View Full Version : Hey guys its yammie hammie..

Yammer Hammer!
September 10th, 2004, 08:47 PM
Um hey I don't know whats goin on, but I was banned about an hour ago, because i changed my name to Gamecocks and then different forms of that because someone or something was changing it. I didnt think anyone in was an admin so i didnt know what was goin on at the time. but then i looked at amx_who and saw that RiverRat was an admin playing at the time so obviously he was the one changing it. we had a heated discussion about this, and yeah i kinda took it too far with him, only because what he said to me when i was trying to plead my case at the time which was after I changed my name when he told me too. I was telling him that it was the name of a university where I live and he proceeded to tell me that he didnt think it was. which basically means he was calling me a liar. But ive been playing this server for well over a year now and hadnt had much problems other than occasional curse word here and there cause sometimes i forget : / . But I was wondering if i was temporarily banned or if it was for good, and if that were the case then would i be able to get unbanned? :'(
Yours truely
Yammer Hammer

September 10th, 2004, 08:55 PM
University of South Carolina???

btw, I have no idea what the ban was. You probably need to pm riverrat or try to talk to him through the steam network.

Yammer Hammer!
September 11th, 2004, 01:51 AM
Hey yeah the deal was it was like we were sitting at ct spawn looking face to face at each other talking about this he told me twice to change the name didnt change it first time cause he kept saying repeatedly so it takes me a whhile to get in there to change it, but we said some things and he told me he didnt think there was something like that and he said we dont allow those words in this server. i know the word obviously that he is talking about but my name consisted of 1 word, and it was gamecocks. "Gamecock- A rooster trained for cockfighting." i mean yeah i got mad and when he said he didnt believe i called him an idiot, because he was indirectly calling me a liar. and im sorry but im not that childish to try and get around a filter or anything on a game on the pc. i just want to have fun in there and most of the time i do, but sometimes not very often but sometimes some people have a chip on their shoulders. I mean i listened to his request and changed my name as soon as i could, but thats not even my real name, i was just going to make it that cause game day is coming to columbia sc tomorrow and me and joe bo are going, so we were getting into it. but right after him and i were killed in spawn he said "goodbye." but obviously it looks like im banned for good cause im still not back in. :( Please dont think of this as me trying to prove him wrong and make him look bad im just trying to show you where im coming from and how i feel about the situation. trying to let you guys to decide here on what should happen. I know it was wrong to call him an idiot and to keep things going like that i should have just let it go, but i feel that was sort of extreme to ban me for good from a server that ive been playing on for almost 2 years. Yammie

September 11th, 2004, 11:06 AM
It should only be a temporary ban....I know that is a university name, but in my opinion it doesnt matter...we have made other people change their name because of the use of that word in their name and if I let you keep it then we would have to let others keep their names as well. I apologize for the ban but just wanted to show you that we mean business when we say change your name or no cursing on the server. Granted you did not curse, but you did call me an idiot and that was when i temp banned you.

If you want to come back that is fine as long as you understand our no tolerance rule for the language bot typed and in your handle. If you are ok with that and still cannot get back on, please let us know and I will get someone to lift the ban (if it hasnt already)

September 11th, 2004, 08:20 PM
awwww Jay, you are so sweet....really I mean it. If he'd called me an idiot, I would have jumped through my monitor and b*slapped him one. *heheheh*

Yammer Hammer!
September 12th, 2004, 07:49 AM
haha yay! thanks RiverRat. woot

Yammer Hammer!
September 12th, 2004, 07:52 AM
but yeah, um i just tried getting in and it says im still banned :sad:

September 12th, 2004, 12:47 PM
Honesntly i dont see a problem with the name....cause it is a name of a university..but whatever its not my choice.

September 12th, 2004, 03:58 PM
I'm a South Carolina fan myself, however the offical name of our mascot does break the rules of the server. Besides, a server admin asked for a change, it doesn't matter, server admin has the final say so. (just my thoughts)

September 12th, 2004, 04:25 PM
But ive been playing this server for well over a year now

What screen name did you use before?

Yammer Hammer!
September 12th, 2004, 06:29 PM
Im not 100 percent sure man but if i had to guess it would be Yamaha. yammer hammer came from that name, cause someone on another server said that and i liked it haha.

Yammer Hammer!
September 12th, 2004, 06:29 PM
I change and have changed names so many times its hard to really remember what i actually was but yea, i would say Yamaha

Bo -#It-
September 12th, 2004, 06:51 PM
I left right before all this happened. Yammer hammer is my buddy, and it makes me sad to hear he was ban, riverrat's decision is respected, Just get by BOY back in der. Hes a Heluva good playa, get'r dun.

Well this is my first post, so was up guys.

the reason he was using the name was cause me and him were so pumpd up about the GA vs SC game, thats why he was wearing the name. I understand it was Riverrats discretion to let it be shown or not just like it is the refs discretion to GIVE US -1 YARDS THEN WE SHOULD GET AND GA 2feet EXTRA EVERYTIME. well we went to the game got disappointed, got hoarse, and had a bad time. don't let the ban be one more knoch. LIFT THE BAN LIFET THE BAN LIFT THE BAN LIFT THE BAN LIFT THE BAN LIFT THE BAN


anyway good day LA_merc, and GO GAMECOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[uGa] Saint
September 12th, 2004, 07:21 PM
i understand why people think its not a big deal, but i think the admins would a agree that we are just trying to keep a clean server with the least amount of effort possible, which means a no tolerance rule, its much easier to say no ALL the time, then make exceptions on a case by case basis... we're all here to have fun, name calling is not fun...

