View Full Version : Connection to server issues

June 29th, 2004, 04:57 PM
I am having all types of problems connecting to the server lately. Alot of the time I am getting stuck at the connection screen where is it saying establishing network connection. If I get in the server when I connect I cannot see my armor, time, and my middle mouse button which is my special weapon function and weapon scroller won't work. If I stay in the server like this I get a "reliable channel overflow" error and it boots me then I get stuck on the connection screen again.

This only happens on this server. I have never had any of these issues with any other server ever, I can leave the connection screen for la merc and goto another server and connect immediately and I have never got the weapon function error anywhere else either.

June 30th, 2004, 08:34 AM
I've been having a similar problem, just not as severe. Every now and again I'll get booted right out. When this happens I can't get in right away because it sticks at establishing connection. Generally I wait about 5 minutes. When I try again after that little wait time it connects right up and I'm good to go.

[uGa] Saint
June 30th, 2004, 08:41 AM
Ive been having huge lag spikes but im guessing thats just from my connection and not the server, altho it could be those h4x i have, the ones that get me killed by illegal every round, lol :)
