View Full Version : "Memory Could Not Be Read" error when starting CS:SOURCE

August 19th, 2004, 12:00 PM
I'll post this link just in case anyone else is getting this error.

Link (http://www.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=115623)

August 20th, 2004, 06:33 AM
thx cajun, ive been getting this error, so ill def look at your link this weekend to see if i can fix the issue, i just reformatted my windows partition, starting to think i need to reformat the partition that steam is on and just start over.

August 20th, 2004, 06:44 AM
Oh, how I long for the days before Steam ever came about. They were much simpler, happier days...

August 20th, 2004, 07:12 AM
btw cajun, did you receive this error? if so, how did you fix, so i have a starting point for troubleshooting. The thing is I can play cs with no errors, yet anytime i try to load cs:s it goes to load the splash screen and BAM here comes that error "hl2.exe application error, memory could not be read, click ok to terminate the program." Stupid errors.

August 20th, 2004, 07:15 AM
now CT's link is before the beta came out,
The only thing that worked was as follows:
guys i have had all the problems, a new update came out to resolve the antialiasing
but if it does not work this is how I got mine to work.
my 9800xt does not have an option to turn AA off- lowest setting is 2x
1)so i started 1.6 hit alt+tab,
2)then i started source with "-console" in the launch options, it would not crash for memory but it would not show anything but the background and console.
3)by listening to the clicks, the second one up from the bottom left is video options.
4)click that and like the yellow brick road, the menus appear.
5)now i changed my video options to 2x AA, and set up all my settings.
7)close 1.6
8)restart steam with the launch option "-console"
and i do not get the memory error anymore...
hope this works.

August 20th, 2004, 07:22 AM
thx diesel ill try it when i get home tonight

August 20th, 2004, 05:19 PM
everything has worked, except that i can only play source when 1.6 is open, wtf? As soon as I close 1.6, i get a memory read error

how do you set the launch option for steam to console?
