View Full Version : Go see Spiderman 2

July 1st, 2004, 12:42 AM
Trust me, it's well worth going to see, it far surpasses the first movie in all aspects. Our show was sold out tonight and everyone was clapping after it was over. Not gonna discuss any parts of it so it doesn't spoil anyone, but it's well worth seeing.

July 1st, 2004, 01:43 AM
it was so good. im gonna see it again this weekend i think.

July 1st, 2004, 06:52 AM
omg yes.. bunch of us went to see it last night. it is by far my fav movie this year :)

July 1st, 2004, 07:18 AM
LOL I must be the odd one :) 1. I thought the first one was wayyyy better. The special effects and all were good in the second but what I call the "cheezy" factor plays into the 2nd that just killed it for me. For example, Spidey losing his powers because he's having emotional issues w/ MJ and keeping up with work and all. Please! how cheesy can you get. I mean When i first saw that happening I was like cool! maybe they'll show him mutating or something but then it came to just being "I'm so troubled, I can't have the girl I want" blah blah blah. Just stupid.

That's just one example of how the little extras they try to add to the story killed the movie for me. Go see it if you just want to see special effects. If you go for a story line, you're not going to be happy with it. Or at least I wasn't :)

July 1st, 2004, 09:29 AM
Amazing Spider #1?? due to stress in in personal life. he has issues where he thinks he wants to get out and because so he begins to loose his powers. Thus the spin-off of the Peter Parker comic... Told ya I am a nerd>>>

July 1st, 2004, 12:01 PM
Being a spin off from a comic..still doesn't make it great..it still can be stupid never the less :)

July 1st, 2004, 08:19 PM

July 1st, 2004, 10:58 PM
Jester do you know alot about comics?

July 1st, 2004, 11:28 PM
bighead i disagre with you, i was never a fan of spidey when i was young, never read the comic nor watched the cartoons, when i saw part 1 i was like well it was okay but not as good as everyone made it to be. this one though i loved, all the issues he had to deal with made it feel like life, and there were parts were it made me all fuzzy like on the train after he does his thing and the people respond to him i loved that part. yes the action is good but the story is what made this movie work, i hate to say it but after this movie im becoming a fan of spidey, cant wait for the 3rd movie. just hope its as good as 2 or better. two thumbs up from me:) now george lucas needs to get off his ass and at least give us the offical title of episode III!

July 2nd, 2004, 08:12 AM
thought the title of esp 3 was the rise of the empire? maybe I'm wrong hehe. But like i say. I'm the odd ball. I mean the spidey2 was ok. I'm not saying it's a total waste of time or anything. I just thing alot of crap they put in it made it take away from the flick itself. Like what I posted before. there are several spots in the flick I didn't like or thought was so cheezy that it shouldn't been added in the release. But like I say...i'm the odd one

July 2nd, 2004, 09:23 AM
thought the title of esp 3 was the rise of the empire? maybe I'm wrong hehe. But like i say. I'm the odd ball. I mean the spidey2 was ok. I'm not saying it's a total waste of time or anything. I just thing alot of crap they put in it made it take away from the flick itself. Like what I posted before. there are several spots in the flick I didn't like or thought was so cheezy that it shouldn't been added in the release. But like I say...i'm the odd one


too many words, and not enough stuff blew up!!

July 2nd, 2004, 10:29 AM
Ok--my opinion echoes that of Omega. I liked the storyline of this one a lot better than the first, but really liked the first movie as well.

I have followed the various comic arcs, but not really closely. But from the beginning -- Stan Lee created the Spider-Man character, to tell the story of Peter Parker, not the other way around. Most of Marvel's characters don't have a hidden identity, they're just who they are. Daredevil and Spiderman being some of the exceptions.

Spidey has notoriously had trouble keeping his identities secret over the years, and in the Spiderman comics, there is a pretty decent list of the people that know what spiderman looks like, and a good number who know who Peter is.

The series is Peter's story of coping with his responsibility, something most of the other superheroes don't deal with. One thing I wish they would have done more of is having spidey tell the jokes and wisecracks at his enemies that he does int he comics.

July 2nd, 2004, 10:47 AM
LOL junky that's not what i ment..but pretty funny. When i see him sling b/w a Mac truck and his trailer while it's going down the street...i think of it as total crap lol. but others think it's great..dunno guess i'm strange in movies i guess :P

July 2nd, 2004, 10:54 AM
No worries -- not everyone likes the same things.

Spidey's hypertuned gymnastic ability is kinda like Indiana Jones reaching back under the door for the hat at the last second, Superman using the phonebooth, Trinity doing all that hovering in midair, and the bad guy in any Bond movie that wastes time explaining exactly how he is going to take over the world, instead of putting 2 in 007's chest and one in the head and being done with it. None of it is nescessary, none of it is realistic, but it is part of the story, and kinda defines the character.

July 2nd, 2004, 07:16 PM
On My way to see it now.
Look for my uncomprehensible, biased review later :)

in other words, i already know it rocks!

