View Full Version : Hobbies

July 15th, 2004, 10:40 AM
OK guys and gals I am bored and I was wondering what everybody likes to do in there off time. So I figured I would just ask.
What do you like to do in your off time other than playing computer games?

I'll start it off.

1 I enjoy spending time with my two rugrats.

2 I like to bass fish. Especially when there is money at stake. I am in a local fishing club and it gets very exciting not knowing if that one that got away will cost you or not.

3 I like to bow hunt and all aspects of archery in general. There isn't a better place for me to relax than out there in the woods listening to the world come to life on those cool fall mornings and nothing gets the heart to beating any faster than when that elusive buck happens my way.

4 I have recently purchased a 1982 Harley that I am bringing back to life and rather enjoy working on it, but I will enjoy it even more when I get to ride it farther than the end of the road and back.

I also enjoy a variety of other things but at the present this would be the top four. So if you have a minute lets hear a few of the things that you like to do.

July 15th, 2004, 10:42 AM
1. Time with family (wife and kids)

2. Play hockey

3. no time for anything else.

[uGa] Saint
July 15th, 2004, 10:53 AM
1. Im an Eagle Scout (yea yea make all the jokes you want) and i love to go back to my old troop every once in awhile to teach kids camping, wilderness survival, and environmental science, its a really good feeling to see kids learn and put what the know to use.

2. I still like to do graphic design even though i didnt end up going to art school, so whenever i have a chance i dive into photoshop/flash/illustrator

3. Playing guitar and recording are two huge things in my life. I have a decent protools setup that i use to record other small bands and i use it to mess around when I have time.

4. working on our apartment to make it less of a *beep*hole... seriously, the place sucks right now...lol

July 15th, 2004, 10:56 AM
Spend time with the family, read, and like to just head out to a restuarant and then relax at the movies.

Hobbies -
1. Working on and building computers
2. Dungeons and Dragons

July 15th, 2004, 11:08 AM
1. Im an Eagle Scout (yea yea make all the jokes you want) and i love to go back to my old troop every once in awhile to teach kids camping, wilderness survival, and environmental science, its a really good feeling to see kids learn and put what the know to use.

saint you continue to impress me... I am also an Eagle Scout. You can ask suntrails i even whiped out my Eagle card to her sisters boyfriend cause he was talking about how he recived his Eagle. Its a great program and im going to have to check out the northern camping troops up here!

my hobbies include online gaming, website design and image creation, driving really really fast, it kinda depends.. im really try to learn new things everyday.. you can ask onji about website stuff, if i dont know how to do it ill learn it.. thats my attitude on stuff.

July 15th, 2004, 11:15 AM
Saint, and }{...I knew I liked you guys for a reason. I, too, am an Eagle Scout. While this explains a lot about me (as well as the two of you), others just won't understand.

I like to read and fix computers. Also, I like to write short stories from time to time (I even post some of them here to the amusement of the readers) and am slowly working on a novel (slowly being the operative word). I also like to do wood working, but with me living in an apartment now, that's a big no-no. All my tools are being stored at a friends house for now.


LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
July 15th, 2004, 11:22 AM
Whelp..I have the kids and wife which is the most part of my time. I like gaming a lot, D&D is always a winner, I read everyday at work mostly Fantasy stuff but some Clancy in there too. In the fall I'm a waterfowl hunting freak, deer is ok but I'm all about the ducks and geese. When I get a little free time I do some modding on da computer, been haxin my case for like 6 monthes now.

Jeremy, when you said Dungeons and Dragons did you mean actual D&D or just computer game D&D stuff?

July 15th, 2004, 11:28 AM
since I got married in February, one of my main hobbies has been defending my hobbies to my wife who doesn't understand why I have so many hobbies. :-)

ongoing hobbies are my mountainbiking/cycling, camping, working on my truck, and rebuilding a couple of old volkswagens I have out in my shop.

But since about January of this year I have gotten completely immersed in building and flying R/C airplanes. It's an addiction worse than crack, and more expensive too. I always seem to have 2-3 projects on my work bench at the same time. Scale/Aerobatic/combat (combat pwns all cause you build the planes out of really cheap materials, then put about 8 people in the air at the same time trying to either cut a 30 foot streamer off your tail, or take you out all together. Lots of carnage involved.). I have a new aerobatic kit that should be here today, and if I try hard can possibly have in the air Sunday.

July 15th, 2004, 12:09 PM
Jeremy, when you said Dungeons and Dragons did you mean actual D&D or just computer game D&D stuff?

I've played pen and paper D&D for over 10 years now. Though lately it harder and harder to find local players. Right now I'm looking into using Yahoo with webcam and voice (private messaging would also work well and the ability to copy and paste). Even though I haven't actually played pen and paper D&D in over a year I still buy (sometimes download and print) and read the books.

Computer wise I just reinstalled Neverwinter Nights and will be working on a module soon. I just want to buy the latest expansion pack first.

July 15th, 2004, 12:59 PM
Well, ain't all this interesting, I am an Eagle as well...No jokes about it my friend...I love the fact that I'm an Eagle!!! It's great! Haven't been out to any meetings or camping in a while, but my old man is at Philmont on the trail as we speak...He's a Scoutmaster for Troop 224 here in Corpus Christi.

As for hobbies, I sing in a band called First Strike (which is starting to become more of another job than a hobby, but that's fine with me!) and I absolutely love it! I fix computers, hang out with my gorgeous girlfriend, and do karaoke every once in a while! Otherwise, I'm pretty much down for just about anything!

