View Full Version : Where are my ....

July 22nd, 2004, 11:04 AM
military peps. I have a few questions and wanted to see if anyone here could answer them before I start making calls to DC. =P

July 22nd, 2004, 12:22 PM
what branch you want to know about?

July 22nd, 2004, 12:46 PM
Well, I'll throw my mind set out on the table and see how many people will call me crazy.

My father is retired from 25 yrs in the Navy, my grandfather server in the Navy in WWII, all of my high school friends are Army and I too am leaning toward the Army. I have my Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and was wondering will I have to attend basic or will I go straight to OCS? And where is OCS given? Do I have a choice of field once in the service? Since I have a CS degree I would like to go the computer route but will Uncle Sam allow this?

I'm probably going to be better off finding the local recruiter and sitting down to a brew or two.

July 22nd, 2004, 01:03 PM
The airforce would be the way to go as for as computers.

July 22nd, 2004, 01:10 PM
hey, that's like Lt. Dan (not the Merc). he had a relative who fought and died in every single american war.

and yep, Air force is best place to go for computer route (you could be a rocket scientist hehe)
but if you want to be a bad..um..dude, the Marines might be a good choice.
or, if you just want to serve, but don't want to go full fledged all out, you could go Coast Gaurd. it's sorta like the Navy...instead of fighting foriegn countries, you would fight smugglers.

July 22nd, 2004, 04:38 PM
Whichever branch you choose, just make sure that everything they promise you is in writing. If it ain't they can and often will change it on you.

July 23rd, 2004, 10:56 AM
Oh--and watch out for all of the seamen on those big ol boats

July 23rd, 2004, 08:33 PM
Bud, you best stick with Airforce. You will go to OCS but..... you will have to endure their basic training. My best friend went into the Marines to become an officer after he got his degree from Tech. Well they shipped him off to do his stuff. My buddy is in top shape. Runs, lifts weights, swims, and competes in Judo. He was back home after two weeks. He tried so hard that he got a hairline fracture in his leg. They gave him the option of coming back and trying again when his leg got better or just dropping. He told them to kiss his crack and he came back home as fast as he could. He said he would never make that mistake again. He said it was the worst experience he had ever been thru. From what I hear, none of them are a walk in the park, but Airforce would be your best choice. Whatever you choose my friend, I wish you much luck. Especially in this day and time.

July 24th, 2004, 12:32 PM
YEah also you have to think about are you going into the millitary for just the job and experiance or are you doing it for the challange and to make something out of your self. some people look at it as just a job. My father was in the Air force and he used to talk the old civilians in uniforms thing lol. and it would be best suitted for your knowledge. but if your doing it for a challange as i did. i had 4 years with a JROTC.
(ARMY) in Hi-school i felt it was grooming me for the Army and even afforded me an appointment to West-Point. but when i thought of the challange i needed i ended up joining the Marine Corps (they wernt very happy with my decission but understood)
and i got what i needed for the corps. but i looked at it more as joining a group i would be a part of for the rest of my life, hence the old saying once a Marine always a Marine. as i feel its more of a way of life , honor,esprit de-corps Etc.

But yeah go down and talk to a recruiter and get the spcheal see if they are offering signing bonuses etc. and chances that when your finished with boot youll be deployed to Iraq need to be factored in to.(if we are still there)and see what they all have to offer think about it long and hard and yes get any thing in writting. I am another one of those guys the recruiter lied to hehe. "hey wares my helicopter? oh iam soory you have your Black caddilacs(combat boots) to get you around welcome to 0311 Infantry" Doh'
