View Full Version : Technology helping dating again

August 8th, 2004, 03:04 PM
Via Cell, Help's on the Way for Bad Dates

NEW YORK (AP) -- The peak time for dates from hell in New York City is Friday at 8 p.m. - judging by the cell phone calls delivering emergency excuses to bolt.

Truth is, they're fake "rescue" calls - now being offered by two cell phone providers, Cingular Wireless and Virgin Mobile USA. In an era of Internet-set dates, it's just customer service - a hip way to wiggle out of an uncomfortable encounter.

The rescue calls are a way to use the phone as a lifestyle accessory, Virgin Mobile spokeswoman Sarah Koening said.

For both Cingular and Virgin Mobile, the prerecorded messages are created at a high-tech central command in California's Silicon Valley. There, five people with doctorates in linguistics dream up excuses for folks to repeat before suddenly dropping a date gone sour.

Dan Enthoven, director of marketing for BeVocal, the California company that designs complex voice-driven software for the telecom market, said the number of rescue calls go up on weekends, especially Fridays at about 8 p.m. BeVocal's two rescue-call clients in North America, Cingular and Virgin Mobile, generate at least 10,000 calls a month, he said.

With both Cingular's Escape-A-Date and Virgin Mobile's Rescue Ring service, a customer can arrange to be called at a set time, using the cell keypad.

When the cell rings, one of Cingular's eight "emergency" messages says: "Hey, this is your Escape-A-Date call. If you're looking for an excuse, I got it. Just repeat after me, and you'll be on your way! 'Not again! Why does that always happen to you? ... All right, I'll be right there.' Now tell 'em that your roommate got locked out, and you have to go let them in. Good luck!"

And bingo, the bad date is history.

The rescue-call service is part of a Cingular package that costs $4.99 a month. Virgin Mobile offers its Rescue Ring at 25 cents per use, plus the price of the call.

© 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

August 8th, 2004, 03:56 PM
They've found another way to help the women in Lousiana deal with dating you, Drax. lol [Oh, you don't "date", per se, do ya, pimp daddy?? That would require getting to know the girls. ROFL] :afro :supplaya: :H

August 8th, 2004, 04:07 PM
Yeah why you U wanna get to know them? Like we would think they got something intelligent to say or something? Nah, we dont wanna know their name all we wanna do is


August 8th, 2004, 04:39 PM
Ha ha... banging is cool

August 8th, 2004, 06:15 PM
That's just down right crazy!

August 8th, 2004, 06:21 PM
Why date???? Rather get a sample of all kinda pies, instead of just relying on the same piece :) :foshizzle:

August 8th, 2004, 06:47 PM
Why date???? Rather get a sample of all kinda pies, instead of just relying on the same piece :) :foshizzle:


August 8th, 2004, 08:02 PM
Yeah why you U wanna get to know them? Like we would think they got something intelligent to say or something? Nah, we dont wanna know their name all we wanna do is


Imma tell your wife on you.......... :bigok

August 8th, 2004, 08:05 PM
I got two groups of...pie. The first group in quanity, thats the ole one night stand where you pretty much wouldn't have done it if you weren't drunk. The second group in quality, now those are the ones where you wake up and say "damn, lets go for round two". And you don't have to date someone inorder to keep gettin that piece of the pie :)

August 8th, 2004, 08:08 PM
...The second group in quality, now those are the ones where you wake up and say "damn, lets go for round two". And you don't have to date someone inorder to keep gettin that piece of the pie :)

I have you beat........mine brings home a paycheck and takes the trash out to the street.

August 8th, 2004, 08:12 PM
Err, the best i got is i get mine to pay for some of my drinks....

August 8th, 2004, 08:34 PM
I don't mind the chick using that service just as long as it's before I spend money on her. Hell, I'd use the service too so that in the morning I can get the hell out of her apt ;)

August 8th, 2004, 10:06 PM
THATS HOW THE CHICKS KEEP GETTING OUT OF IT!!! i knew they all couldnt have somthing better to do.
