View Full Version : so, what did u do this 4th?

July 6th, 2004, 08:03 AM
so what did all u boons do?

as for me, man the 4th was awsome i blew the crap out of 40 ant piles with water dynomite.

Tied a bottle rocket on a skateboard and taped a cat to it.

Hit a car with a bottle rocket.

Muddy'd up my aunts car from sticking water dynomite in the mud.

and made a gun to shoot bottle rockets.

all that done in 3 hrs.

(no animals were hurt this 4th of july)

July 6th, 2004, 08:05 AM
I went to church, and then to lunch with a friend of mine. Then I came home and slept all afternoon and watched a movie in the evening. No explosives were used at my place.

[uGa] Saint
July 6th, 2004, 08:11 AM
made up for lost time with the gf in the afternoon and early evening, then had friends over to enjoy the freshly tapped keg in the kegerator as we grilled out and watch our next door neighbors almost set their house on fire by lighting fireworks on a haybail and then try to put out the burning hay by kicking it towards their house... oh yea, and day-dreamed about la-tech... :D :D :D

July 6th, 2004, 08:16 AM
aaaawww...how nice of you. Wait a tick!

July 6th, 2004, 08:50 AM
oh yea, and day-dreamed about la-tech...
Ok, that right there ... that was messed up!

Let's see, played CS, nap, played CS, fireworks, sleep, woke up to sick child in my bed and MY NIGHT IS OFFICALLY OVER!

July 6th, 2004, 09:02 AM
I started off my day by going to Walmart! big mistake Sundays are the crapiest days to go to Walmart around here. EVERYONE is there and they don't care if they are blocking you in the cips row and won't shut there mouth long eiugh to let you out.. NOO I have to turn around and walk all the way back down the row to get out! Then we came back home and got in the pool. It was so hot outside that my kids wanted to get out of the pool to go inside where its cold at. It felt great to me I loved it. But the kids thought the pool was hot. So we stayed out there for about 2 hours then came in. Took a quick nap until my momma and daddy got here. My daddy grilled Hotdogs for us. We ate hotdogs, chips and dip, fresh fuit that my momma puts together, and for 4th of July sugar cookie with frosting on it. Let me tell you that stuff was GOOD! I love grilled hotdogs... mmm... LOL. Well then we went to the beech to watch the fire works show at 9:00 then we came back home and went to bed! lol
That was my day... lol

July 6th, 2004, 09:05 AM
Lets see, I started off the weekend by sleeping late. Then took my boys to watch Spiderman 2. Then we went back to Heater's house and played CS till the wee hours of the morn. Slept a little. Then played some more CS. Grilled out at Heater's house. Then played some more CS. Pretty good fourth all in all.

July 6th, 2004, 09:07 AM
I was formulating my evil plan to take over the world while everyone else was getting drunk and acting stupid.....and then I streaked down my neighborhood street chanting "I WILL RULE THE WORLD!!", I think some people believed me because they ran in their house when I got close.

July 6th, 2004, 09:13 AM
lets see.... don't remember a damn thing! i haven't recieved any rude phone calls and the wife hasn't made fun of me too bad so I assume that everything went ok.. I do remember getting home at about 6 AM....

July 6th, 2004, 09:23 AM
we had a huge fire with the family, drank a lot, spent a lot, ate a lot, and other stuff a lot, and played some cs.. man it was a GREAT 3 day weekend.. wish could do it again.. i hate work ><

July 6th, 2004, 09:45 AM
Oh, I agree with you, DL - WalMart bites, especially the crowded Super WalMart here in College Station! I miss the Super Target we had in Mobile; it was so nice to shop there!

Oh, well, let's see...on the 4th of July, I made breakfast, recaulked the bathtubs in the two bathrooms, did dishes about five different times, ate b-b-que which made me sick (I ate too much of it..ugh), ran after and took care of Reed with the guys, and played some CS. I even took time to take a good shower in which I loofa'd my skin, exfoliated, and shaved my legs! [That's a real treat for me!!] Er, we also went to the George Bush Presidential Library here near TX A&M Campus and watched fireworks for about 20 minutes. It was close to 10pm, and that's my bedtime. :) We came home, so I could get my beauty sleep. *giggles*

July 6th, 2004, 11:09 AM
Oh, I agree with you, DL - WalMart bites, especially the crowded Super WalMart here in College Station! I miss the Super Target we had in Mobile; it was so nice to shop there!

