View Full Version : =\ i dunno what ta do :(

August 19th, 2004, 04:16 AM
OK, so a childhood friend of mine was deported last year, and now the only way he can come back to the states is if he gets married... He asked me to do it, and I've been thinkin about it all night. I mean, it wouldn't be like a MARRIAGE marriage or anything, and we'd only stay hitched long enough for him to gtf back over here... And do me a favor and please try not to judge me nor him on this, because this is serious business ppl! Anyways, what would you do?

August 19th, 2004, 05:24 AM
wow, thats some serious stuff! Not sure what I would do in that situation. I'd prob do anything to save my best friend. It take a lot of thinking I tell you that!

August 19th, 2004, 06:20 AM
why and where was he deported?

August 19th, 2004, 06:39 AM
Don't do it, if INS finds out U R SCREWED!!!!!!!

August 19th, 2004, 07:08 AM
Wow..that's a tuf1. Hope you make the right choice, the that makes you happy and -not- get in trouble ^^

August 19th, 2004, 07:55 AM
you know im gonna say dont do it it could turn out to be way more trouble than its worth you could ruin two lives. Ins would watch you like a hawk and you would have to stay married for years you would run into so many complications you couldnt have relationship with anyone else i say tell your friend you are sory and go on living your life. If he truly cares about you as a friend he would not ask such a thing of you IMO

August 19th, 2004, 08:18 AM
And besides, the government frowns on people being married to more than one person at a time...

August 19th, 2004, 08:27 AM
yeah sounds bad, never treat marriage like it's a piece of paper, it is complicated enough when you love the person, much less when you are trying to get around the system. IMHO

August 19th, 2004, 10:12 AM
yea i agree..i don't think you should do it either imo. if he's a good friend of yours..he would understand..IMO anyway

August 19th, 2004, 10:18 AM
she not doing it for paper, she most love her friend in order to even think about something like this. But, i'ma have to go with the other guys on this one. If anything, hook the man up with a friend of yours, and let love take course hehe

August 19th, 2004, 12:04 PM
yeah, everyone else is right id say. especialy illegal, if INS found out you would both be in some deep stuff. cant mess around with huge stuff like that.

August 19th, 2004, 01:40 PM
Yes this is true while its a nice gesture to help out a friend this may be one of those lines not to cross. I had a few guys in my unit that had gone to mexico(T.J) and picked up girls there and got married. set the up in a place in Los Angeles and were collecting the extra income they pay for married service members but the all got caught when we whent to deploy and had manditory meeting for the wifes(spouses) to get to know each other (sort of a what to do if trouble happens and your husband was over seas)type meeting. I am not sure what the trouble they got into but i know they got busted for de-frauding the Gov for that money. so word to the wise.

August 19th, 2004, 02:54 PM
Pre, u must remember though, this is your choice but u must think of the positives and negitives and how it would effect your lives. IMO.

August 19th, 2004, 09:29 PM
First off, you all say "imo" WAY too much, lol. Second, sniper, he was deported for reasons he'd rather me not speak about, but I can tell you where: Iran. Yes, he's a middle easterner. And I know INS would watch us, but you guys gotta understand, he is my BEST friend. I've known him since I was 5. I understand that I wouldn't be able to have "relations" with anyone else, and that doesn't bother me. I mean, who WOULDN'T want to marry their best friend? Btw Scott, Jason is filing for the divorce next week, it'll take 6 months and 1 day, and Mansour (my best friend) can't even come til the summer. So, with that said, I told him that I would do it. I realize that it could be a big mistake, but it's going to help him. Like I said though, wouldn't you want to marry your best friend if given the chance?

August 19th, 2004, 09:30 PM
P.S. - Thanks to all you guys for helping.

August 19th, 2004, 10:41 PM
just hope the don't search and find these forums..and these posts >.<

August 19th, 2004, 10:42 PM
-but I still hope you the best!!

August 19th, 2004, 11:15 PM
well gl with you prelude..and as to marry your best friend..I don't think i could ever do that :) well i take that back..i already did :)

August 20th, 2004, 12:42 AM
wouldn't you want to marry your best friend if given the chance?

...no hes a dude.

August 20th, 2004, 01:20 AM
If he got deported and one of the reasons was that he is from the middle east then you are just asking for trouble by getting married. The INS will do more than "just keep a close eye on you 2"

August 20th, 2004, 06:23 AM
Ahh it's touching to see the sacred institution of marriage held up. er nm Prelude, you seem to have your mind made up and not really open to the slew of opinions coming out of this thread. gl to you if you decide to do it. But a word to the wise, the recent escalations in rhetoric with Iran have escalated rapidly in the past week. Why do you care about this you ask? Well, that just means an extra long eye on any foreign nationals from Iran by the federal governement up to and including surveillance, wire taps, etc.

August 20th, 2004, 06:51 AM
hope everything goes well for you pre. And who knows, you may find a deeper love in friendship then anywhere else. Good luck!

August 20th, 2004, 11:57 AM
I can say yes i have maried my best friend. After my First wife and son died in a car accident i was truely lost and my wife now was there for me and it was a big decission going from being a best friend that i shared so much in common with to getting married it was a real hard decission as i didnt whant to screw this up and loose my best friend.So far its worked out great, theres been a few changes to the relationship but for all the stuff i lost as being just a friend i made new things in having her as a wife. :)
