years from now but a lot sooner. Same sex married couples will declare it their given right to have children but since they can not (doh!), the evolution of widely used synthetically cloned babies (test tube babies) will start.

October 5th, 2004, 10:38 AM
Hybrid, that was on the same line as the point I made earlier. It will not even be 100 years from now but a lot sooner. Same sex married couples will declare it their given right to have children but since they can not (doh!), the evolution of widely used synthetically cloned babies (test tube babies) will start.

That alone scares me.

October 5th, 2004, 11:07 AM
what was this thread about again?

October 5th, 2004, 11:10 AM
Wow my mind can't take all this deepness!

October 5th, 2004, 11:26 AM
It's just like what Illegal and Hybrid pointed out. Homosexuality is self-destructive. That's enough evidence alone to show that there's something wrong with it. I don't believe people are born gay either. It's just that since it's more accepted nowadays, their decisions are affected. And we haven't even begun to speak about how this would affect a child if he or she was adopted or "grown" for a gay couple. Can you imagine how it would feel to see EVERYONE else with a father and a mother while you had two mothers or two fathers? The family unit is what binds civilization together, and America has seen a decline to say the least in how things are managed within a family. That is why we have seen a decline in morals. I wonder how long God will hang on to us?

October 5th, 2004, 11:46 AM
the point is.....gay people should not have the right to marriage. It is insulting to my own marriage to see how the sanctity of it is being changed because of these homosexuals. I don't care if two people decide to engage in sin in that manner, that's for God to judge.....but......one of the arguements for gay marriage is for tax purposes....PLEASE!!!!....it was your choice to enter into financial bonds with another person now you have to live with it....or die of AIDS with it.

btw, as mentioned above....it won't be long before God turns his back on this country. I'm just glad that I am at peace with him and while I fail in many ways, I am a Christian and I walk with Jesus way before I walk with any government or their decisions about laws of the land.

October 5th, 2004, 12:02 PM
I looked at this post when it first started and was going to stay out of it as it was turning into a flame war and wasnt very nice. But now as it progressess it brings alot of good points to view so i thought i would ask a few questions and throw out some ideas.
first i think from listening to the pro-for gay marrage people do sound like they whant to reap the benefits that maried couples have,for mediacal and job benefits etc.
this i would not mine granting them as a person. but i dodnt see the diffrence to say a gay-couple needing benefits and a couple hetro-couple engaged not married yet but i bet they would love these same benefits as the are commited to each other but just havent gotten married yet. so thats one idea.
as far as them calling it marriage i dont think it lives up to the standards o what marraige is and just calling it something else like unity or something it still implies that they are trying to get to the same lvl as marraige and equity in names,maybe thats not right?
As far as it goes that they cant have children because of same sex maybe rather that just thinking of them all going out to have test tube babys we can think maybe these couples who may be very good poeple may adopt alot of our babys that for what ever reason they became orphaned or unwanted.not that we are throwing them rejects either i dont whant it to sound that way, but hey there lots of kids out there that need family so would this be good for them growing up with say 2 fathers maybe
i think they would get the love the deserve.
As far as it helping with the moral decline of the country i could see how maybe yes it would. but then i look at there alot of other reasons behind this like children not having the respect they used to have sort of family break down and being desensitized to violence Etc.and that we should if we are to do some thing about it mabe start on some of the other problems first as i feel they have greater inpact on us as awhole.
So i think i stand in the middle of the situation and can see good points to both side and hope it works out, to what end iam not sure.

October 5th, 2004, 12:03 PM
Hense the separation of Church and State.

Now, politicians will probably pass the law for gay marriages just because they want the votes. When it comes down to letting them get married by the church is when I will have a huge problem with it.

Yes, it is funny that one of the main reasons why they want gay marriages is for tax purposes. A husband and wife marriage should get tax breaks because of the fact that most wives stay at home and bare/raise children. What even funny is that when Canada started allowing gay marriages, they had not yet passed laws for divorsing gay couples so the ones that wanted to get divorsed right away had to wait until that law was passed.. lol.. idiots.

October 5th, 2004, 02:59 PM
I disagree with both of your comments here, there has been homosexual relationships from begining of time and it was condimmed according to the scriptures both in old testment and in new testement. I have a question for you if the gay's of the world don't have a choice in the way they are and if in fact we are all "God's Creatures" then tell me why is it that none of God's other creations out there practice this? Simply put it's go against nature and the plans that God laid out.

