View Full Version : Post your Doom 3 "timedemo demo1" scores with corresponding system specs!!!

August 11th, 2004, 09:05 AM
OK, I wanna get a feel for how everyone is running this so in this thread you need to post your system specs (CPU type & speed, RAM type & size, Video card model and the memory it has (just in case someone doesnt know) and OS) and then the FPS score that the time demo returns to you.

Also let us know if you have or have not tweaked the config, and if your an ATI user, please post whether you have used the ATI tweak I have posted about or not and if you have seen a performance increase or not in timedemo from that tweak! Also post if your doing any overclocking.

Also post your in game resolution and quality level (low, medium, high, ultra)

A few things on the time demo:
1. To run time demo, pull down your console in the game menu (Ctrl+Alt+~ by default) and type this in without the quotes "timedemo demo1". It will take a minute or two to run and then it will return to you your average FPS, thats the number you should post in here!

2. Run it twice and post your score for the second run, I have noticed the first run is craptastic, as it takes a minute for the game to settle and the second run you'll pick up a few more FPS ( I pick up 3FPS from my second run compared to my first!)

If you have any questions feel free to ask!


August 11th, 2004, 09:08 AM
I have tweaked the config, and I am running the ATI tweak though I didn't see an improvement in timedemo. I think some of my other tweaks my cancel that out though I'm not sure! Overdrive IS turned on for my XT.

Athlon 2100+
512 RAM (either 2100 or 3200 DDR)
ATI 9800 XT (256mb)
Windows XP Pro

Game RES: 1024 x 768
Quality: High

FPS First run: 30.1
FPS Second run: 33.5

August 11th, 2004, 10:01 AM
I'll update this with the timedemo scores tonight. Both my PC and the wifes.

Athlon XP 2500+, 512MB PC2700, ATI Radeon 9600PRO 128MB
Medium Quality
1st run - 30.4
2nd run - 30.7

Athlon XP 1700+, 512MB PC2100, Nvidia Geforce3 ti200 64MB

[uGa] Saint
August 11th, 2004, 10:19 AM
*updated* i think something is screwy with muh puter (thinkin RAM) and it doesnt go as smoothly as it should, but anyways,

P4 3 ghz w/hyperthreading on
Gigabyte 8KNXP Mobo
120 gb Seagate Sata Hard drive
Only one of the two sticks of 512 mb of ddr PC3500... i would have 1 gb but one of the sticks is faulty
ATI 9600xt 128 mb
windows xp pro

800 x 600 at Medium Quality:
1st: 36.9
2nd: 41.7

at High Quality:
1st: 32.7
2nd: 38.3

1024 x 768 at Medium Quality:
1st: 27.4
2nd: 28.4

at High Quality:
1st: 24.1
2nd: 26.2

no tweaks nor oc'in going on here

August 11th, 2004, 11:17 AM
will post my fps when i get home but here is the computer specs:

Windows Xp Home SP1

I havent touched any config settings or tweaks of anykind and my computer is not overclocked.

Game RES: 1024x768
Quality: High

FPS First run: 36.8
FPS Second run: 39.7

August 11th, 2004, 11:38 AM
Guys, I've added something new, make sure you post your ingame resolution and your quality setting as well (low, medium, high, ultra).


August 11th, 2004, 11:47 AM
lol i cheated and copied H's :)

will post my fps when i get home but here is the computer specs:

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.6ghz
RAM: 512 dual channel ddr
VIDEO: Nvidia Geforce FX 5900 128mb, latest drivers, directx 9.0c
Windows XP Pro

I havent touched any config settings or tweaks of anykind and my computer is not overclocked.

800x600 medium
FPS First run: 54.6
FPS Second run: 54.8

800x600 high
FPS First run: 36.5
FPS Second run: 46.2

1024x768 medium
FPS First run: 38.5
FPS Second run: 42.4

1024x768 high
FPS First run: 30.9
FPS Second run: 36.1

August 11th, 2004, 12:20 PM
rofl hax!!

August 11th, 2004, 12:41 PM

August 11th, 2004, 12:50 PM
well i attempted to do it from work to my home computer via VNC, but do you know how hard that is? lol i was able to run the timedemo, but i have no idea what my ingame res is or quality since i cant click options lol, i'll update my post above

August 11th, 2004, 01:49 PM
okay this is wierd for me my fps jumped big time on second run.

first run 64.8
second 71.3


p4 3.0 o'c to 3.24ghz
MSI 865pe mobo
1 gig cruical pc3200
maxtor 120gig hd 7200rpm
gainward 6800 all i can say is this card is wow!

my in game settings are at 800x600 at medium quality. i also have vert insink turned on my video card seeing as it makes my game run better.

August 11th, 2004, 01:58 PM
prime.. why not run it at a higher res.. and if you have that 6800, you should be running ultra!

August 11th, 2004, 01:59 PM
neg medium settings looks just fine also i hear the ultra settings are for a pc that hasnt even come our way yet.

August 11th, 2004, 02:04 PM
Ultra is for cards with 512 mb on them.. the 6800 has 512 right?