September 12th, 2004, 07:22 PM
...name calling is not fun...

Unless it's me calling Drax a "boon" or a "pimp". lol

Bo -#It-
September 12th, 2004, 07:34 PM
Well put Saint, Name calling is not fun. But the words boon, nub, and sux. All live in the server un-notice. Also trash talking is runnin around in there some where too.

So as you take those into consideration you will understand that emotions will run wild. Riverrat is not the accused word, never will be, yammer hammer knows that, name calling is just a defense mechanizm people have when they are losing control of a situation.

What i'm getting too is that it was a bad day, both have no negative attitudes toward each other, and yammer hammer is ready to play.

actually i'm glad Riverrat is a heluva good man and didn't perm ban him. Cause i know some are more stricter than others. Riverrat is a forgiving man, just like the good Lord himself.



Sergei Criffnoobsky
September 12th, 2004, 08:03 PM
Dady draxy is tha pimpin boon

Yammer Hammer!
September 13th, 2004, 06:52 AM
Haha Bo, yeah guys i understand now there was just a little miscommunication, at the time i thought it was ok because it wasnt a filtered word and stuff. but seriously its not that big of a deal im ready to just get back in there and play some more. as far as drax killing me a couple times here and there, im not too worried about it cause i let him do it so i can get on his good side :P anyways peace

Yammer Hammer!
September 14th, 2004, 06:56 PM
hey um i hate to bother you guys, but im still not able to get back in the server... :'( i hope you guys are gonna get me back in... blah aight bye

September 17th, 2004, 05:27 AM

It's my duty and pleasure to inform you that you have been (or will be shortly, anyway) permanently banned from the LA_MERC server. If you, or anyone else, want(s) to know why...please PM me.


LaTech (The Ruthless Techtator)

September 17th, 2004, 06:21 AM
Drax and "Pimp" Dont go together, unless its "Drax got PIMPslaped" :loser1

September 17th, 2004, 06:50 AM
Gj tech baby!!

When the trash starts to smell, you gots to throw it away!

September 17th, 2004, 07:11 AM
Hey E0b that smell isn't trash.. Starts with S and Ends with T, and that would be the person that laid into my wife last night on the server, we need to have a lil punk filter for the server to go along with the word filter would make things better for all of the mature players on the server (except for drax :)

September 17th, 2004, 08:01 AM
Yammie, you are now perminantly banned and if LaTech is not around, feel free to pm me also. I guess we made a mistake removing the ban in the first place.

September 17th, 2004, 08:12 AM
gj guys,
...looks like the game has been removed from the ummmm...roster

September 17th, 2004, 08:44 AM
Yea I am sorry what he did to sweets outkast, he also said a few nasty thing to my family aswell. Ohwell, thanks Merc fellas, YOU GUYS ROCK!!

Yammer Hammer!
September 17th, 2004, 10:12 AM
I got banned because me and e0b were playing around making fun of each other. He got mad because i killed him, and we all know he is awesome and im gonna get excited when i kill him. Anyways I believe he needs to grow up and quit taking things to heart, because his sister has no problem with me and she knows i was joking around about all the things that were said about her. But as we all know La Merc's stick together. As for being on last night and having some words with Sweetgirl, i really appreciate being called obnoxious without any warning whatsoever. I mean come on guys didn't yall tell me there was no name calling on this server!!!>!?!????!??!?? I think she handled that situation inappropriately. I mean she is a La merc, and she could have told me not to do that again rather than calling me obnoxious, and besides ive done it before and gotten laughs out of you guys, and you guys have done it back. Once again, im being banned for a silly childish reason, because someone got their feelings hurt because i killed them. If you want to joke with me, wow thats cool i love doin it, but if you want to joke with me and then get pissed and get me banned, thats childish. I don't know what to say, i know im not going to be unbanned, but this is why you guys ban me. Thought everyone was here to have fun on this server? peace out

Yammer Hammer!
September 17th, 2004, 10:18 AM
correction eob. I said nothing directly to your family, you said things about my family and I said things to you about your family. You know we were joking and im sorry that i can spit out more insults when we joke around than you can. I mean its not even anything to talk about, just some harmless server trash talk, that wasnt meant to be taking seriously. and if you think it was you got something wrong, cause when i put haha behind it and things like that its not hard to tell im joking. But when it comes to Sweets, i would really like to be informed on what I did to her, because all I remember was she called me obnoxious. End of story. I mean if you got a problem with this dont lie about it eob. Thats def not fair to me. But when a girl comes and whines to you guys, all hell breaks loose obviously. I dont even know what she said to you guys, but drax was in there on my team. and he knows what was goin on. and the only curse word that i said which was after she left was hell, which is in the bible, and isnt filtered on the server. peace

Yammer Hammer!
September 17th, 2004, 10:23 AM
Outkast there was no laying into anyone last night. I got called a name right out of the blue, so i was telling her how that wasnt appropriate for the situation and to just talk to me about it. We arent in high school anymore, so just the name calling doesnt help a situation like that. thats all, no laying into anyone. peace

September 17th, 2004, 10:24 AM
You've said your piece, and I'm now locking this thread. The decision to ban will remain in effect...hagd
