View Full Version : Back From Vacation

June 21st, 2004, 11:33 AM
Yes, I’m upset too... but my vacation is over. Had a great trip.

Plane was delayed on the taxi-way because of a hard drive failure in one of the northwest computers, so everyone was stuck for about 50 mins. Got into GTR (Golden Triangle Regional Airport) and drove to Columbus where we instantly jumped into my pool and grilled burgers and hot dogs. Stayed out in the sun all day and rode around in the 66 Mustang for awhile. That night we (my mom and myself) took heather to have her *first Catfish dinner (yes its shocking but her first). We then rented one of the new movies with the rock in it.. the one where he’s like a collector/cook, it was fun. Called it a night.

Woke up at 9:00.
Went to sleep at 9:01.
Woke up at 10:00.
Went to sleep at 10:01.
Woke up at 11:00.
Felt motivated to trim the hedges and mow the lawn so that when my dad got back in town he wouldn’t have to worry about it on Fathers Day. In true Mississippi went barefoot and got eaten alive by ants.
Old high school buddy and his lady came over and we grilled pork chops and swam and laid out by the pool all afternoon. At about 5 we went to the mall i use to work at and said hello to a few peps, then drove by my buddies’ house to see his new furniture and stuff. Then got picked up by my old college buddies and drove to Starkville (home of the MSU Bulldogs).
From there we went to the Best Mexican restaurant in the world with the best waitress in the world! At this point was non-stop drinking... we went to our "biggest" dance club and drank and danced the night away...

Got up (eventually) and we all decided to have a play in the sun hung-over to hell volley ball game for 4 hours (naturally). Got some more sun (yes heather was proud of me that i actually put my shirt back on after like the first 3 hours.. heh). After a long Barbaric Volley Ball game we went to go see Dodge Ball... friggin hilarious! We (we of course at this point meaning about 15-30 people) went over to another friends house to grill some more.. and drink of course. We then went back to the club and yes.. drank and danced more (although a lot weaker then the night before considering some of us where still drunk... details ;p ). Somehow we managed to get back to the hotel.

Sad goodbyes, almost missing flights.. luggage not making it.. more delays.. fun fun.

Hell on earth at work.. still no luggage..

Was a great Vacation and I’m glad Heather came to share it with me. Wish you all could have been there! My camera screwed up for some reason and alot of the pictures i took are lost, but heather took a few so ill scan them after they get developed!

June 21st, 2004, 11:42 AM
w00t! Glad you had fun (and that both of you survived!!!).

Sounds like someone is having a case of the Mondays... ;)

June 21st, 2004, 12:08 PM
Glad that ya'll had a good time and I hope your luggage shows up sooner rather than later.

[uGa] Saint
June 21st, 2004, 01:07 PM
wow, sounds like fun! wish i could have catfish, how do you take the fur off?? Good to see you back in one piece H.
