View Full Version : Still down...

June 16th, 2004, 07:26 PM
Well guys,

As you have probably guessed I still can't connect to steam. I've search and search and tried pretty much everything I can find. But hey....at least I can play 1.5 for now. :rolleyes: Anyway...I don't know if this will help anything at all but here's the error log that steam is giving me...

Error:Steam error: SteamMountFilesystem(4291003941,3,0x2e1fbe0=,0x2e1 fcf0) failed with error 200: Receive Failure, WinSock Error 10045 "Operation not supported on socket"

Function trace:

June 16th, 2004, 10:53 PM
Dresden, it still seems like its not getting to a content server.

You have to explain your full system setup and home network if you would like assistance.

What "I" would do is log out, close steam, go into the steam folder and delete clientregistry.blob ... THEN, make sure "your" single pc is hooked "directly" do your cable/dsl modem .. I repeat, directly, no switches/routers/hubs.. Disabled all firewalls and Virus protection. The best would be to disable them from starting on reboot and then restart the pc. After all that, make sure you are getting a valid real world ip address and you are able to browse, ping and traceroute. THEN, restart steam and it should update and try to connect.

Are you getting that error from the log files that steam generates?

Please do not post back without posting your system setup so that everyone will have a clear picture of whats in the equation.


June 17th, 2004, 01:57 AM
Thank you very very much Illegal-Op!!! :youdaman:

(PS...sorry I was so vague by not giving my system info. I am hooked directly into my external dsl modem via ethernet card and the error message was the one generated in the steam/errorlogs folder)

Here's the deal...I had never even thought about traceroute...I noticed that an incoming trace stopped right before it got to the IP gateway. All of a sudden it hit me that the winsock error was a receive error. I have restore points set up in my connection manager. So, I went in and restored winsock to when steam was working... BOOM!!!! Just like that it started loading. Somehow my winsock got all messed up I guess. As of right now I'm installing counterstrike from the games list and it looks like all of my problems are solved! Aside from still being a nub... :stick

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! :dance: :booyah: :metal: :hb

June 17th, 2004, 06:30 AM
Glad you are back up and working...

Its ok about the system stuff.. Its just hard troubleshooting in the blind, you know :)

June 17th, 2004, 06:33 AM
Chalk it up to that widespread virus known as Windows ME *cough*....

June 17th, 2004, 07:03 AM
Chalk it up to that widespread virus known as Windows ME *cough*....yeah yeah yeah....I'm getting to that