And you timedemo is higher than the ingame cap, so you should at least bump your res!

[uGa] Saint
August 11th, 2004, 02:06 PM
yea, the ultra settings are designed for video cards with 512 mb... thought the best card out right now only had 256... maybe im wrong... either way, might as well play it at a level that you get real good fps...

August 11th, 2004, 02:06 PM
There is no card produced at the present time that has 512 mb of ram. some models of the 6800 have 128 mb ram, others have 256mb.

August 11th, 2004, 02:09 PM
Really? Hmm, ok.. did not know that! My b!

August 11th, 2004, 03:47 PM
yeah prime you should check out the difference on www.tomshardware.com
they show the diff cards and diff benchmarks
the difference in graphics from med to high is huge!!
you should bump up to at least 800x600 on high

August 11th, 2004, 04:08 PM
P4 2.4
MSI 648 MAX-L mobo 533 fsb
1 gig pc3200 cosair high Performance RAM w/ heat spreader
Saphire 9600XT

High quality 1024 X 768 30.4fps and 31.8fps
Medium Quality 1024 X 768 25.9fps and 32.4fps

August 11th, 2004, 04:29 PM
posted my fps

August 11th, 2004, 04:34 PM
System Specs:
Lanfire, AMD 2400+, 1 GB 2700 Ram, not dual, 9800 pro 128mb, 36 gb Western Digital Raptor 10,000 rpm hd (got another, but doom is on this one) Windows XP

I actually ran this test several times at different settings:
Res: 1280x1024 | 800x600
Quality: High | Med | High | Med
1st Run: 33.2 | 33.9 | 37.7 | 40.4
2nd Rund: 36.3 | 37.5 | 42.7 | 42.7

So you tell me, does it make a difference?....LMAO!

August 11th, 2004, 05:29 PM
ok updated my post with several different settings and results

August 11th, 2004, 11:09 PM
ultra is for 512mb cards my 6800 is only 128megs lol.

August 12th, 2004, 08:44 AM
ultra is for 512mb cards my 6800 is only 128megs lol.

LOL! Yea, I got that now! hehe! So your settings are fine for quality, but you should EITHER bump the res, OR if your gonna be playing at that res, then your FPS says that you should be able to bump it to high quality. Just try it and post the scores so that me and Diesel will be happy! =) LOL!
__________________________________________________ ______

Overall everything looks pretty even across the board, seems like some people (like me) their graphics cards are compin for their older CPU's and some people have enough RAM and CPU power to somewhat comp for their decent cards...

[uGa] Saint
August 12th, 2004, 08:51 AM
hey spark, does your card have 128 or 256 mb? Cuz if its 128 i'm gonna be pissed that my card isnt performin as well... stupid scotch.

August 12th, 2004, 07:30 PM
that demo aint right or something.
P4 2.6 OC'd @ 3.0 w/ HT enabled
256 mb pc2700 (yeah I know, it's the week spot of my pc)
GF4Ti4600 ultra 128mb ram (stock speed)

game set: 800x600 @ low quality
1st run= 9.2 fps 2nd run= 9.9 fps

defraged HD, rebooted, disabled AVauto-protect, stopped all non-critical services, re-ran demo at same settings
1st run= 10.3 fps 2nd run= 11 fps

when I actually played this game, it runs very smooth, only stutters once in a while (or if I have a ton of enemies on screen) it doesn't look anything near as bad as what that demo looked like. but then again, maybe I'm used to it. I played CS for about 2 years averaging 8-15 fps.

I'm gonna OC the vid card and double check the AA settings.


ok, better. No OC on the vid card, but I did find that I had AA at 4x and AsF at 8x.
now apparently the game will run at what you set for options "in game" but the demo uses your system settings. the only thing I did was turn AA and AsF both to 0 the start the game (didn't even do a reboot, and all normal services and AV were running)
1st run= 20.3 2nd run= 22.4

this looked muhc more representative of how the game looks when I play it. pretty much smooth with a slight stutter every now and then.

August 13th, 2004, 07:12 AM
Your bottle necking at your RAM and your video card my friend. (I have been wrong before so I preface this next statement with, "as far as I know") As far as I know ( =) hehe), That 4600 is NOT a direct X 9 card and that may be while your having difficulty. Make sure under advanced options you turn off shadows and antialiasing... and make sure you dont have any AA turned on by default in that cards control panel...

August 13th, 2004, 06:15 PM
Ok, installed the most recent vid drivers (had 56.something, now have 61.something) then re-ran demo at same settings

1st run= 21.2 fps 2nd run= 26.1 fps

26 is definitly playable. anyway, the game has been running pretty smooth and the eye candy is just fine. i r happy

August 16th, 2004, 07:47 AM
Much better!

August 17th, 2004, 10:51 PM
Alhtlon XP 2800+
1Gig pc2700
WD 80G Special edition
Radeon 9700 Pro(128 Ram)

1024 x 768 at Medium Quality:
35.4 FPS

1024 x 768 at High Quality:
32.1 FPS
