View Full Version : what is the best mic to get?

July 19th, 2004, 01:36 PM
right now I have the Microsoft sidewinder mic but it's getting really worn and I might have to buy a new mic. Any advice on what to get? I would really appreciate it, thanks.

July 19th, 2004, 01:56 PM

[uGa] Saint
July 19th, 2004, 02:00 PM
listen to illegal... he knows what hes talking about... most the time :P

July 19th, 2004, 02:10 PM
.Saint, have you wiped your nose lately? It was probably too close to Toby's you know what..lol

[uGa] Saint
July 19th, 2004, 02:12 PM
right where i like it...

i only said that cause i have a plantronics mic/headphones and toby beat me to the post

July 19th, 2004, 02:14 PM
right, that's what i meant *sarcasm* :stick

July 19th, 2004, 02:15 PM
exactly...plantronics all the way

July 19th, 2004, 04:07 PM
Amen to Plantronics...I have one as well.

July 19th, 2004, 09:32 PM
swedish= speaker using nub.

July 19th, 2004, 09:47 PM
WE HAVE 2 PLANTRONIC'S AND A ALTEC LANSING..DOH CAPS (too lazy to retypr all of that)

July 19th, 2004, 10:35 PM
I have a Plantronics head set as well, for lans but at home I use the speakers and a cheep set of around the back headphones with mic, i just put the head phones around my neck and set the mic so i can speak into it, works real good...But the plantronics are the way to go for all around headset and mic. IMHO

July 22nd, 2004, 07:55 AM
One of our Plantronics headset just bit the dust after only having it for about three months. We cannot return it to Best Buy, as it has been more then 30 days since the date of purchase. We contacted Plantronics who advised us to send a copy of our receipt and the headphones to them. They say it will take about 2-3 days to either repair/replace the headset. We send them off today, so we'll see how it all works out (if they do a good job, no hassles, etc).

I suspect my two-year-old had something to do with the breaking of the headset, although I have no proof! lol

July 22nd, 2004, 12:38 PM
Personally, i think those headsets are great, but if you want to go professional grade like i use i suggest you useing this head set.

July 22nd, 2004, 12:48 PM

July 22nd, 2004, 01:03 PM
why do you need a mic? what's that have to do with CS?

July 25th, 2004, 03:10 PM
Captain Obvious i was thinking the same thing. My mic is called the "y" and the "u" button. Its REALLY cheap and works very well! Its highly recommended!