Doesn't the bible also have some lines about slavery a couple of lines below calling homosexuality an abomination. I think they go something like: It is alright to own a slave if they come from a neighboring country. That case since the bible says it I want 1 Canadian and 2 Mexicans.

"God's other creationg" animals?
Well if you ment animals, they do practice this. Male giraffes have be documented in the wild getting it on with each other.

The bible says a lot of things, it is easy to find one piece of text for one side and ignore the rest. Religion is the best way to control people, threaten them with punishment after death.

[uGa] Saint
October 5th, 2004, 04:05 PM
well stated uther.

October 5th, 2004, 04:23 PM
Like many of us in this discussion I'm middle of the road with this. Being in the healthcare field I work with and on a lot of homosexuals both men and women. I think a lot of people would be surprised how many are in healthcare; I know I was. And because of this interaction I've, I don't know how to put this other than "loosened up" (I never like to refer to myself as liberal). I do believe that homosexuality is genetically predetermined. But does this mean that I think they should marry? No. To me, and this is just my opinion, it decreases the value of a marraige (man and woman). It's one more thing that everybody feels they have to have. If homosexuals want to have a leagal binding then that's fine, go ahead, but don't label it a "marraige". They can do whatever they want with taxes and benefits etc, that's their choice.
I, too, am a Christian, and my moral foundation is in that religion and will always be. Everyone should be lucky enough to be raised with a faith that instills a good moral foundation.
As far as the genetic predetermination...it's just because of the trends I've seen in families....in the hospital and in the community. It runs in families. That's just the way it is. And a number of people also do it because they are confused, or their boyfriends talked them into it. J/K. If natural selection was still taking place, and it isn't, I think we can all see that we've managed to put a halt to that as far as the human race is concerned. If it was still taking place then this genetic factor would be weeded out because it doesn't produce offspring. Another reason not to lable their unions- marraige. No offspring is produced.

Just my opinion, Sorry if I offended anyone.

October 5th, 2004, 07:19 PM
WOW.. This thread has done ruNNoFT to some other place...LOL


1. Gay couples want to get married...WHY?
For a big tax break, not to mention that this tax break was intended for married couples to raise their children.

2. So if that’s the case, then the government must be expecting them to raise kids. “NOT A GOOD IDEA “I think this is only going to raise confused kids. When these kids get old enough to realize what DADDY and DADDY REALY do.. OR what MOMMY and MOMMY REALY do. Enough said.

3. Who’s going to take on who’s last name, and should it matter, they cant produce kids anyway?

4. The only good thing I can think of in GAY divorce is the wife wont get everything..
Because either A- you don’t have a wife, or B- there both wives...LOL

I believe it’s a sick perversion of nature, and a moral Sin. Any person that lives a gay lifestyle will be condemned, even if you don’t believe in condemnation. I believe the fact still remains.

I am not a bigot that hates these people, I happen to love one very much. It saddens me that this person who is close to me would be condemned if they were to die tomorrow. I have seen the meaningless life this person has lead, going from one “ relationship ” to another and never finding happiness. I believe there is no Love in homosexuality only lust. Even heterosexual relationships based on lust don’t last.

These statements are not intended to offend anyone, only stating what I believe is the truth.

October 5th, 2004, 07:30 PM
Well spoken Perro Amarillo!

-FA- ManiacalClown
October 5th, 2004, 07:43 PM
Just to clarify, I'm not saying in any way that a church should be required to marry homosexuals, so in that area, at least, I agree. Separation of church and state works both ways!

October 5th, 2004, 08:39 PM
Well I'm not one to ride the fence and I have no qualrells telling a gay person I don't believe or condone in what they are doing, but I do believe in his right to do as he pleases. I have a very (I beleive the word is flamming) homo first cousin that I love dearly but that does not mean I believe in what he's doing or believe he should get the same treatment by government for having a "LIFE PARTNER". And since everyone is quoting the bible so much I'm pretty sure I read a scripture that stated "If man thou smokest pollest, he shall burnest in hellest."

October 5th, 2004, 10:23 PM
I'm pretty sure I read a scripture that stated "If man thou smokest pollest, he shall burnest in hellest."

If its not in the bible it sure sounded like it should have been.

October 5th, 2004, 11:30 PM
Hmm...must be King James Version. LoL

October 6th, 2004, 05:34 AM
What even funny is that when Canada started allowing gay marriages, they had not yet passed laws for divorsing gay couples so the ones that wanted to get divorsed right away had to wait until that law was passed.. lol.. idiots.

hey i thought we were on the same side here? lmao

btw andy that was a good one!

I agree that the bible says some conflicting things, God intended it that way to test our faith.
