View Full Version : There is a SAINT amongst us!!!!!

July 31st, 2004, 09:40 PM
Let the SAINT come marching in!!!!

Everyone please welcome LA_MERC_SAINT[r] to the family!!

I know he is a really cool guy and I'm sure that once we get to know him better, we'll probably kick him out.....but he is here for now...j/k man!

Glad to have you!!!!

July 31st, 2004, 09:54 PM
w00t..welcome bro :bigok

July 31st, 2004, 10:53 PM
Well Saint now that you are in... I still feel the same about you... sessy. Welcome to the party.

July 31st, 2004, 10:54 PM
Nice Saint. Does this mean you'll save ME now? :stick

July 31st, 2004, 10:57 PM
Let me tell you something guys, in all seriousness...

Ryan, aka LA_MERC_SAINT[r] is one of the coolest and nicest guys I know. I know SAINT through school and we have become great friends within the last year. He's been there for me for a lot of things, and I think MERC can only benefit by letting him in.

Way to go Ryan; you deserve it.

July 31st, 2004, 11:06 PM
WooT, Welcome to tha LooNy BiN we SUre YOu WilL FIte Right In

August 1st, 2004, 01:02 AM
grators saint...la_merc is the looniest family you'll ever be a part of!

August 1st, 2004, 06:45 AM
[I'm the sane one of the group. :P] It's so cool to have ya in, Saint! Congrats! :ldm

August 1st, 2004, 06:53 AM
Congrats SAINT! Still gonna pwn ya though...nub!

August 1st, 2004, 07:11 AM
congrats Saint...welcome to the family!

August 1st, 2004, 07:51 AM
Welcome Saint!! Want some scotch? :drunk2

[uGa] Saint
August 1st, 2004, 08:29 AM
lol @ spark

I've had so much fun with you guys since I started playing here on the server and have gotten to know a lot of you which brings up the question on why i stuck around... hehe, jk. Its great to have a place to play where you can rave with H and Acid or play like it like chess with Illegal and Sniper or just run in with guns blazing and pray you hit somebody (ahem, refer to every round cajuntech and me play together). You guys are all awesome, i cant talk about everyone just cuz it would take up two pages. You guys made me feel like part of the family since i first started playing ( a dysfunctional family) and I really appreciate you guys letting a "smore camper" like me into the crazy house. I hope the good times doesnt stop here... Im glad to be a LA MERC. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

August 1st, 2004, 01:39 PM
If sweetz is the standard for sane, i think i'd rather be insane :) :)

O, btw, welcome aboard saint :D

August 1st, 2004, 02:35 PM
']Im glad to be a LA MERC.

ur not in YET ... lol jk congrats honey ^_^

August 1st, 2004, 02:55 PM
congrats SAINT!!!

August 1st, 2004, 04:03 PM
congrats man.............

August 1st, 2004, 05:47 PM
Way to go SAINT!!! I have really enjoyed playing CS with you and am glad they let you in to the loony bin cause lawd knows you are loony enough! j/k w00t

August 1st, 2004, 07:55 PM
Wooot Congrats Saint=)

August 1st, 2004, 11:14 PM

August 1st, 2004, 11:58 PM
nice job man, congrats!!!!

August 2nd, 2004, 08:07 AM
Congrats Saint!

August 2nd, 2004, 10:55 AM
saint clear out your pm inbox so i can reply to you.

August 2nd, 2004, 11:07 AM
hybrid id u get ur box of lucky charms yet?

August 2nd, 2004, 03:42 PM
Welcome to the Mad House :chickenhe