Oh, well, let's see...on the 4th of July, I made breakfast, recaulked the bathtubs in the two bathrooms, did dishes about five different times, ate b-b-que which made me sick (I ate too much of it..ugh), ran after and took care of Reed with the guys, and played some CS. I even took time to take a good shower in which I loofa'd my skin, exfoliated, and shaved my legs! [That's a real treat for me!!] Er, we also went to the George Bush Presidential Library here near TX A&M Campus and watched fireworks for about 20 minutes. It was close to 10pm, and that's my bedtime. :) We came home, so I could get my beauty sleep. *giggles*
got owned by me in CS.. yada yada yada

July 6th, 2004, 11:40 AM
I was in the hospital for 4 days soooo it was not fun :( I just got out today and still feel really bad

July 6th, 2004, 11:43 AM
Awwww, are u ok? what happened? if you dont mind me asking..

July 6th, 2004, 11:44 AM
I was in the hospital for 4 days soooo it was not fun :( I just got out today and still feel really bad

well that's not an ideal way to spend a long weekend, hope you feel better!

[uGa] Saint
July 6th, 2004, 11:57 AM
sorry blondie, hope you feel better soon :)

July 6th, 2004, 11:58 AM
Me too...hope you get well kiddo!

July 6th, 2004, 12:38 PM
Awww, sorry you don't feel well, Blondie. Everything ok?

Oh, I forgot - I also got in the pool with Reed while the guys cut, trimmed, and edged the yard. And, as I recall it, I did get owned by EOB's hax!!!

July 6th, 2004, 12:45 PM
We all got pwned by that major h4x0r!

July 6th, 2004, 03:13 PM
Hey Guys
I will Be ok with time. I just got out today sooo I still feel weak and cant eat really. I was in the hospital for a kiney infection but the infection got to my blood it really sucked

July 7th, 2004, 03:09 AM
Blondie, get better, sorry to hear that you aren't well.
Let's see if I can recap the events here. Sicko Silent did strange things with a cat (pervert)..Saint dreamed about what Tech-Tator does in church..hmmm. Drifter took his kids to see a movie about the apple juice avenger (Siderman!!! LOL) Sabre and Sweetgirl did things in the nude, not together (Way too much info guys). Sparky was business as usual, hehe! And EOB H4X! Me, I had to work. Crap!

July 7th, 2004, 05:27 AM
Saturday night went out got prettty messed up. Sunday woke up... still drunk so went back to sleep... woke up again. then went to parents house and had boiled shrimp and crabs.

July 7th, 2004, 07:26 AM
LMAO @ Jeff!

July 7th, 2004, 07:37 AM
...Sweetgirl did things in the nude...

I DID??!!!! LMAO @ Jeff!!!

[uGa] Saint
July 7th, 2004, 08:17 AM
Let's see if I can recap the events here. Sicko Silent did strange things with a cat (pervert)..Saint dreamed about what Tech-Tator does in church..hmmm. Drifter took his kids to see a movie about the apple juice avenger (Siderman!!! LOL) Sabre and Sweetgirl did things in the nude, not together (Way too much info guys). Sparky was business as usual, hehe! And EOB H4X! Me, I had to work. Crap!

ummmm.... yep, looks about right...

sorry you had to work jeff, how did it go by the way?

July 7th, 2004, 08:36 AM
That is some crazyness

July 7th, 2004, 08:43 AM
'Then took my boys to watch Siderman 2.

was it apple sider 2 or what just plain apple sider??????

July 7th, 2004, 08:49 AM
jeffs a boon hahaha..

July 13th, 2004, 04:03 AM
Slow during the normal fireworks festivities. Then all hell broke loose. A coupla shootings, a stabbing, lots of fireworks calls and no breaks. Thankfully no one murdered. Seems to be happening a lot in my little neck of the woods.

July 13th, 2004, 04:06 AM
I even took time to take a good shower in which I loofa'd my skin, exfoliated, and shaved my legs! [That's a real treat for me!!]

Oh, and yes you did Sweets...LOL!!!!

July 13th, 2004, 01:05 PM
Lets see, what i can remember of what i did for the 4th. Sat on the beach during the day in panama city beach and drank alot, then got all spiffied up and watched some fireworks on the beach, then went to the coyote ugly in pcb with 4 chicks. Cap'd the night off with a good ole eatin at the waffle heese.

July 14th, 2004, 09:29 AM
player :)

July 14th, 2004, 01:49 PM
shhhhh...if anyone finds out...i'll be ruined!

July 14th, 2004, 01:59 PM
Oh please...everyone knows...right?