July 15th, 2004, 01:49 PM
1. Paintball. nothing better then real life CS (atleast as close as i want to get to it)
2. Online Games (use to play Everquest and SWG)
3. Basketball (more watching then playing)
4. Party (you only live once)
5. x-box halo (spent like $200 bucks on this piece of junk and its the only game i play)

July 15th, 2004, 02:47 PM

I am an EAGLE SCOUT from troop 475 Florence South Carolina


My hobbies beyond CS are off and on racing at a local round track with my race car the YellowDog, and working on my place..I have about 9 acres that takes up a good bit of my time... And money. :)

July 15th, 2004, 09:06 PM
Booooo....I stopped at Life Scout.

I work and play CS...Other than that I like to dabble in magic a bit.

By the way...any of you guys ever made the trip to the National Camp in Cimmeron, NM? It's great!!!

July 15th, 2004, 10:14 PM
sailing (learning quickly)
computers (learning slowly)
Model airplanes (if i can ever find the time to get back into competition form)

July 15th, 2004, 10:48 PM
Spending time with my family, hunting and gaming are the three biggest apart from my work. Since I am a Sniper I love to shot, but finding the time to do it when you have to is a lot harder than you think. I got almost of case of .308 that I need to burn but it is hard to find the time to get out to the range. I love guns but man they cost a lot of money. Being able to use some on my taxes has helped and my job has allowed me to get some really cool guns.

July 15th, 2004, 11:35 PM
Lets see, lets see...
Ah, biggest hobby for me is definitely band =D. Yes, I'm a band geek, laugh it up... (Anyone who plays trumpet gets major props from me!)

I play a lot of Halo with Brady (you all know him, I'm sure of it)

trying to get a gf seems to be a recent hobby

and... thats about it, sorta (theres others, Im just tired...)

July 15th, 2004, 11:50 PM
Trumpet player here...

July 16th, 2004, 01:18 AM
oh yeah dunbarus. your avatar reminded me. DDR (dont knock it till you tried it)
DDR is the best party game ever!

July 16th, 2004, 03:28 AM
My kids
Competition Volleyball (guess it's not really a hobby cuz we travel all over the world)

July 16th, 2004, 05:44 AM
Well, I'm not an Eagle Scout, but I have many hobbies including, but not limited to:
- Playing Guitar and various Brass instruments
- MIDI Sequencing and Digital Audio
- Composing/Arranging Music
- Hunting (mostly Bird's, i.e., Dove, Quail, Phesant, etc.)
- Fishing (Everything from Bream and Crappie to Bass, Rockfish (Striped Bass to those non SC'ers) to Catfish (although I wouldn't waste my time w/ any catfish less than 30lbs), and everything in between)
- Doing Historical Research and visiting Historical Places.

July 16th, 2004, 05:46 AM
Dunbarus, don't worry about being a Band Geek - Myself and M@lachi are both Band geeks...

Although Trombone is my primary instrument, I started on Trumpet, and still play occasionally for wedding gigs...mostly 'Prince of Denmarks March', or some other Baroque piece.

July 16th, 2004, 05:50 AM
Trumpet, French Horn and Mellophone player here...well, used to be, anyway. Probably lost my chops by now.

July 16th, 2004, 08:29 AM
You can ask suntrails i even whiped out my Eagle card to her sisters boyfriend cause he was talking about how he recived his Eagle.

We were at dinner with my sister and her boyfriend, Ben. Ben had just had his Eagle Ceremony, so to make conversation, I asked him about it. Before I could even get the question all the way out of my mouth, }{ had whipped out his wallet and flung his membership card across the table at Ben.

Ben, though momentarily shell-shocked, whipped his card out just as fast. }{, of course, immediately approved of my sister's choice of boyfriend.

Eagle Scouts sure are... something. Lol! Just kidding }{, Saint and Tech (and whoever else is an Eagle Scout out there). I admire the amount of dedication it took for you all to get that status.

July 16th, 2004, 08:38 AM
That's right...we are...something...and don't you forget it! ;)

July 16th, 2004, 08:51 AM
Ya we are something... or something..


July 16th, 2004, 11:25 AM
I want to be an Eagle Scout! haha

[uGa] Saint
July 16th, 2004, 11:30 AM
']I want to be an Eagle Scout! haha

i'll deal with you on saturday...

thats crazy that there are so many eagle scouts here, the only one i knew of outside my troop was my boss here, it's not often you run into one much less four or five in the same place...

July 16th, 2004, 02:34 PM
Lets see....may surprise you but i do have more than the two hobbies you all can guess

1. Drinking (duh)
2. Women (double duh)
3. Used to play D&D alot
4. I used to play a few musical instruments (and no spark, not the skin flute). I played Alto and Tenor sax for awhile, used to play the piano also.
5. Paintball is great fun, wish i could find the people, and the energy to go play again.

As of lately, my hobbies are centered on 1 and 2.

July 16th, 2004, 03:54 PM
Drax, you just listed 3 through 5 to make yourself look better. lol Truth be known, 1 and 2 are your sole reason for existing. As for the "skin flute" comment, we're confident you are a "master" at it. :LOL1

My hobby: to poke fun at boys like Drax.

July 16th, 2004, 04:22 PM
Huge Sports Collector (football mainly), I also collect comics. Right now I am starting to get into wood working and crafty stuff..

July 16th, 2004, 06:20 PM
Sweetz, note hobby 2: poking girls like you :D :D :D

July 16th, 2004, 11:06 PM
Right now I am starting to get into wood working and crafty stuff..

Huh huh, he said wood...huh huh

July 16th, 2004, 11:27 PM
o shut up before I tell them about your booger collection

July 16th, 2004, 11:34 PM
I have a collection of sis... oh nevermind.

July 17th, 2004, 12:04 AM
']I have a collection of sis... oh nevermind.OMFG!!! Hahahahahaha
