View Full Version : Messin with yo mind

May 20th, 2004, 08:45 AM
How far did you get before you messed up?


May 20th, 2004, 09:44 AM
i cant see colors =-x

i actually did ok, i seemed to have a problem with the black letters spelling out different colors the most.

May 20th, 2004, 11:20 AM

May 20th, 2004, 11:47 AM
woah.... junky that's like an acid trip without the acid

May 20th, 2004, 11:59 AM
yea theres no fun without acid! WOOHOO! :d:

May 21st, 2004, 07:49 AM

May 21st, 2004, 07:55 AM
Doh! You would think the right side of my brain would be dominant har har har

May 21st, 2004, 07:56 AM
w00t! I didn't miss any...then again, I've seen that before.

May 21st, 2004, 09:08 AM
the one with the dots moving.. which ones are red and which are green?

May 21st, 2004, 09:42 AM
Didn't miss any......I prepared myself to only read the words and ignore the colors of the words. ~Superior Intelligence~ lol

May 21st, 2004, 09:42 AM
Is someone a little red-green colorblind?

It might work for you, and it might not. Part of the theory these scientists are researching is the "binding" function of the senses. That's how you know that something is what it is, where it's going, etc. A red ball rolling across the floor is something most people can look at and instantly say it's a red ball rolling across the floor. The brain puts it all together instantly. You don't have to sit there and think "That thing, what is it, and what does it look like, and where is it going?"

But pile on the colorblindness thing though and it adds an interesting question - since your brain doesn't process color appropriately, you can still get the rest, you know it's a round object, rolling across the floor. From what I have been told by others that are red-green colorblind, those colors show up more like a grey right? does this mean that you would be able to i.d. the ball's shape and direction even faster, or slower because it has to try to "interperet" the red into something it understands? I dunno.

sorry--all random thoughts.

May 21st, 2004, 09:47 AM
tech was showing me some links so i could test it out. turns out im not like "color blind" but i have some issues dealing with grey and green, brown and red, and like blue and black.. plus i cant see some numbers like in the example below:


and according to Dr Scott, i am associated with low green wich is explained on this page:


and if you wana know one of my sad cute stories ask suntrail about my favorate green sweater....

May 21st, 2004, 09:51 AM
Yes, but according to that site, 1 out of 12 people are color blind to some extent...so you have LOTS of company.

May 21st, 2004, 09:51 AM
I have a buddy in Austin that is true red-green, and my instant question for him was "How the hell do you drive?"

He responded that one or the other appears brighter than the other when it is lit up, but at times, he has given a few people some scares.

Oh, and he can see yellow just fine, so he knows when to drop the hammer, or stand on the brakes.

May 21st, 2004, 09:54 AM
that, and once you learn the position of the lights, you will know which light is brighter and therefor which one is lit.

May 21st, 2004, 10:12 AM
but i have some issues dealing with grey and green, brown and red, and like blue and black..

The damn couch is blue.

May 21st, 2004, 10:32 AM
LOL - i sense a previous argument :)

May 21st, 2004, 10:54 AM
The damn couch is blue.

so was the pill

May 21st, 2004, 10:58 AM
Lol. Nuh-uh. My little pills are yellow.

May 21st, 2004, 11:59 AM
Ok, ill belive you about the sweater, but the damn couch isnt blue its black as black can be.

May 21st, 2004, 12:14 PM
Whatever color-blind boy. (j/k H! :wav You're still going to let me watch the Wolves game at your apt right?)

May 21st, 2004, 12:16 PM
well if you do come over you wont be sitting in my BLACK couch or BLACK bean bag!

May 21st, 2004, 12:20 PM
Ok kids...enough with the picking on the color blind people...you know...the one's who can't tell the difference between black and blue or green and brown...don't pick on them. It's not their fault that they're messed up!

jk man...

May 21st, 2004, 12:22 PM
TechTraitor! You stay outta this!


May 21st, 2004, 12:25 PM
that's "TechTator" f00...get it straight!

May 21st, 2004, 12:39 PM
off with his head oh evil Techtator! :p:

May 21st, 2004, 01:13 PM
Cypher: "...I bet you wish you would have taken the blue pill.."
Neo: "Blue pill?!? What blue pill? All I saw was a red pill and a black pill!! Black pill just seemed creepy, so I took the red pill!! Christ, if I knew there had been a blue pill, I'd still be comfortable in my little false-reality! Damn! I take blue pills all the time......Whoa!....."

May 21st, 2004, 01:53 PM
lol junky you aint right sometimes.

May 21st, 2004, 03:25 PM
How far did you get before you messed up?

just to warn you guys. After playing around on that site, lookin at other stuff, I got huge amounts of spyware, and 20 infected files from viruses :) Good thing I needed a format anyway :p:

May 21st, 2004, 06:32 PM
outta my right eye I see fine, but when I close it and look with only my left eye, everything is duller and all my whites seems a little yellowish.. I asked doc. he said "it's normal" Hmmm, I beg to differ....

May 22nd, 2004, 01:35 PM
I am Blonde That is all I have to said
