View Full Version : Standard Home Network

Potential Threat
June 7th, 2004, 10:26 PM
Here is your standard home network....yeah right...just a few toys of mine I use to power my home network.
Your standard home network.

Breaking it down for ya...

1. The server. Used for files on the network and (duh) the fragbox clan server.

2. The Enterprise class cisco router. (4000M+ for us few who know what that is) It does the IP caping and ip routing to the server router, and pc router.

3. The netgear. Soon-to-be server router. Now does nothing but look cool.

4. Wireless router. The baby of my bunch (right behind the server and cisco router) It connects the laptop, and other computers in the house to the network (and internet for that matter).

5. Modem. Most important part. Looks rather sexy too when its flashing.

Now you can ask a new question. You know your a geek if.... ;)

Potential Threat
June 7th, 2004, 10:28 PM


June 8th, 2004, 04:42 AM
Would it surprise you to know that I ahve that very same server sitting on the floor behind me? MUHAHAH! geek power!

Question, are you actually using that netgear router?

June 8th, 2004, 07:33 AM
I have a question, what is the cpu usge on that cisco? 1%? maybe 2%? WTF are you doing with that thing?

Potential Threat
June 8th, 2004, 09:46 AM
I have a question, what is the cpu usge on that cisco? 1%? maybe 2%? WTF are you doing with that thing?

LOL, I got it to help with my ccna studies...and was like "what the hell". I may not use its full power at all...but it does the job...better then the rest I have.

Question, are you actually using that netgear router?

Nah...if you read what I posted about it...

3. The netgear. Soon-to-be server router. Now does nothing but look cool.
