View Full Version : Dern Right!

June 29th, 2004, 02:27 PM
Now why can't I be in middle school again?

<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/South/06/29/teacher.sex.ap/index.html">Give me, Give me, Give me!</a>

June 29th, 2004, 02:52 PM

June 29th, 2004, 03:07 PM
lucky sob.. I mean sob teacher!!

June 29th, 2004, 03:13 PM
She must have cut him off...

If I were a 14-16 year old guy with a hook up like that I sure wouldn't be reporting it.

June 29th, 2004, 03:25 PM
I didn't ..


June 29th, 2004, 03:29 PM
You bunch of dirty ole guys!!!! :ripper: I don't have the time to say how I feel about her!!! Let her burn with all the other guys that do this same thing!!!

That reminds me there was a music teacher at my old high school that did this same thing about 2 years ago!!! He don't work for George County High School any more... I'm not going to say how I feel about that either.. Let them burn!!!!

June 29th, 2004, 03:36 PM
He must have been a smooth talking 14 year old to hook it up with a teacher. There was some Drama teacher at my highschool that was doing the same stuff. the kid was 14 but still is pretty sick. i dont understand how they get in a position to hit on a teacher. I hope that kid was getting an A.

June 29th, 2004, 03:37 PM
UHmmmm... No comment

Sounds like sombodys allreay on sombodys POO POO list..

June 29th, 2004, 03:39 PM
now im sorry, but usually these sex cases involve ugly people who try to trick younger boys or girls to have sex with them... it might very well be true that she did those things... but i cant help but think that the boys are making it up.

June 29th, 2004, 03:41 PM
There may be a different mentality between males and females (just from the responses here) in situations like this. I doubt that kid is traumatized or anything. He'll probably be bragging for the rest of his life to his friends about it.

A female in the reverse situation would probably be traumatized.

Only my opinion.

June 29th, 2004, 03:45 PM
I wouldnt be Traumatized....Idolized maybe,,, but Not Traumatized... nope, not here...

June 29th, 2004, 03:51 PM
I dated a teacher when I was 18 and nobody idolized me.. :shootme:

[uGa] Saint
June 29th, 2004, 03:52 PM
I think H could be right, seems a little fishy to me...

When I was in middle school i was hitting on my Math teacher cause she was HOT... my pickup lines were "Could you help me with this math problem after school?" and "I know the first 5 digits of PI"... I had to let her go when i moved on to 9th grade...

June 29th, 2004, 03:56 PM
Saint the School Yard Pimp

June 29th, 2004, 04:10 PM
He must have done well on his Oral Exams

June 29th, 2004, 05:02 PM
lmao apoc.. not gunna comment but that haha

June 29th, 2004, 05:04 PM
']He must have done well on his Oral Exams


June 29th, 2004, 05:08 PM
Ummm Cajun what teacher we talkin about... not Baracco hahaha

June 29th, 2004, 05:33 PM
My Calc teacher in High School was hot too...she ended up leaving the school district after our class graduated. She moved to Houston or something.

June 29th, 2004, 05:51 PM
Kreaper.. Not my teacher. A teacher hehe..
She lived/taught in Houma. Last time I talked to her ( ears ago) she had moved to New Orleans and gotten married.

June 29th, 2004, 07:10 PM
Oh ok. You had me worried thought it was a teacher from when we went to school. Can't think of a single one from Thibodaux that was good lookin AND straight.

June 29th, 2004, 08:03 PM
I am with you on this, DragonLady. If it had been a 15-year-old female student having sex with a male teacher, they would all be appalled. Adults who have sex with children are criminals. Period. End of story.

June 29th, 2004, 09:18 PM
look at her, i wouldnt be complaining if i was the student!!!!!
yeah, im a guy.....so? lol

shes a hottie.
im 21 now, she can gimme a call!

June 29th, 2004, 09:57 PM
I'm glad I have SweetGirl on my side... All these dirty men are making me crazy! LOL.. I will say this, if that was my son... I would take him out of school, home school his butt and then go beat the living you know what out of that (bad Word!) teacher!!! I will not stop until I think that she is sorry enugh for what she did! Now if it was my daughter, I would kill the SOB of a teacher... na but I would make his life a living (bad word) he'll pay one way or another for what he did and trust me it won't be pretty..

Sorry guys things like this upsets me bad...


What if it was your son????

Better yet for all you guys out there....


I'm sure SweetGirl will agree with this..There shouldn't be a difference in your answers, because those are your children wouldn't you want to protect them no mater what?

PS.. I hope I didn't upset anyone with my post.. If I did I am truely sorry

June 30th, 2004, 12:26 AM
Im pretty sure everyone here was joking. atleast i hope.

June 30th, 2004, 04:21 AM
I look at it like this.. the boy and the teacher knew what they were doing. nowhere did it say she raped him. she they are both at fault.. only thing that made this wrong was age factor, but both parties knew that. And if it was my son, i'd blame him just as much as her. 1st i'd sag dgj cause she is fine.. naw j/k j/k :p But he would be punished. Now if it was my daughter.. i'd make sure neither of them would be able to have sex again :d:

June 30th, 2004, 06:13 AM
My wife asked me that same question last night ... and my responses were
A) If it was my daughter, I'd be doing time in prison.
B) If it was my son, I'd be trying to a find a way to reward the little pimp-daddy!

I remember being that age - although it was some time ago - we'll just leave it at that.

June 30th, 2004, 08:09 AM
I guess I have different views.

When I was 18 I dated a 16 year old, I was a cop at the time and so was her father. At 21 I started dating Cajunwife a week before she turned 17.

Also at 21 had a one night fling with a 17 year old who turned out to be 16 and tried to stick me in jail because I wouldn't date her. *Women are wonderful aren't they... :P *

Does any of this make me a criminal or bad person? Just curious...

