View Full Version : I wonder about myself....

August 23rd, 2004, 12:02 AM
Okay.. about a week ago I was bored at work with a couple work-mates, and I was telling them about the time I used to work at Sonic, and we did this thing where you hold an ice cube with salt all over it in your hand, so it burns you, and see who holds it the longest.. I'm sure some of you have heard about it..
Anyways, we did it.. got boring after a little while just in our hands, so we decided to try it on the tops of our arms, I went first.. burned.. bad.. but didn't let up till the last bit melted.. w00t~! Ha ha! I did it! I had a WHITE/greeny hard as rock piece of freezing cold skin my arm that felt cool to poke.

I did it for everytime I got a different employee to do it.. I ended up with 6 lesions going up my arms.. all in good fun.. but (at sonic) they went away within a couple hours.. well these ones are different. They didn't go away.
They in fact are still here.. not white, but very dark like a bruise, and I don't have any feeling when I touch those spots.
It was incredibly fun at the time (or is the word I'm look for.. incredibly 'stupid'?) either way, if any of you kids wanna try just ask!

August 23rd, 2004, 12:07 AM
Hmm-sounds like frost bite - if you put salt on an ice cube the temp can drop to as much as -16 C

August 23rd, 2004, 12:16 AM

[uGa] Saint
August 23rd, 2004, 02:39 AM
haha, i bet it is frostbite, GOOD JOB SH33P!!! lol, ice queen

August 23rd, 2004, 06:51 AM
yea she be retarted.. It does look ugly though I tell you that.. haha although some old lady thought they were "rough" marks hahaha

August 23rd, 2004, 06:55 AM
I see the gene pool that you and EOB come from now. :P jk You should probably try putting an antibiotic ointment on it (i.e Neosporin). If indeed it is frostbite, that won't help; but if it is still there in the next few days, you will know exactly what the mark is- frostbite. It's been a week since you did this and, IMO, if it doesn't heal within the next few days, you should give your GP/internist/family doctor a call - just ask for the nurse and tell her your story. Hopefully, she doesn't call the pscyh hospital on ya. lol :eek: I miss my days of working in Pediatrics.....I loved the phone calls like these. haha

August 23rd, 2004, 06:07 PM
WoW tiff, don't think the sensation you are feeling is "burning", more like freezing.

And im sure sweetz could use a roomate in the psych hopital. :)

August 23rd, 2004, 06:24 PM
Just put Windex on it! That'll make it go away!

August 23rd, 2004, 06:43 PM
im allergic to windex =/

lol, it did indeed BURN it didnt even feel cold.. I got another girl to do it today!!
muwhahahah :)

I also got allergy tested today.. SEVENTY-FIVE needles!! OMFG~! It hurt.. stung and burned worse then the salt/ice! Anywhoz.. apparently I'm one sick sh33p!

August 23rd, 2004, 07:33 PM
...And im sure sweetz could use a roomate in the psych hopital. :)

I see that, despite the fact I have been trying to be a good girl on the forums, I am being pushed into my old ways. Let's the games begin...again. *evil laugh*

Well, Drax, FYI, if I could chose a roommate in the psych hospital, it would be you................you're probably so familiar with them, you could show me around. {No latenight pimpin' though...I need ma sleep.}

August 23rd, 2004, 07:56 PM
FYI At extreme temperatures, the sense of feel can not distinguish between hot and cold. Boy, you could have some real fun if you used rock salt or kosher salt... Try it on your nose, er nm you might look like you got lost out of base camp at Everest.

August 23rd, 2004, 10:20 PM
Okay.. about a week ago I was bored at work with a couple work-mates, and I was telling them about the time I used to work at Sonic, and we did this thing where you hold an ice cube with salt all over it in your hand, so it burns you, and see who holds it the longest.. I'm sure some of you have heard about it..

i use to work at this mexican restaurant called The Original Taco House (im sure they are not the first house to sell tacos) we use to do crap like smash a buch of stuff in the microwave door then somone else had to guess what it was. we also use to race ice cubes across the hot stoves. but the best game was when they had these sweet dart guns in the kids meals and we would play tag. other then that the job sucked bad.

after that i worked at Century Theater (that place sucks too). before i got there they said that people would see how long it took to gross each other out. the first person rubbed hand soap into their eyes, the next person sprayed windex into their mouth, and legend has it that the winner ate everything that was in one of the dust pans that people sweep all the crap that is on the floor into. i wish i was there to see that.

August 23rd, 2004, 10:44 PM
Well, Drax, FYI, if I could chose a roommate in the psych hospital, it would be you......

You make this so easy :D :D

You'd have way too much fun...
