View Full Version : eob IG?

July 15th, 2004, 10:04 PM
I have had at least 5 people either PM me, or instant message me saying one of the bigger reasons I left merc was probably because i'm going to join ig or whatever. Thats not even close. I have not even talked to omega, or any other member of fa or ig. As I said in my main post I been thinking about leaving for awhile, and I believe ig and fa just broke off. Just trying to clear that up.

July 15th, 2004, 10:58 PM
hmmmmm I just think you're a nub never the less :)

July 16th, 2004, 12:07 AM
no i have not contacted eob about joining with us at ig. would i like a player of his caliber hell yes who wouldnt but i have not contacted him so pls dont accuse him of that, also to clear it up -FA- is still alive but they are more of a pubbing group, alot of members broke off -FA- due to a leader stepping down then coming back in after alot of players made some choices to rename the clan. to make a long story short ig is a seperate clan from -FA- now. good luck with whatever you do brandon.

July 16th, 2004, 08:05 AM
Sorry EoB, that was probably due to something I said. some were posting why you may have left, I know you've always wanted to do some competition, Omega's a freind, He's in a new clan mostly for competition, and I posted that part of the reason for leaving may be due to ig presenting a chance for you to do some competing that we could never get started in MERC.

nothing mean, nothing against ig, nothing Omega, I just posted that I thought that may of had a little to do with your decision to leave. and if it was, there's nothing wrong with that. sorry if it stirred anything, I'll drop my spoon and step away from the pot.

July 16th, 2004, 08:45 AM
End i dont think you should be worried about if we think you are going to join IG or not.. there is nothing wrong with leaving merc to join a clan (sorry i think its a team? Not really a full clan?) more involved in competitive play. If you want to play with omega then ok, if you decide to not play with them all the same. Like bighead was trying to say, we not gona care who you with long as you still stay the same guy that is our friend.

July 16th, 2004, 08:48 AM
np CO at all. Just because I have the comp bug doesn't justify leaving merc. But thnx for your apology.. and I don't think your the one who started it hehehe.

July 16th, 2004, 08:50 AM
I know H, I was just stating that was NOT the reasoning behind my leaving merc, no more no less.

July 16th, 2004, 08:52 AM
/me starts playing "What is love"....

This ones for you homie.

July 16th, 2004, 08:56 AM
thanks bro, merc will always be home :)

btw play some mortal combat, corona was owning me yesterday haha