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
July 3rd, 2004, 12:07 AM
i agree with bighead on this one

i freakin loved the first one when it came out.. and was looking for a even better episode this time. but it was kinda like the matrix... all they can do now is try to play more into the storyline. they've did all the "special moves" that spidy can do.. all they got left is to just add a few "better" punches and better scenes (like flying through the mac truck) into it

i actually got bored when they started going into him losing his powers because of what all is happening in his "life". wtf.. im paying money to see a movie.. not to see something try to get a oscar nominee.

the third will be the one to see. now that we got all the crap "drama" out of the way.. we can make room for a true spiderman show.

the only problem is... that I want Venom. and they wont possibly turn him into Venom in the next episode. so ill have to wait till the 4th on that one.

good movie... didnt waste my money. but it wasnt the movie i was going to see. but if it helps anyone that hasnt watched it... my girlfriend LOVED it

*********warning******** if you havent seen the movie.. dont read this next part
spoiler alert**********

positive sides of this movie: better fighting to me. the fight with octavious was good stuff. but besides that...

negative sides of this movie:

1: giving away his identity this early? and to THAT many people? i can see maybe MJ or his best friend... but wtf... on the subway cart with all those regular people? come on.. thats retarded.

2: bringing back the green goblin? come on.. please dont do that.. green goblin was a good enemy.. but not good enough to try to bring back. even if they are going to try to make the 2 enemy series like batman started doing... still.. dont bring him back..

3: to much drama.. nuff said

4: unrealistic when he has no powers and jumps off the building to come crashing down at that speed and walk away. sure this is a movie.. and i can see when he "had" his powers, all that incredible stuff he does. but come on... dont show me a "normal" human bounce off of a building face flat... fall on a car with his neck and head hitting first then land on the assfault.... and him get up and say... "my back"

July 3rd, 2004, 01:01 AM
well, if you look at it, he isnt the Green Goblin, he is the Hobgoblin.......

July 3rd, 2004, 01:02 AM
**maybe a spoiler**

oh and if you noticed, the Lizard is in it :)

July 3rd, 2004, 02:55 AM
no actaully i think he's the green goblin too..If memory serves me right..he fights the hob goblin in the comics

July 3rd, 2004, 08:56 AM
AWSOME MOVIE! 2nd to best one if've seen this year. (Riddok waz the first)

July 3rd, 2004, 10:33 AM
okay i dont know much about spidey who is venom? is he spidey or just another villian?

July 3rd, 2004, 12:01 PM
well, John Jameson is an astronaut, and i think he is venom......

July 3rd, 2004, 12:59 PM
if you're interested in learning more on spidy and the other characters (like Venom, Carnage, both of the Greengoblins and HobGoblin, etc.) you should pick up the cartoon series that Fox ran a few years back. they were pretty good, and in some ways better than the movies (alot of wisecracks, not much drama - made for a certain audience, not made for everyone to get something out of it.)

anyway, just a few tidbits:
there were 2 green goblins, father and son.
there is a hobgoblin, but he was common crook who found an old stash of the green goblins *toys*
spidy went to another planet with other characters (fantastic 4, x-men, etc.) to battle some big evil thing (can't remember what now) he ripped his suit and made a new one out of stuff he found on the new planet. when he got back to earth, he realized the suit was a living creature and was taking over his body. he found a way to get it off, it took over one of peter parker's enemies and became Venom. Venom's pretty much a bad dude, but has some good in him.

going to see the movie at 4 today. sounds like it's going to be good.

July 3rd, 2004, 02:46 PM
well, John Jameson is an astronaut, and i think he is venom......

in the cartoon jameson brought the alien unknowingly with him and it attached to spiderman. he got it removed by sonic waves or osmthing like that and it attached to a Huge guy named Eddie Brock and he became venom.

July 3rd, 2004, 03:57 PM
Just got back from seeing it... it was ok.
On Toon Disney they will be running a marathon of the cartoons... think it starts at 7pm central (Saturday)

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
July 4th, 2004, 12:53 AM
venom was shire pimp

when he took over peter parker... all he had to do was "think it" and he was wrapped automatically in a black suit with a white spider in the middle (didnt have to change clothes). he had like.. 4x the strength of spiderman's normal powers also. and i think he shot the web from the top of his hand and not the bottom. the boy is bad when he gets venom. but venom has a mind of its own.. thats why spiderman got rid of him and venom went to that other guy. just so happens that spiderman did something to that guy that really worked him over... so that guy takes venoms powers and tries to kill spiderman now. wasnt sure what spiderman did to him though.

carnage... now that is the boy im waiting for.. but he's so sinister.. that i dont know how they'd play him in.

and yes.. hobgoblin and greengoblin was different

July 4th, 2004, 01:02 AM
I saw it last night and I thought it was pretty good. I'm not sure if it was better than the first one tho. It lacked something that the first one had, but well worth the money to see it on the big screen. JMO

July 4th, 2004, 02:00 AM
ok Jameson is man-wolf,,,,, the professor is the one that turns into lizard,and harry turns into hobogoblin.... and true SPidey does have alot of times that he has indenty revealed.... matter of fact in one of the middle books of amazing he goes the whole book with out a mask

[C.O.P.S] InfectioN
July 4th, 2004, 08:00 AM
i remember hobgoblin wore clothes... not a suit. like... on his head was something made of cloth... looked like something a gnome would wear. plus.. didnt he throw flaming pumpkins?

my guess is that they'll try to come out with some weak enemy next. like the guy that gets animal instincts and can smell and see real good and dresses like a leopard. LOL

oh yeah, another good enemy that would be cool to see is the guy that looks like a green scorpian that shot acid out of his tail. not sure how they'll make him look.. but he was pretty hard for spidy to beat

i dont remember the man-wolf. i cant picture that one for some reason

July 4th, 2004, 10:43 AM
Hey guys enough guessing about villains... here is a list of every villain he had...

July 4th, 2004, 11:44 AM
one more thing, isnt his teacher really the Lizard?

July 4th, 2004, 12:00 PM
Yes he is Dr. Conners. He is the one armed teacher. He becomes the lizard man when tryin to regenerate his arm using some reptile DNA.