I was told that the law was meant to keep older people from preying on younger kids (opinion of local law enforcement). This is the same view I have on it. In one state in the U.S. the school teacher incident above would have never made the news because it would have been legal.

As for how I'd feel if it were my child.. If my 15-year old daughter wanted to date a 23 year old guy I'd allow it. I'm protective of my daughter, but also want her to be happy. If someone hurt her or treated her wrong then I'd go after them, but definately wouldn't be because of their age.

June 30th, 2004, 12:50 PM
For those of us who have children, think about it this way.....this child was sent to school to learn....to LEARN. It is a different situation when you have a parent's consent to date a minor, in your case Cajun; so it's not the same scenario as this incident. This was a teacher who, in my opinion, took advantage of a pupil (regardless if he were a male and probably loved every minute of it). It's just wrong for a teacher to get involved with a student of that age. Teachers are employed to educate, protect, guide, mold our children - not in perverted ways, if you know what I mean.

I learn about myself from posts like these. Odd how some people would "kill the teacher if it had been a male teacher having sex with a 15-yr-old girl", but since it's a "hot female teacher, well, she still did wrong, but but but...." I can't say yet how I'd react if I had to deal with a situation like this in my life. My kids are really young. I'd like to think that sex is as equally important for males at 15, as it is for females, but I realize it is not for the most part. I want to equally protect my daughter, as I would my son. If it's okay for my son to have sex with the 23-year-old female teacher, then why wouldn't it be okay for my daughter to have sex with the 23-year-old male teacher?

On a lighter note, the teacher wasn't ALL that hot. :P But you'd think she'd want a "real" man, not a "2 minute man". lol

June 30th, 2004, 12:55 PM
<blink> I see I started a fuss!</blink>

All of my posts are and for the most part will forever be with a joking meaning. I don't know how I'd react either, 5 and 3 is too young to think about that for them but as it stand now - anyone who hurts my children, mentally, physically or emotionally will have to answer to me, and they survive, ogre (aka. my dad)

June 30th, 2004, 12:59 PM
[QUOTE=LA_MERC_goose]<blink> I see I started a fuss!</blink>[QUOTE]

No, no, no...you really didn't (not as far as I'm concerned). It really helped me to think how I truly feel about issues like this. Taking a closer look in the mirror sometimes is good, if you know what I mean. So, no fussing on my part....I won't even criticize you boons for not seeing eye-to-eye on this topic either!! LOL *giggles*

June 30th, 2004, 01:09 PM
Hey I like the criticism :)

My lil girls only 4, so no worries yet for me either.

Sweets - I'm pretty sure that the majority of people that think about this situation will have the same opinion as you do. Maybe it's something with me being a guy that makes me more protective of females than males. Of course, your an exception since you own me at CS :p

Goose - My parents and in-laws would probably kill the guy and then come after me for allowing it. Different thinking...

June 30th, 2004, 01:16 PM
ahhh sweetgirl, you say that coming from a females perspective. Yes goose you were joking, and so was I. But it seems to be the tendency for the father to be over protective of the daughter, and the mother to be protective of her baby boy. Not saying its not vice versa, but thats how it is viewed today. Yes I would be very angry at my son to have sex with anyone at the age of 14 aside from and religious standpoints, an dor being his teacher. But I think I'd be more angry, and very emotionally stung if it was my daughter that had sex with a teacher. Yes the children are their to learn, but I doubt it was during a lesson, or even during school. Do you think this relationship would have happened if he didn't go to the school and they just "met" somewhere else? Probably not, but I knew full well at 14 what was wrong and what was right. And having sex with someone 21y.o and older, my teacher at that, was wrong. He just lucky he can't get introuble also. But as the song goes.. "Boys will be boys.. bad boys bad boys" j/k j/k ;p

June 30th, 2004, 01:50 PM
LOL WOW this topic got crazy LOL ... Either why I think that we all here would be some what peed off about it one way or another. I see a lot of my points in Sweetgirls post. I think we see eye-to-eye on this. My kids are young to but I still think about things like this. My little girl will go to school for the frist time in August and OMG my worries are already starting.

as Sweetgirl said..... no fussing on my part....I won't even criticize you boons for not seeing eye-to-eye on this topic either!! LOL *giggles*

June 30th, 2004, 02:01 PM

June 30th, 2004, 02:15 PM
I'm wondering how the husband feels...

Just picture him saying "My wife cheated on me with a 14 year old"..........

Poor man...

June 30th, 2004, 03:28 PM
well ya know what... Bottom line is this... BOYS and GIRLS r different when it comes to that kinda stufff plain and simple.. It aint right.. but it's true.... I wouldn't be near as pissed if it were one of my boys in this situation.. hell at the rate they're going I'll be luky if banging a teacher is all I gota deal with.. If I had a daughter and this kida thing happened...... well me and ole painless would pay the bass turd a visit... BTW..... Who the hell snitched?!? Probably the cousin.. he weren't gettin any and got teh pizzed off!

June 30th, 2004, 03:53 PM

Hey we girls got to stick together you know!!! ***Evil giggles***hahaha

June 30th, 2004, 04:30 PM
Dragonlady']Hey we girls got to stick together you know!!! ***Evil giggles***hahaha

Damn straight! *snickers* *giggles* AND *chuckles*

June 30th, 2004, 05:55 PM
OMG, that chick is HAWT!!! I'm Hot For Teacher!!!

June 30th, 2004, 05:58 PM
Man I would really hate to be this chicks husband. Can you imagine the guys he works with? I would bury myself.

June 30th, 2004, 07:55 PM
sex ed rocks! heheheheh
