View Full Version : [C.O.P.S] new server is up and running

July 1st, 2004, 06:20 AM
hey all u merc's the new cops server is up and running thanks to a little help from our friend toby the great. u guys come see us at ip-


July 1st, 2004, 06:42 AM
i guess that means we won't see the COPS on our server much anymore eh? pfft.. we knew they were not our friends.. just using us for the server..
anyway i'll come take a look at it dragon when our server is getting upgraded..ermmm I mean when I get a chance haha :p:

July 1st, 2004, 06:50 AM
EOB a poo poo head!!!! You'll still see us! everytime I look merc's server is always full.... I hope ours will soon fill up!!!

A BIG THANKS TO TOBY FOR ALL HIS HELP HE WILL BE GIVING US NOOBS OVER THERE!!!! So Toby thanks very much for your past help the help your giving us now and the help you'll give us later down the road!!!!
From all of us at the [C.O.P.S] Clan thanks!!!!!!

July 1st, 2004, 07:27 AM
eob what are you talking about, you don't even play cs anymore :)

July 1st, 2004, 09:03 AM
I beg to differ, i think I logged 3-4 hours last month.. well.. yesterday at least :p

[uGa] Saint
July 1st, 2004, 09:07 AM
yea sabre, eob definitely played and definitely kicked everyone on my teams arse yesterday, lol...

I think I'll start using the cops server too, you guys are fun to play with, and la merc is usually full late at night, so instead of waiting 20 min to log on, i'll go and get owned by some cops, lol.

July 1st, 2004, 10:34 AM
we'll welcome you into our home!!!

July 1st, 2004, 11:00 AM
i will probably stop by also and play some...

July 1st, 2004, 11:04 AM
I will also! As long as infection, wuj, dragon. dragonlady, airbourn aren't playing :p:

July 1st, 2004, 11:11 AM
Woohoo!! I'm glad to see you guys up and running again! Don't EVER do that again to us! lol

July 1st, 2004, 11:35 AM
Hey sweetgirl you be sure to play when you see EOB on that way me and you can gang up on him and call him poo poo head....

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
July 1st, 2004, 03:38 PM
i'll welcome all of you properly when you play on our server...... :shootme:

as for EOB.. you cant escape us... you'll be forced to play with us one way or the other... muhahaha

i tested the new server out.. and my hacks seem to be working better there than on the Merc's server..... lol :glass

July 1st, 2004, 04:49 PM
everyone is invited except eob. no hackers allowed. lol just kidding u hacker. i'll be home in a week to see u play eob. there is only one thing u can use our server and that is a knife eob. because u cheat with guns. lol hope to see u guys in there.



thats what its going to look like when eob comes to the server!!!!


July 2nd, 2004, 06:54 AM
lol nothing like killing dragon at the lan and hearing "HACKERRRR" from across the room :p:

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
July 2nd, 2004, 03:35 PM

